That's right, this wand is powered by charging. There are many otherworldly things that cannot be found on this earth, such as those magical animals, and those magic crystals and mines.

"Actually, the energy sources of magic crystals and mines in different worlds are actually more like radioactive energy elements. It's just that their radiation method and radiation dose are different from the radioactive elements on the earth."

Inside Old John's Zhajiang Noodle House, the former headquarters of the United Association of Wizards. Qin Kuairen was talking to Zhang Tong about his biggest research discovery during this period of time.

"Actually, when we were in another world, everyone didn't think about why they could use magic crystals to release energy. And we never thought about what those magic crystals are. It seems that everyone at that time There's no such thing as a brain."

"Maybe it's because my mind was dazzled when I first arrived in another world, or I was addicted to fighting and killing every day, and I didn't bother to care about those."

Qin Kuairen shrugged when he said this. Because it seems that only this kind of explanation can explain why everyone didn't think carefully about those principles after going to another world.

Zhang Tong sat opposite Qin Kuairen, holding a bowl of Zhajiangmian produced by Old John Zhajiangmian, and took a sip. Under Old John's expectant gaze, Zhang Tong gave a thumbs up and said, "It's delicious."

After Old John left, Zhang Tong silently put down the bowl and never touched it again.

"So you think those magic crystal frames are actually radioactive ores, right?"

"That's right. That's right. Those so-called magic crystals contain energy, which is actually equivalent to the uranium on the earth, the iridium on the earth, or the radium on the earth."

"It's just that these raw ores are very difficult to obtain on the earth. Even after they are obtained, they need to be refined to extract these energy-rich and radioactive elements."

"In those magical worlds, the arrangement of their elements is not the same as that on the earth. In other words, their ores are somewhat different from ours. Their radioactive element ores are more stable, and the radiation intensity is not so great , but it is easier to extract those energies from the ore.”

"So after I returned to the earth for this period of time, I did research. Of course, I was only doing theoretical research. This is just a conjecture. After all, I can't get radioactive ores and elements. As far as my research direction is concerned, , in fact, the magic that can only be released by magic crystals in the magic circle is actually equivalent to a special circuit."

"So I thought about it. If the magic crystal can be used to make permanent magic in another world, can we do it on Earth?"

Compared with other magicians, Qin Kuiren, a life magician, seems to have a special brain circuit. His thinking is different from those magicians. It can be seen from the fact that he doesn't care about those battle magic at all. After going to another world for so long, I didn't learn a single battle magic, but I learned all kinds of life magic.

If you have to find a character that everyone can be familiar with for comparison. Then Qin Kuairen is simply the real version of Mrs. Weasley.

In the movie Harry Potter, Mrs. Weasley's magic wand can dress up the family neatly and clean the house with a flick of her wand, and she can conjure a table of delicious food. up.

Most people who have watched Harry Potter probably have no interest in the so-called three unforgivables. But she was very envious of Mrs. Weasley's ability to turn a dirty laundry into a clean one with a flick of her wand.

And Qin Kuairen, who has such ability, is also very special among the mages.

Zhang Tong came to him today because Qin Kuairen told Zhang Tong that he invented a very special and interesting thing.

"This is the major invention I have researched during this period. Actually, I have been researching this since I came back. It's just that I didn't have money and couldn't buy materials before."

What Qin Kuairen said was the truth, because the Association of Homecoming Magicians had always been very poor. Although the old master Xiao said that he has good ability, he is not good at management.

In fact, Old Master Xiao is very stingy. After all, he is a person who can make Coke himself and never spend money to drink Coke, even if the Coke he makes tastes very strange, not sour or sweet enough, and not bubbly enough.

But upholding the attitude of saving what you can, Master Xiao will never spend an extra penny in these places, and the things that can be done by yourself will definitely be solved without money.

So at that time, Qin Kuairen paid great attention to hiding his abilities, especially not to let Old Mage Xiao know that he had such a big weapon of life magic, otherwise he would definitely become the old Mage Xiao's money-making tool.

He will definitely hand over all the cleaning work of everyone in the meeting to himself, so as to save water and electricity bills and the consumption of washing machines. It is even possible to pick up various domestic service assignments. Then treat yourself as a cash cow and shake money crazily.

That kind of life is not what Qin Kuairen wants.

Fortunately, Zhang Tong appeared. His appearance changed the fate of the entire Homecoming French Association, and everyone became rich.

"Income has improved in recent months, and I have my own living allowance. So I purchased some tools and did some small experiments. This is my new result."

Qin Kuiren handed Zhang Tong a magic wand that looked like chopsticks.

As soon as he took this magic wand, Zhang Tong immediately felt what kind of thing it was.

There is a complicated magic circle inside, and energy flows secretly in it. These magic circles are arranged in certain ways. It feels very precise.

Although Zhang Tong vaguely knew what it was like, he still pretended not to understand it, as Qin Kuairen asked.

"What's this?"

"A wand."

"Like in Harry Potter?"

"Yes, like the one in Harry Potter. But it's more advanced and sophisticated than the wand used in Harry Potter."

Speaking of this, Qin Kuairen said with some pride.

"Although this magic wand looks only as thick as chopsticks, the cost is actually quite high, because I have applied for the use of a high-precision CNC machine tool recently purchased in the association. It can process things with a precision of one-thousandth of a millimeter. Very useful."

Zhang Tong bought the high-precision machining machine from the association when he was rich. Because he wanted to make future magic products by hand, Zhang Tong doubted whether manpower could keep up. It would be much better with mechanical assistance. Especially things like imprinting a magic circle.

Let the magicians carve by hand or use magic to carve, which consumes too much mental and physical energy. This high-precision operation can be completed with a CNC engraving machine, and finally magic is added by magicians.

"Here I imprinted three magic spells on the magic wand. One is energy storage magic, which stores electrical energy and can convert electrical energy into other abilities."

"The other is the flash spell, which makes the wand glow as bright as a 20-watt LED light."

Well, the two magic circles imprinted together are just a flashlight, and it doesn't look like there is anything worth looking forward to. It doesn't feel like magic at all.

"As for the third one, I added a clean spell to this spell. As long as you follow the prescribed gestures and recite the corresponding spell, even a person without spell power can still use the spells stored in the staff. The energy of the spell is released. It can completely clean an area within the range of the target object."

Speaking of this, Qin Kuairen's eyes sparkled.

"So the president. Do you think such a staff is messed up?!"

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