I don't know when a website like this appeared on the Internet. It is hidden very deeply, and not many people know about it.

But it has a specific influence and dissemination among specific groups of people.

The name of this website is [Dawn].

If you just hear the name of this website, most of you will not know what this website does.

【Dawn】? Is this a game's official website? Or the website of a religious group?

This website is very mysterious. If you don't have a membership, you can't log in to this website. The front page is all white, and there is no extra introduction, but there is a huge Song typeface [Dawn] in the middle, and under the word [Dawn] there is a line of small characters: Dawn of Justice.

The seemingly mysterious website is also very mysterious to log in. People who enter this website need a membership, and at the same time need a specific key to be inserted into the computer. Only after the double verification of the membership and the key pass can they log in to the website.

Yun Tianhe, twenty years old. A college student at the School of Foreign Languages ​​of Huaihai University. In addition to studying, he also needs to use his spare time to work to earn his own living expenses. Because his family is relatively difficult, his parents are both laid-off workers, and after the company went bankrupt, the buyout subsidy promised at the beginning has not yet arrived. So the family is struggling financially.

Parents can only push the cart and sell egg pancakes for breakfast to support the family and support Yun Tianhe's tuition.

Breakfast is probably the most profitable meal in the entire serious catering system. An egg costs 3 yuan, 50 cents for an egg, about 30 cents for some flour and green onion, plus 10 cents for oil and 10 cents for liquefied gas. If the hard cost is calculated, the hard cost of an egg pancake is only about one yuan.

In theory, selling an egg pancake can earn two yuan, and it seems to be making money.

But making breakfast is hard work. Because you need to get up very early. If it's summer, that's okay.

But get up at four in the morning when the temperature is minus 10 degrees or even minus 20 degrees in the Northeast, and then spend an hour or so to prepare the materials and spend dozens of minutes riding a bicycle to catch the first wave of customers who have breakfast at 6 in the morning Before arriving, we came to the gate of the community and waited.

Wearing a big cotton coat and two cotton trousers, it is still difficult to resist the terrible cold in the Northeast even if you wrap yourself up like a Michelin doll.

Don't say that the northeast is not as cold as the south. Twenty degrees below zero and five degrees above zero can be known at a glance. The coldness in the south without heating is just cold, and the coldness in the northeast without heating will kill people.

In the cold morning, his parents stood in the cold wind and worked hard selling egg cakes one by one, earning his own tuition fees for two yuan, Yun Tianhe didn't dare to waste a penny.

However, sometimes Yun Tianhe would still do some irresponsible things.

Just like today, he didn't go to class and didn't have time to work, he was the only one in the dormitory.

He used his netbook to secretly open the website named [Dawn], and after entering his membership password, he took out a USB flash drive with a somewhat unique shape from his trouser pocket—this is the key of Suguang —he plugged it into the computer's usb port.

The network speed is very fast, and Yun Tianhe quickly entered the homepage of [Dawn].

After opening the website and carefully looking at the content of the website, Yun Tianhe quickly found what he wanted to see.

"The Truth About the Huaihai Renren Charity Foundation".

This article was pinned to the top of the homepage, and the essence was added.

"The Charitable Foundation for Humanity is actually a company that eats people and doesn't spit out bones. Most of the so-called charitable funds are embezzled by the company's top management. I (the author of this article) visited the beneficiaries on their donation list."

"Many of the names and events are fictitious, and there are no beneficiaries at all. And the actual donations received by some beneficiaries are also very inconsistent with the company's book expenditures."

"Take a woman surnamed M as an example. M was born in a rural area and suffered from leukemia. After exhausting her family's wealth, she had to seek help from the society. The Humane Charity Foundation raised funds for Ms. M from the society in the name of charity. More than one million yuan. Miss M’s bone marrow matching has been found, and as long as the donation of more than one million yuan arrives, the operation can be carried out very quickly. Once the operation is successful, Miss M will be able to recover.”

"But in fact, after raising more than one million yuan, the Humane Charity Foundation only allocated about 50,000 yuan to Ms. M. This amount of money is a drop in the bucket for Ms. M's illness. After the money was spent, Ms. M was at the end of her rope. She had to withdraw from the hospital ward. After repeatedly seeking help from the Humane Charity Foundation to no avail, Ms. M could only give up the bone marrow match she had found. She hanged herself at home suicide."

When Yun Tianhe saw this, he saw a picture in the article. It was a hanged woman. If it wasn't for the picture the author randomly found on the Internet, then this should be the scene picture taken when Ms. M hanged herself.

Even with a thin layer of mosaic, Yun Tianhe still felt a little nauseous.

"And this is just a small part of the evils done by the Renren Charity Foundation. According to my many years of investigations, the Renren Charity Foundation has embezzled and embezzled more than 200 million yuan of charitable funds, while the number of beneficiaries it has actually helped is less than 500 .This foundation treats charity as a business, and consumes a lot of the goodwill of the general public in the society."

"The kindness in this world is limited. If kind people find themselves being deceived all the time, they will one day become more cold-blooded than ordinary people. Humanity Charity Foundation does not seem to cause harm to society, but in fact they The subtle harm done to society will hurt the whole society."

"The extermination of the high-level executives of the Charity Foundation for Humanity is undoubtedly good news. Because they hide their criminal evidence so deeply that even ordinary detectives would find it difficult to catch their criminal evidence. At this time, only Thunder will attack , use evil to control evil!"

At the end of the post, the author left such a paragraph.

"If there are more people like Raiden in this world, maybe our world will be better!"

Seeing this, Yun Tianhe felt a little overwhelmed. Since joining this website, he has read countless similar articles. One person is mentioned repeatedly in these articles. That is 'thunder and lightning'.

Raiden has done a lot of things. On the highway, many human traffickers rolled down the cliff with people and cars.

The dens selling counterfeit medicines were smashed, and the leaders of more than 30 pyramid selling dens were executed. Many dignitaries who are difficult to convict by law have been sanctioned.

He has done a lot of things that everyone wants to do but dare not do.

Just like the more than a thousand comments below this post, most of the comments are 'good to kill', 'should be killed', 'no killing is not enough to outrage the people'.

Yun Tianhe couldn't help but think that good and evil will eventually be rewarded. These people from the Humane Charity Foundation are really damned, Lei Dian is right.

There are many other news about Raiden on the Suguang website. Some are speculative, and some are true news.

But regardless of the truth of the news, judging from the information conveyed by these news, Yun Tianhe believes that Lei Dian is a real fighter. A fighter who fights for the dawn.

Turning off the computer, Yun Tianhe looked out the window and the sky was already dark.

He clenched his fist secretly, I also have abilities, although they are weak, they are also useful. It's just a pity that I don't have the courage and ability of Leiden, so I can't do anything big.

Thinking of this, Yun Tianhe shook his head. Forget it, let's go out and buy food.

I am a bit craving for pancakes from off-campus supper stalls. Yun Tianhe put on his clothes and went out.

When riding a bicycle out of the university gate and passing a narrow alley leading to a night snack stall, Yun Tianhe faintly heard a slight noise.

He looked into the secret and dark narrow alley.

It seems that a girl is being entangled again.

Don't worry about this matter yourself. It seems that there are several people.

Yun Tianhe wanted to go, but he hesitated when he got on the bicycle.

If there were more people like Raiden in the world...


Jiang Qingqing didn't expect that she just wanted to take a shortcut to go back to school, so she would run into a gang of hooligans entrenched outside the school.

Yes, hooligans, not really gangsters. Calling them triads is an insult to the triads.

Most of these people are unemployed vagrants who hang out in Internet cafes all year round. If they have no money, they go to steal some spots or steal a battery car to sell batteries. After changing the money, continue to surf the Internet.

Although he didn't get the same style of hair as "Audition", but the dress is the same as Sha Matt's non-mainstream. Ripped denim leggings with the words Don't love me written in cursive on the back of the tank top. Wear flip flops on your feet.

This group of people originally gathered in the alley to smoke and chat. Jiang Qingqing originally planned to leave quickly when she saw these people. But she didn't know that she had been targeted.

In the alley, there is another girl who is alone, and four hooligans who are so poor that they don't even have money to surf the Internet. Guess what happens.

At night, very few people pass by the alley.

The leader of the hooligan gang, the elder brother who dyed his hair green raised his chin at the younger brothers: "Brothers, the online money is here."

Ps: It’s Wednesday, continue with the tickets~

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