The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 786 Great Sage, accept the supernatural powers

"What the hell?!" The gentleman who has always been elegant suddenly burst out such a sentence with a strong rustic flavor, but soon he coughed twice to cover up what he just said, and used a more civilized Way asked Zhang Tong, "What were you talking about just now?"

The gentleman is elegant and easy-going, as if the words full of earth just now did not come from his mouth.

Zhang Tong pretended not to hear the natural words he revealed because of his surprise.

"I mean, flatten Jianfeng Mountain, sir, what do you think~" Zhang Tong stood in front of Chuliang Pavilion and looked at Jianfeng Mountain seriously.

The main peak of Jianfeng Mountain is like a long sword reaching to the sky, which is really majestic and majestic. Zhang Tong estimated that the highest point of Jianfeng Mountain should be several kilometers or 10,000 meters away, right? Well, it looks quite high. If Jianfeng Mountain is leveled, compared to the national version of Mr. Gandalf in front of him, he should believe what he said.

The gentleman over there felt a toothache. It has been many years, and someone has used this way to talk to himself. What does it mean to erase Jianfeng Mountain in order to win your own trust?

"Boss Zhang, I don't want to say whether you have the ability to erase Jianfeng Mountain. If you really have the ability to erase Jianfeng Mountain, then do you know the consequences after erasing Jianfeng Mountain?" Mr. It hurts badly. If Jianfeng Mountain is really wiped out, what about Yangquan City? !

Zhang Tong nodded: "Of course I know. Before coming here, Dahei and I have inquired about the topography and customs of this world. After blowing through Jianfeng Mountain, the warm and humid monsoon from the south can pass through the original height of Jianfeng Mountain. Blocked by unreachable mountains, they can blow to the arid and water-deficient inland areas of Zhongzhou and cause enough precipitation. I heard from Dahei that there are many arid areas in the inland of Zhongzhou. The Golden State where the Demon Gate is located has an arid Gobi climate. "

"Because of the drought, the interior of Central China was hollowed out, and a large number of people moved to the warm and humid areas in the east and south. But at the same time, because a large number of people moved to the southeast, it caused the population in the southeast to overexpand and Food is in short supply."

Zhang Tong stood up and said step by step, the gentleman who said it was taken aback for a while.

"And as long as Jianfeng Mountain is opened up, the warm and humid ocean currents brought by the South China Sea will bring a lot of rainfall to the inland areas, which will revitalize the inland areas. The original desert next door can be turned into a green grassland or grassland. It is a rainforest with dense trees. With the cooperation of a large amount of precipitation and artificial, the problem of inland drought can be solved, which can solve the suspension of tens of millions of people. This is a great achievement that has been accomplished for thousands of years and is in the present age."

"It can also ease the tension between inland countries and southeast coastal countries, lest they go to war if they disagree."

Zhang Tong pointed to Jianfeng Mountain in the distance and said, "It's all because of it blocking the warm and humid air from the South China Sea." So, sir, is it good for the country and the people if I blow up Jianfeng Mountain, bring peace and hope to the world of Sedum, and save tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people? "

Zhang Tong looked at the mountain with his hands behind his back, with a gesture of compassion: "So, let's blow up Jianfeng Mountain."

While talking, Zhang Tong didn't wait for Mr. and Mojun to open their mouths, and he began to brew a strong thunder and lightning force.

Demon Lord has seen Zhang Tong make a move before, but how strong is Zhang Tong's move? The devil doesn't know. Because every time Zhang Tong made a move, it was calm, such as waving his hand and snapping his fingers, which solved the problem.

It looks amazing, but it is difficult to intuitively tell others how strong he is. It's like the devil wants to tell his husband that Zhang Tong is very strong, but he doesn't know how to brag about Zhang Tong.

After all, there is no intuitive way to show Zhang Tong's strength.

But now, the devil knows how to brag about Zhang Tong's strength in the future.

I saw that Yangquan City, which was originally a blue sky and white sun, was suddenly covered with a thick layer of dark clouds. In the dark clouds, there was a faint thunder and lightning flashes.

One after another golden thunder roared and roared, and the clouds kept lowering down. As if the end of the world is coming.

The sun was blocked by dark clouds, but the sky that should have been dark was as bright as day because of the thunder and lightning.

The whole Yangquan City fell into panic, because the thunder came so suddenly, as if a nine-day thunder god descended here.

Standing in front of Chu Liang Pavilion, Zhang Tong stretched out his fingers and pointed to the sky.


A series of golden thunders exploded, and thousands of thunder trees bloomed in the thunder clouds, like thousands of spirit snakes running in the air.

Both the devil and the gentleman could feel the aura of the person in front of him to the terrifying thunder in the sky, as if he was the cloud of thunder.

"Well, just using thunder and lightning is not enough to blow up Jianfeng Mountain." Zhang Tong looked at Mo Junhe and smiled slightly. Then his face straightened: "Swords, knives, guns, axes! Give them all to me!"

All the metal and iron objects in Yangquan City seem to have spirituality in an instant.

A swordsman who was hiding from thunder clouds in an iron building shop felt the sword on his waist shaking, and he hadn't figured out what was going on. There was only a clang as the sword came out of its sheath and flew out by itself.

"Hey, my sword!" The swordsman tried weakly to grab the sword he bought with a lot of money.

"Guest officer, be careful! The weapons in the shop are alive!" The blacksmith in the blacksmith shop reminded, and the swordsman looked back, and saw that although no one was controlling the swords, guns, swords and halberds in the blacksmith shop, they all moved naturally, just like himself. The sword usually rushed out of the door.

The swordsman blocking the door immediately gave way. If he was a step late, he would have been pierced by hundreds of swords.

The swordsman broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and walked out of the gate of the blacksmith shop. The swordsman looked at the direction where the sword flew. I saw the iron weapons in the city flying towards the academy like a hundred birds being summoned by a phoenix, and the tens of thousands of iron weapons flying in the air formed a mighty long dragon.

"Oh my god, what's going on here?! Why did this doomsday-like thundercloud come first, and now this long steel dragon comes again!" The swordsman broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

A student standing at the side said with a flushed face: "In the direction of the academy, sir must have broken through again. Mister must have broken through heaven and man, and reached a realm that has never been seen before or since!"

The swordsman glanced at the student: "Is that sir?"

"Who else is there in Yangquan City besides Mr.?"

"Is there a realm above the human realm?" As a warrior, the swordsman felt that the heavenly realm was already the peak of martial arts, almost godlike. Now that he heard that there was a realm above, he couldn't help but feel flustered.

"Yes, sir. There is a realm above heaven and man, and that is to grasp the truth of the great way of the world. From now on, you belong to heaven, and you no longer regard humans as the realm. Heaven and man go to man, it is heaven!" The student clenched his fists excitedly : "No, I'm going to the academy to see the master break through the heavens with my own eyes!"

After the student said this, he ran towards the academy, and the swordsman slapped his head and ran towards the academy after he regained his senses.

At this moment, almost everyone in Yangquan City focused their attention on the direction of the school, and countless people rushed to the direction of the school.

Standing in the Chu Liang Pavilion inside the academy, even though the sky is thundering, the sir can still hear the voices of people bustling outside the academy.

And he looked at the long steel dragon flying in the sky, and he no longer knew what expression he had on his face.

"Look, sir, I flattened this Jianfeng Mountain to show my sincerity. I have wanted to use this trick of Wanjian Guizong for a long time. Running Wanjian Guizong's move in the form of an electromagnetic cannon will definitely level this Jianfeng Mountain. Flat land. It can restore life to the arid area in the inland of Sedum Middle Earth. Sir, wait for me, I will definitely change the old look of the next door in the middle of the way, and it will be green and reapprove the world!"

As Zhang Tong spoke and squeezed the sword formula, the thunder in the sky became more and more violent. A series of golden lightning strikes on the steel dragon, and the iron dragon has already been set on fire.

Both Mr. and Mojun were stunned by what they saw.

It turns out that there is really someone in this world who can reach the heavenly realm? !

Just when Zhang Tong was about to destroy Jianfeng Mountain with the momentum of returning to the sect, Mr. finally woke up from the shock. He shouted: "Great Sage, please accept the supernatural powers."

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