Too fast, too fast! Everything happened so fast, Zhang Tong rubbed his eyes in disbelief, because he could hardly believe what he saw before.

When everyone's eyes were focused on the seemingly edible strong men in the center of the high platform, Zhang Tong focused on the thin and small Xiao Xiao. Because Zhang Tong has seen that this little girl has an appetite that exceeds that of ordinary people. She refilled a bowl of noodles five times, and she still ate everything. If it wasn't for the fact that she was embarrassed to run away because he added pickles to her, maybe she could continue to eat.

So Zhang Tong decided from the very beginning that this girl might be a dark horse, but when the dark horse really came out and started running, Zhang Tong was still shocked.

Because he realized that he had misjudged, this f*ck is a dark horse! It’s like riding a 600CC iron horse on a racetrack to compete with a group of horses! It is not an exaggeration to say that it is all-round 360 degrees without dead ends.

Just now, Xiao Xiao started to move after Dayoutou called out the sound of the start of the game. She quickly opened a bento package, and then mixed all the side dishes inside, such as cucumber pickles and a little green vegetables, into the rice and stirred it.

And these actions, from unpacking to stirring and mixing side dishes and rice, are probably the items that consume the most time for her. And then all she did was open her mouth and pour the rice into her mouth.

Yes, pour. A very vivid verb, except for the big chicken leg, Xiao Xiao poured all the real objects into his mouth directly. Does she chew? Should have? Zhang Tong vaguely remembered seeing Xiao Xiao's cheeks move a few times, but Zhang Tong was not sure if he was dazzled.

After pouring all the rice into his stomach, Xiao Xiao picked up the big chicken leg in the lunch box, and stuffed it directly into his mouth. When she pulled the chicken leg out of her mouth, only the bone was left.

Xiao Xiao doesn't care about her image at all. After all, the taste of starvation is too uncomfortable. In order to win a year's bento, Xiao Xiao tried her best and used four of the five-character mantras of Uncle Liberation Army's five-character mantra: especially edible!

The uncle of the People's Liberation Army back then relied on the five-character mantra: especially able to endure hardship. I have defeated many enemies stronger than myself. These five words can help people bless various red BUFFs and blue BUFFs like magic.

And Xiao Xiao's current skills may not be enough, and she can't exert the ability of the five-character mantra. But using four of the five-character mantras is enough to make her beat the audience.

After one bento was settled, Xiao Xiao continued to attack the next bento without stopping.

And when the competition among the three hunks on the stage was in full swing, Xiao Xiao had already finished all the lunch boxes without making a sound. She raised her hand and said weakly: "Reporting to the conference, I have finished eating my bento."

When Xiao Xiao's weak voice came over, the host of Big Oil Tou answered habitually according to his experience in hosting various programs in the past: "Oh! When the competition was in full swing, a contestant suddenly said that he had a bento After eating, the game...huh?"

Dayoutou vaguely sensed something was wrong, and after a moment of stunned he finally realized: 'Have you finished eating? What did you say? ! Have you eaten? ! ! '

The oily head host walked quickly from the center of the stage to the corner where Xiao Xiao was, and the camera also moved over.

In front of Xiao Xiao, there were only ten clean bento boxes and ten chicken leg bones left there. The rest is gone?

"Are you really done eating?" the oily head host asked Xiao Xiao in disbelief. The contestants on the scene also stopped. Everyone was whispering, because everyone just kept their heads down and ate. After all, the bonus of 5,000 yuan is still tempting to many people, and there is a year of free bento, which can also save a lot of food money. Everyone is still going all out to compete.

And when everyone is struggling to cross the 300-meter line of the one-kilometer long-distance race, someone has already stood on the finish line?

Facing the big oil head's question, Xiao Xiao said weakly: "Yes, I have finished eating."

In order to ensure that she can win today, Xiao Xiao stopped eating the day before. This is equivalent to that she hadn't eaten any food for more than forty hours from the night before yesterday to this afternoon, and she was already starving. So today's performance is at a normal level in her opinion.

Think about it, when a professional racer riding a large-displacement motorcycle has to compete with a group of riders riding Mongolian horses, who is the fastest, and this racer also spent a month in advance to get familiar with the track and practice eight times a day. When I was young, did the riders have any chance of winning?

Dayoutou didn't quite believe that Xiao Xiao had really finished eating, he even wondered if Xiao Xiao had cheated. So he made a request, which was also a request from the TV station. They asked Xiao Xiao to eat two more boxes of bento to show her speed.

Firstly, it was to confirm that she hadn't cheated just now, and secondly, it was also for the TV station to shoot the screen. Otherwise, when the reporter went back to shoot the news, there would not even be a picture of the champion of the competition. It would be too strange for this to be broadcast on TV.

And as for other contestants? It seems unnecessary. People can eat ten boxes of bento in ten minutes, do you still use it? Throw in the towel.

So under the attention of everyone, Xiao Xiao once again showed her magical skills.

The queen with a big stomach was fully fired, shocking everyone with her skills. When Xiao Xiao easily poured the two boxes of bento into her stomach, she took out a tissue from her pocket and wiped her mouth, then asked in a low voice: "Does this count as my victory, General Assembly?"

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After urgent discussions, the host and the organizer of the whole family decided that the championship should be awarded to Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao got her wish and got free lunch box for one year, and a measly 5,000 yuan.

The whole family arranged a simple awards ceremony on the high platform, and asked the TV station they invited to conduct a simple interview with Xiao Xiao. It is estimated that it was used as material for some citizen lace news broadcast in the evening.

"It's really amazing." Zhang Tong couldn't help applauding standing under the stage. He had never seen such an edible human being. Is this girl really not a giant dragon or Taotie who came to this world? Zhang Tong sensed Xiao Xiao's magnetic field, it's normal! In this regard, Zhang Tong can only say that there are indeed people with extraordinary talents.

A big stomach king competition ended in an anticlimactic manner.

At the end of the game, everyone was getting ready, and when Zhang Tong was about to leave with the crowd, a weak voice behind him stopped him: "Boss Zhang?"

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