Build an academy city? Then gather the returnees and the superhumans? Zhang Tong didn't know what kind of idea this person was making, especially a keyword he heard from that man: semi-closed.

ha! I'm afraid this is not going to be a big news! Zhang Tong is extremely displeased with this term, so is it necessary to restrict personal freedom? If this really happens, then I'm afraid I'll have to find a way to make this city impossible to build.

But before making a conclusion, Lao Zhang decided to check the basic information about Academy City first. Anyway, Niu Ben taught himself to surf the Internet, and he also bought a laptop and installed broadband. At least I still know how to use Baidu now, although Niu Ben said that many things on Baidu are fake, even hospitals and doctors are fake, so don’t believe it.

But it shouldn't be difficult to search for an Academy City, so during the lunch break after the meal, Zhang Tong searched for the keyword Academy City on the notebook bought back with the money provided by Teacher Ji.

In addition to the entries of Academy City, there are many related entries. For example, "Magic Forbidden Book Catalogue" and "A Certain Scientific Railgun".

"Huh? What is this?" Lao Zhang curiously clicked on "A Certain Scientific Railgun" and it turned out to be a Japanese animation! And it seems to be a story that happened in the background of Academy City.

So Boss Zhang spent an hour and a half in the afternoon learning the basic concepts of Academy City. I know there is Tokiwadai Middle School inside, and there are seven LV5 superpowers, including a bilibili.

"So that's the case, does the country want to build such a city?" Zhang Tong thought seriously.

But it's too early to say anything now, because the news I heard today is just a gossip from a guest, and it hasn't been confirmed yet.

If the country were to start large-scale construction on Chongming Island, it would be impossible to hide it from others. There are natural benefits in building such an academy city on Chongming Island.

Because Chongming is the third largest island in China after Hainan Island and Wanwan Island. It is the outer island of Huaihai, connected by a bridge across the sea. Surrounded by the sea, if you don't take the sea-crossing bridge, you can only take the ferry. Geographically, there is a natural isolation.

At the same time, because it is close to Huaihai, it is not difficult for the government to control it. If it is completely in accordance with the description in the super electromagnetic gun, then it is not bad to build an academy city. But if someone is afraid that someone will try to do something bad, it will be troublesome.

Zhang Tong didn't want to stay on an island for the rest of his life, and he couldn't come and go freely. Zhang Tong remembered this incident, and felt that he should closely observe the development direction of the incident. Although it is a major national event at a large scale, it is also a small matter related to personal life at a small scale.

And he hasn't chased Jiang Hua down yet. Speaking of Jiang Hua, Zhang Tong didn't know how he behaved in front of Wang Qian this morning.

Zhang Tong knows a very simple concept, that is, if you want to marry a woman, you must first get the mother-in-law. Although it's still early for me to talk about marriage with Jiang Hua (Jiang Hua didn't know you were chasing her until now!), but it is still necessary to make a good impression on the future mother-in-law.

But speaking of it, Jianghua's family sells string skewers in Shuangqing City, so at least he is not bad in terms of material conditions. Zhang Tong thought so.

Because what Wang Qi said, their family rented a store near Jiefangbei Square to sell skewers. When the business is good, the net profit can earn more than 15,000 yuan a month.

If you do the calculations in this way, you can earn more than 20,000 yuan in net profit for a month if you do whatever you want in Huaihai. Will it cost 30,000 to 50,000 a month for the business to improve in the future? And the storefront is still your own! From the point of view of material conditions, I still have an advantage. Zhang Tong is very confident, after all, he is also a rich man worth tens of millions!

Of course, this is because he didn't know that the so-called "Chuan Chuan shop" opened by Wang Qian's family actually had five shops, and hundreds of employees were hired. The annual net profit is more than four million.

Zhang Tong is worth tens of millions? hehe.

But when it comes to business, Zhang Tong feels that he really wants to hire a handyman. Now the business is getting better and better, and the small goal of daily net profit exceeding 1,000 is achieved faster than I expected.

But now I am really busy, even so busy that I often use my electromagnetic force to help. For example, washing dishes for sanitation, it turned out that Zhang Tong honestly used dishcloth and dishwashing liquid to clean the dishes.

But when there are really many customers, there is simply not enough time for him to wash the dishes one by one. He can only attach the electromagnetic power to the palm of his hand, and then use the electromagnetic power to remove the stains and disinfect it with his hand.

The same goes for sanitation, he uses his electromagnetic ability to remove all the greasy matter on the table and the ground covertly. So everyone said his shop is very clean.

Although Zhang Tong is a clean person, the main reason why his store looks extra clean is because he 'cheated'. General restaurants don't have a master who can control atomic-level electromagnetic power to do hygiene.

"But I still need to hire a handyman. Jiang Hua often comes to eat. If I often use my ability in front of her, it will inevitably be exposed. Her magnetic field is very strong." Zhang Tong said to himself.

"And there are too many people. You still need someone to help you clean up the dishes and serve the dishes. This is not a problem that can be solved with just ability."

Zhang Tong scratched his head, the problem is that it is troublesome to hire someone. A small shop like this is usually run by a few relatives. If it is manned, they will bring a junior from their hometown to help.

And where can Zhang Tong find such a person? His parents have passed away long ago, and his relatives in Ningbo's hometown have not seen each other for seventeen years. We are as alienated as strangers.

Now I can only invite people from outside. Zhang Tong feels that he has to go to the talent market to see if anyone is looking for a job. Of course, I also have to go to the Wenyin shop to print a small job recruitment note and stick it on the door.

It is Zhang Tong's basic request to invite a younger waitress. It is better for girls to be waiters than boys, because they are more careful, and girls are generally cleaner and more diligent than boys.

And then the younger ones, because the older Zhang Tong was afraid that his aunt would not be able to keep up with the busy rhythm of the meal, and he was afraid that he would be exhausted.

Working hours are just two meals, salary? Well, I have to go out to see how much it costs to recruit people outside now. Zhang Tong, who was listing projects, decided to go out to see the situation of his peers.

And when Zhang Tong was wandering on the street and heading towards the talent market, a program on the side of the road gathered a large crowd.

The banner of [Family Bento Competition - Big Eater Competition] was hung high.

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