The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 734 The Brave (at the beginning of the month, ask for a ticket)

Before fleeing, Wang Rusong threw something like a test tube at Wang Chao. This thing is like a metal test tube. But the practical use is a bit like tear gas. The moment it was about to touch Wang Chao's body, it suddenly released a large amount of gas.

Wang Chao originally thought that this was just an ordinary smoke bomb used to confuse his sight, but when the smoke filled his side and he inhaled some smoke, he actually felt his body strength gradually weaken.

This is actually a by-product of the listed honeycomb poisoning case. The last honeycomb poisoning case caused many power awakeners whose energy levels were lower than LV3 to lose their power. Severe cases even lead to death.

While it all came to a very bad end, someone saw in it another item worth unearthing in the hive poisoning case.

That is the poison that can weaken the abilities of the awakened and the returnees. Although for the vast majority of power awakeners and returnees, this is a poison that cannot be poisoned anymore. But there is also a part of the upper echelons who think it will be a very good weapon.

Regarding the ability to limit the ability of awakened people and returnees, this topic has never stopped discussion among high-level officials.

Because these people represent an emerging power collective. They broke the traditional rules of the existing society. Existing vested interests have some fear that their rights will be taken away one day. Their existing positions are replaced by these emerging forces.

So they tried every means to curb the spread of these forces. It's like a force restraint device, like this unnamed medicine spray that they have newly developed.

This new drug extracted from the drug in the hive poisoning case can produce a paralyzing effect on the awakened and the returnees in a short period of time. Let them temporarily lose or weaken their strength.

These drugs have no effect on ordinary people. Because ordinary people don't have those extraordinary powers.

As long as it can temporarily turn those superhumans into ordinary people. Then relying on the strength of more ordinary people to execute an extraordinary person would not be difficult.

It is not known where Wang Rusong got this medicine spray, because this spray is still in the research and development stage of absolute secrecy. Not even assigned to the Special Operations Branch of the Special Investigation Service. Even Jiang Hua had never heard of such a thing.

When this thing came out, the Dynasty was caught off guard.

Even the electric arc on his body became flickering, almost unable to sustain it.

However, although it seems that the power of the dynasty is declining, Wang Rusong has no intention of stopping and using his own ability to solve the dynasty.

Because the person who gave him this thing once said that the drug is still in the experimental stage, and the effect cannot be guaranteed. The time of the drug effect he produces for each awakened person and returnee is different. The stronger the ability awakener and the returnee, the stronger the resistance to this drug.

Lv5 level powerhouses, especially those whose ability is mainly about fighting, are extremely resistant to this kind of medicinal effect. The effect of the drug on them may only be 20 seconds or so. Lv6-level powerhouses haven't tried it yet. Because there is no way to let LV6 level powerhouses conduct such experiments. However, according to the formula calculation, the efficiency of this drug against LV6 level powerhouses may only be three to four seconds.

Wang Rusong didn't dare to bet on whether Dynasty was a LV5 or LV6 powerhouse. Because Lei Dian's name is really impressive, he has done too many things. Although theoretically speaking, now that he has lost his ability, he only needs to go to the room to find his pistol, and one shot can end his life.

But what if during the time he was rummaging for guns, the Dynasty's ability was restored, and he would be completely dead when he got an electric arc.

So in this case, Wang Rusong chose to continue to escape instead of making up the knife. Because the risk of making up the knife is too great.

As for escaping, it had already been prepared.

He pushed open the door and ran downstairs while pulling out a purple semi-closed needle from his close-fitting jacket pocket. It is exactly the same as the needle tube that many people use to inject insulin.

If an uninformed person saw it, they would probably think it was an insulin syringe.

But what Wang Rusong pulled out must be completely different from the insulin syringe. He glanced at the syringe, hesitating for half a second. Then he inserted it into his left arm without hesitation.

Click on the button. The purple liquid in the syringe poured into Wang Rusong's body.

Wang Rusong's body has also undergone tremendous changes while running. I saw the painful struggle on his face. Muscles all over the body began to swell in an abnormal way. Wang Rusong used to be a thin and thin scholar, but after being injected with the purple potion, he only ran three steps, and his figure has become as strong as Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Originally, his running speed was just the same as that of ordinary people. But now it's faster than cars on the street. He was running at a speed of nearly 100 kilometers per hour. And the body is still expanding. It seems that this posture has developed from Arnold Schwarzenegger to the Hulk.

It took almost 10 seconds for Leiden, who was fascinated by the smoke, to come out of that weak state.

However, the arc on his body has dimmed a lot, and he almost couldn't maintain the form of lightning just now.

"I didn't expect that I almost missed this time." Wang Chao saw through the window that Wang Rusong, who was already two-thirds the size of the Hulk, was running wildly on the street.

Dynasty is considering whether to go after him.

Wang Rusong has caused an uproar in the street because of his huge size.

Some citizens were holding up their mobile phones on the buildings on both sides of the street to take pictures of the huge Wang Rusong and shouted: "A person who has awakened with supernatural powers has gone berserk! Call the Special Investigation Bureau quickly!"

The people on the street were running away in all directions, because Wang Rusong was so big that to ordinary people it looked like an elephant rampaging on the street. A pickup truck in front of him was kicked away by him and flew tens of meters away.

The loud noise from the vehicle hitting the ground set off all the car alarms on half the street. The sound of beep beep attracted more attention.

At this time, if he continued to pursue Wang Rusong, Wang Chao felt that he would definitely be exposed.

Although the name Thunderbolt is already officially recorded. And the Special Investigation Bureau is also secretly arresting himself.

But Thunderbolt never really appeared in front of the public. What would be the consequences if it appeared by itself?

Will more people come to hunt him down?

Will the wind direction change?

Will public opinion say that he is a butcher and executioner?

Dynasty thought a lot in a flash. But what he thought more about was what Wang Rusong said to the bosses on the phone just now in the room.

"Put the money here, and no one will check you. Because we are at the highest point."

Wang Rusong must die. Because he has completely trampled on the public customs of this society. Treat the goodwill of people in this society as a material that can be bought and sold.

Dynasty once read a book. Plato's Utopia.

Does justice exist?

Some people believe that justice exists and exists objectively.

Some people think that justice is relative, and there is no absolute justice in itself.

Some people doubt whether the evidence exists, maybe he exists, maybe he does not exist.

Dynasty is not a philosopher. He can't make a lot of tirade to argue with people whether justice exists?

But Dynasty is clearly certain that injustice is real in this world.

If injustice exists. So does justice exist? That must have existed. Because only if we know what justice is, will we find something unjust.

This is because we know what justice is. That's why we know that those in "Da Ming Dynasty 1566" forced farmers to change rice to mulberry, and even dug the embankment of Xin'an River, flooding all the fields of the people in nine counties. Then the officials and emperors who bought farmers' land at super low prices are assholes.

That's why people refute what He Shen said in the TV series "Ji Xiaolan" that exchanging a catty of grain for a catty of chaff can save more people. Because he had to exchange food for money first, so that the officials in the Qing Dynasty had enough greed before they could go to rescue the people.

People know that kindness is not a business.

National crisis is not business.

But Wang Rusong and the bosses around him are trampling on the last bottom line of this society.

Dynasty thought of this without any further hesitation. Wang Rusong must die. If others don't or can't do some things, then let me do them.

So tonight, the citizens of Xiafei Road in Huaihai only saw a spectacle.

A bolt of lightning appeared out of nowhere and ran through the entire avenue. The roaring thunder and the dazzling electric light made almost half of the people in the district look up.

It's like thunder from the gods.

A bolt of lightning pierced through Xiafei Road, and also pierced Wang Rusong's chest. And that thunderous roar: "Wang Rusong, die!"

China, has always been well protected by the bravest people in the country.

It was so a thousand years ago, and it will still be so a thousand years later.

ps: At the beginning of the month, continue to ask for tickets~

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