In the East China Sea, the sea is calm and the waves are not disturbed.

But Ivanov's heart was not peaceful at all, and although the eyes of the remaining four players looked at him were deeply hidden, there were also turbulent waves in them.

"Boss, tell me. What should we do?" The team member named James was the first to speak, because from the very beginning, they had already discovered that things seemed a bit difficult. Perhaps, probably, possibly, the captain made a major mistake in his previous judgment.

"Can we go back to the United States now?" James asked on behalf of all the team members.

Because for them, if the task is not completed, then go back to the United States. They will indeed be punished, but the punishment is very light. After all, they are just team members, not the executive planners of this action plan.

As the saying goes: When the sky falls, tall people will hold it up.

For these players, the tall one is Ivanov. That's right, Ivanov, who was born in Russia, is indeed quite tall. His height of 1.9 meters is already very tall among ordinary people. At least in this group of players, he is the tallest one.

The sea is a very dangerous place, even if these team members are Force fighters, even if they rely on the Force, they can indeed swim very far.

But the ocean is still a dangerous place.

When they quickly retreated from the hive, they had already lost one team member. No one believed that the team member who fell into the water could still survive, and the possibility of surviving was as rare as winning the first prize of the million-dollar European lottery when he sank to the bottom under the circumstances of the eight-level wind and waves at sea.

Even now that the sea is calm, they are now farther away from the hive.

So the team members, including James, actually want to give up the mission and go back to the United States. After all, such losses are minimal.

Ivanov looked at his players, and he knew it was time to make a decision.

"Our mission has not been completed, we can't leave our companions and escape, so we need to swim back!" Ivanov has made a decision, anyone can retreat, but he can't. If he goes back, the Aurs Group will not let him go.

Ivanov pointed to the blue sea: "We must swim back!"

But obviously, the rest of the team didn't want to do that.

"It's going to die, Captain."

"It's calm now. It's not easy to have an accident."

"But the distance is farther, Captain!"

"Let's just turn the boat back!"

What Ivanov said is true. If fishing boats can approach China's coastal waters, then that's fine too. More than 30 nautical miles, if you insist on it, you will swim through it.

But at this time the captain spoke in the captain's room: "It is inconvenient for us to turn back. We were already very close to the waters of China before. The fishery administration ship and coast guard ship over there have patrolled and asked questions. If we return If they repeat it, they will become suspicious. They may think that we are doing something illegal. It will be troublesome to board the ship for inspection. Therefore, we can’t get too close to China Linhai.”

When Ivanov and the others heard this, they felt a pain in the ass.

"So, the only option for you is to swim back." The captain pointed to the blue ocean: "As the weather is fine, you should be able to swim back to China before dinner." '

Ivanov saw that his players had a little bit of backing down, but now he would not give his players a chance to back down.

"All of them! Bring your equipment and swim back to the hive!"

Ivanov gave the order, but none of the team members dived under his command. After all, I just came from swimming.

James pushed back two steps, hiding behind the others. But his behavior was caught by Ivanov: "You, go into the water first!"

"No, I..." Before James could finish speaking, he felt a huge force catch him and throw him into the sea.

Ivanov made an example to others, he glanced at everyone: ‘I said, get into the water! '

Even with all kinds of reluctance, the remaining team members jumped into the water one after another.

Even if you are desperate, you must continue to swim back to the hive now! Let's go in the direction of China!

On the shore of the honeycomb, a certain old Zhang who is idle and bored is fishing in the sea with a newly bought fishing rod.

I saw that Lao Zhang was not professional in fishing. The fishing rod he bought was new and he didn't know how to bait. I was carrying a green plastic bucket and planned to put the fish in it, but I don't know if I can really put the fish in it.

But I have to say that Lao Zhang's patience is good. This fish has been fishing for a long time and has not caught the bait, so he is not in a hurry. While fishing, watch sand sculpture videos to relieve boredom.

Take a look at the video of sand sculptures chasing the sea on a certain music, a big sister opened more than 30 dragon balls in coconut snails (Dragon balls: pearls produced by coconut snails are more valuable than clam shell pearls, and they are colorful, but the output is extremely rare ), and this eldest sister even opened five coconut snails to get so many dragon balls, and she harvested more than 100,000 yuan in one trip.

There is also a big brother who is rushing to the sea, yelling that the tide is low, and there must be big goods in those bottles and jars. He searched carefully on the beach and found a huge upside-down iron pot. The eldest brother shouted excitedly: "There must be a big one!"

The big iron pot was lifted, and as expected, the fiery red Alaskan king crab weighing six catties was hiding in the iron pot.

The other big brother is more honest. He said to the screen: "The harvest is not good today. I went to the vegetable market and bought ten catties of octopus. I have buried it here. Let everyone see what I dug and sold. Catch the sea and have a good harvest!"

The eldest brother dug down with a shovel, and sure enough... hey! Why is my octopus gone. The one next door took a red tube to drive the sea to shoot videos! I bought that from the vegetable market, not natural seafood, you give it back to me!

Lao Zhang looked amazed, as expected, now is the time when all the people rush to the sea to make a fortune, and I don't know if I can transfer big fish at the seaside today and make a small fortune.

Hey, I blame myself for talking too much, and scolded the blind old lady. As a result, I signed a series of unequal treaties, and I only have a monthly pocket money of 1,000 yuan in the future. The rest must be turned in.


Looking at the calm sea, Lao Zhang thought of "Sanmao and Jose" for no reason. It seems that he can only rely on fishing to supplement his family just like Jose.

Hey, it seems that the fish took the bait.

After several hours of hard swimming, with the help of Ivanov's force, the remaining four team members swam back to a deserted beach on the shore of the hive without any risk.

Two sea swims a day, and it was still such a long distance, the four people except Ivanov were already exhausted, and the heavy weight on their backs when they got out of the water, they lay down on the beach and couldn't get up.

Even Ivanov had to take it easy.

Just when the five of them were about to take a rest on the beach and take a breather before setting off, a man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and an upright expression suddenly appeared in their line of sight, holding a fishing rod in his left hand and a bucket in his right hand. His steps are slow but firm.

He smiled kindly, with kindness, and extended a hand of friendship: "Hi, do you need help?"

At that moment, Ivanov and others seemed to see the brilliance of human nature.

Ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket~ Aww~

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