Zhabei District, Ji Xiaochun's independent Shikumen mansion.

Ji Xiaochun was lying on his big white oak bed, his complexion was a little ugly.

People often say: sickness comes like a mountain falling, and sickness goes like spinning silk. It is also often said: How can one live in this world without getting sick? Half of getting sick is life, and half is frightening.

In fact, many people are not necessarily sick after getting sick. But after knowing the condition, I will constantly scare myself, making the disease that was not serious at first worse and worse.

For example, magazines such as "Friends", "Readers" and "Story Club" often write similar short stories.

Lao Wang and Lao Li went to the hospital to see a doctor together. Lao Wang was checked and everything was fine, and Lao Li was diagnosed with cancer. Lao Wang should eat and drink every day, and go out to travel and play with the children. Happy retirement is boundless.

After Lao Li was diagnosed with cancer, he couldn't eat or sleep every day, and he didn't have any mood to do other things, thinking that he was going to die.

But in fact, the hospital produced the test reports of the two of them. It was Lao Wang who found cancer, and Lao Li was actually fine.

After a while, the doctor found out about it, so the doctor immediately called the two of them over for an examination. And this time the hospital was right. This time Lao Wang really didn't have cancer, and Lao Li became cancerous.

This story is more or less chicken soup, telling everyone to live happily or something. If you have nothing to do and scare yourself, you will get sick if you are not sick.

But there are so many indifference in life!

You and I are all mortals in this world. Running around all day long, never idle for a moment. How many people can maintain an optimistic attitude after knowing that they are sick?

Just like Ji Xiaochun, he is secretly the organization's [Mr. Magic Flute]. Responsible for helping the organization attract new members and planting seeds for them.

On the surface he is a world-renowned psychologist and hypnotist. There is a lot of research on mental illness. He knew how to let his target and patients relax, but when the target became himself, he became very nervous. The so-called healers don't heal themselves, that's all.

All the inspection reports from the People's Hospital came out. Ji Xiaochun has severe alcoholic liver and mild fatty liver, and the phenomenon of liver cirrhosis is also very serious.

The vice president of the People's Hospital proposed a conservative treatment plan, because Ji Xiaochun was still young and had never had an illness. As long as you control your diet and exercise properly in the future. And if you adjust your daily routine, you can live a relatively healthy life for a long time.

But everything is afraid of the patient thinking too much, especially afraid of a person who understands the disease a little, but not very well.

For example, Ji Xiaochun, as a researcher of psychological medicine. He knows a little about other diseases, including internal medicine, but that's all.

But knowing a little, but not all, made him vulnerable to his own fantasies. Especially during this period of time, he started frantically flipping through medical books about the liver, and the more he read, the more frightening he became.

He felt as if he was going to get liver cancer soon, and then he would die soon.

So when Ji Xiaochun's superior, that is, the majestic middle-aged man made a video call with him again, the majestic middle-aged man was taken aback.

"Mr. Ji, why does your face look so ugly!" The man's serious Chinese character face was stretched into a rectangle.

Don't blame him for being scared and deformed, it's mainly because Ji Xiaochun's appearance is really scary. Originally, Ji Xiaochun was a gentle and scholarly man.

But now Ji Xiaochun started to be unshaven, there was no trace of blood on his face, but his eyes were full of blood. His face was pale with a hint of sallow color. Ji Xiaochun is now three points like a human, and seven points like a ghost.

"Ah?" Hearing the middle-aged man's question, Ji Xiaochun replied weakly: "Oh. I don't have time to take care of myself recently."

"I've been looking up books about liver disease recently. I found that I have a lot of symptoms, and recently I found that my appetite is getting worse. I read that patients with liver disease can't eat greasy things, and I found that now I feel nauseous when I see greasy things I can't eat anything when I smell oily stars." Ji Xiaochun, who originally loved beef brisket and mutton brisket, said so. I don't know if it's a real physical reaction or I'm scaring myself.

But his appearance really scared the middle-aged man opposite.

The majestic middle-aged man asked with a look of impatience: "Then you don't eat this, you don't eat that, what are you eating now!"

"The doctor said you can't eat greasy things. Now I eat some boiled vegetables and boiled egg whites every day." Ji Xiaochun's voice lacked breath.

"If you have anything to say, you can talk about it earlier. I will go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening. The doctor said I can't stay up late, and I can't go to bed late."

But you are not as energetic now as when you stayed up late at night and drank! The middle-aged man really wanted to slap Ji Xiaochun on the face, but he held back in the end.

He took a deep breath and said, "That's it, Mr. Ji. The big boss in the organization has already approved it. I agree with your proposal to retire due to physical reasons. And I also helped you fight for a serious illness medical insurance policy. The organization It will reimburse most of your medical expenses for you."

"I have made contributions to your organization, and the organization will not treat you badly. Take good care of your illness, and the organization still needs an old comrade like you to help us check in when we need it in the future." The middle-aged man said sincerely. With an affectionate look, he almost said: I am late!

Ji Xiaochun nodded: "Thank you for the organization's concern. My sweat for the organization was not in vain."

"We can't let comrades shed blood and then cry!" The middle-aged man said: "Also, since your health is not good, then you don't care about Jianghua's affairs. We will send someone to followed up."

"And what you reported to the organization, you finally tampered with Wang Wu's memory. Make his memory of the organization biased. Modify his memory into a complete fraud organization. You did a good job, the organization will Prepare a fraud agency like this to divert the attention of the special investigation department." The middle-aged man said earnestly.

"Mr. Ji, the revolution has not yet succeeded, we still have to work hard. Let's wait for the day when our jihad is successful!"

Ji Xiaochun smiled feebly: "If I don't live to that day, remember to ask someone to burn the success story in front of my grave."

Why! The middle-aged man sighed weakly. Finally, he powerlessly turned off the video.

What happened to Ji Xiaochun could only be like this. But Ji Xiaochun's illness reminded the organization that employees should not be exploited! In the future, the organization's leave policy should be changed, and we can no longer make everyone work day and night!

The middle-aged man made up his mind to reform the organization. At the same time, he didn't forget the unfinished business of Ji Xiaochun, Wang Wu, Jiang Hua, um, and Zhang Tong.

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