The Thunder Steel Dragon in the sky is not easy to provoke at first glance, let alone whether this person in front of him can really flatten Jianfeng Mountain with a single sword. But the momentum and posture he put on is enough.

That thunder rolling is really terrifying, if thousands of thunder strikes down, Yangquan City might not be able to keep it. And taking a step back, if this Boss Zhang can really wipe out Jianfeng Mountain, it is hard to say whether he can bring a large amount of warm and humid air from the South China Sea to the inland area of ​​Zhongzhou to form rainfall.

But this Yangquan City of his own can't be kept, and the few cities around Yangquan City probably can't be kept either. That's millions of people displaced.

You can't take this risk.

So the husband can only shout: the great sage will quickly accept the supernatural powers.

But Mr. didn't know that Zhang Tong, who was originally aggressive, almost flinched when he shouted.

The thunder and lightning in the sky that day were all connected to Zhang Tong's Qi machine, and now there was a slight vibration. There was a trace of thunder energy leaking out, and a golden thunder split out from the thunder cloud, and it struck Wuli outside Yangquan City.

The golden thunder hundreds of meters thick fell straight into the sky with a rumbling and roaring sound.


The Nine Heavens Divine Thunder trembled, and the entire Yangquan City was shaken. The students in the academy also covered their ears and squatted on the ground, because Thor was too loud, and many of them were temporarily deaf.

Quite a few were dizzy from the shock, and five miles away from Yangquan City, what was originally a flat grassland was now forcibly split into a tiankeng.

Some city defense troops standing at the top of the city and looking at the big pit with a diameter of nearly two miles couldn't help but their legs were weak.

"Hold on, hold on! Don't let the lightning strike. I believe everything you say, and quickly withdraw the lightning. I will agree to whatever you say." The gentleman also saw the scene of the golden thunder falling to the ground.

Be good, if this lightning falls into the city, how many people will die!

The Boss Zhang in front of him is so powerful that he can't speak. Just a golden thunder can cause such a great power. If all the golden thunders in the sky fall...

Mr. can't imagine.

There is really no need for such a strong man to deceive himself, because if he is willing, he can enslave the entire Sedum world with his own strength.

I will definitely not be his opponent.

This kind of person can't be messed with, can't be messed with.

And Zhang Tong looked at Mr. with doubts on his face. But now that the husband has agreed to his request, then he should remove Lei first.

It is actually quite tiring to make such a big noise. After all, the climate near Yangquan City is not suitable for thunder and lightning, and it is too troublesome to force it. I will eat Bao Kangshuaifu Braised Beef Noodles when I go back later.

After all, I was also trying to scare the gentleman. I didn't know if the blowing up of Jianfeng Mountain would really bring rain to the Gobi in Zhongzhou. What if it doesn't work?

So Zhang Tong just walked down the slope and removed the thundercloud, and waved his hand, the thundercloud above his head that looked like the end of the world instantly disappeared without a trace. And the steel dragons composed of countless iron weapons also went back to their respective houses to find their respective mothers.

The swordsman who was chasing after his own sword only saw the long steel dragon in the sky disintegrate in an instant, rushing to various parts of the city like a goddess scattering flowers.

And a cold light rushed towards him. too fast! I have no time to dodge at all. That terrifying sword light and aura make people unable to resist and dodge at all.

In an instant, the swordsman remembered many things, and the revolving door of life began to look back. From childhood to adulthood, from an unknown young swordsman to an unknown swordsman in his thirties.

Maybe I am really not suitable for practicing swords and martial arts, maybe my home should really be like Xiaocui from my hometown said, farming and working hard at home. With the strength of this arm, the wives and children will live a lifetime in a big yellow cow in a green brick and tile house.

"Goodbye, I will never smell the camellias from my hometown again. If I do it again, I will definitely choose to work hard and stay out of the world." The swordsman closed his eyes, and a tear fell from the corner of his eyes.


There was a sound of the sword, and the sword was sheathed.

The swordsman opened his eyes and found that he was not dead, and the sword was inserted into his scabbard again. He raised the sword and looked at it for a while.

"Hahaha! I didn't die! I didn't die like this. It seems that I am indeed the one chosen by the way of the sword! I will definitely do a lot in the way of the sword! One day, I will open the gate of heaven for the way of the sword! Hahahahaha !"

The swordsman had completely forgotten the vow he had just made to go home and farm.

Seeing his crazy appearance, some academy students around him shook their heads and murmured in low voices: 'Is this man crazy? '

"It should be, maybe it's because I read too many stories in the storybook. It also opened the door for the way of swordsmanship. Pfft~"

In Chuliang Pavilion, Zhang Tong didn't know that he had accidentally destroyed a good farmer and created a bad swordsman.

He just stared at the sweaty gentleman: "Sir, what did you call me just now?"

"Boss Zhang?"

"No, no, it's the sentence that told me to stop."

"Great Sage?"

"That's right, that's right, it's the Great Sage. How do you know the Great Sage? Don't you watch it every day during the elementary school summer vacation?" Zhang Tong has a deep memory of the 86 version of "Journey to the West", which is a must-watch program during the elementary school summer vacation. Especially the classic line in it [Great Sage, accept the supernatural powers], Zhang Tong came right away.

Zhang Tong has reason to suspect that Mr. is another time traveler? No, shouldn't all the traversers go home?

And the husband looked at Zhang Tong with a puzzled look: "What is elementary school? What is summer vacation?"

"you do not know?"

"I don't know."

"Then you call the Great Saint?"

"Oh, the great sage is to describe Boss Zhang that your cultivation has reached the level of the great sage of heaven and earth, making people holy, and ordering the world. This is a great sage, so I respectfully call you a great sage." The gentleman wiped his sweat and said , just now Zhang Tong's Doomsday Jinlei was scary. My old bones can't stand the toss.

And Zhang Tong is very useful for his husband's flattery. Everyone says flattering is not good, but how many people can stand others' flattering?

Zhang Tong enjoyed it very much: "Come on, come on, keep playing."

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Zhang felt inexplicably that what Zhang Tong said was not a good word.

"Cough, no, what I mean is. You are quite right." Zhang Tong coughed, and decided to maintain his personality and not fall into the class trap of bragging and self-boasting.

"Okay, since you agree, then I will press one of you in your world, you agree." Zhang Tong glanced at the gentleman.

"Press a door? Where? How?" The gentleman asked a very professional question.

"This requires our old buddy Frankie. Dahei, bring your brother Fen." Zhang Tong waved his hand to let his little brother go to work first.

When Dahei walked out of Chu Liang Pavilion, the master used a secret method to transmit a voice to him: "Hei Yan, from now on, remember to work hard by Boss Zhang's side. Don't cause trouble, and don't bring bad influence to the world of Sedum. Don't worry, I will take care of it for you. You can go to your own job properly. "

"The so-called three hundred and sixty lines, the best in every line. Even a dishwasher has his spring. Work hard, I am optimistic about you!"

Demon Lord:! @...#*()

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