Zhang Tong smiled like an honest fisherman. Although he didn't catch a single fish in his bucket, it didn't matter, after all, all the big fish were in front of him.

Huahua said that if he wanted to have a monthly pocket money of 1,200 yuan in the future, he had to take care of this matter, otherwise he would only have 1,000 yuan a month in the future.

Hey, I can be considered a big boss now. Why is it only 1,000 yuan a month?

According to Huahua's words: "Old Zhang, you don't smoke, drink, and gamble. And you don't like to buy clothes, and you don't play krypton gold games. Why do you want so much money? Do you have other thoughts?"

At that time, Zhang Tong was suddenly choked up by the question, yes, according to Huahua, it seems that money is really useless. It seems that if you get too much money, you will use it to raise a mistress.

Facing Jiang Hua's embarrassing and energetic eyes, Zhang Tong was defeated at that time.

Fortunately, I can still stand up. If this matter is done, don't I just get an extra two hundred a month.

Jiang Hua thinks that Xiuka, Ivanov and others have problems, but it is necessary for these people to show their feet.

Otherwise, there will be no name for the teacher, and you can't just arrest people casually.

For the extra pocket money of two hundred yuan a month, Zhang Tong seemed very kind.

"Are you Hai Swimming?"

"Yes yes yes, Hai Swimming Hai Swimming." Ivanov's Chinese is barely ok, at least he can have a simple conversation. He recognized at a glance that the person in front of him was Zhang Tong, one of his targets.

Do you want to kidnap him now? Use this to threaten Jiang Hua?

And Zhang Tong looked at Ivanov with a smile, thinking in his heart, if Ivanov did something later, would he beat him to death or half to death?

Well, it's still half dead, after all, Huahua wants to catch him alive.

Both of them had a lot of thoughts in their minds.

In the end, Ivanov gave up on Zhang Tong for a very simple reason. I am still not completely sure that he is my goal. If you do it yourself now, then everything will be worth the candle.

At this stage, it is hard to gain Jiang Hua's trust, so everything can't be rushed, but can only be done slowly.

Ivanov smiled and waved his hands: "We have nothing to do, we just want to swim. Now that the swimming is over, we are going back. Thank you for your concern, but we don't have anything to help."

After all, Ivanov and the four team members passed Zhang Tong and walked towards the Hive City as if nothing had happened. They didn't even look at Zhang Tong, as if he was just an air.

What's the matter, why don't these guys play their cards according to the routine?

Shouldn't these villains have done something when they saw that they were alone? At worst, arrest me and interrogate me! Otherwise, you villains are too lacking in villain characteristics!

Zhang Tong looked at Ivanov and others who were drifting away, his heart was broken. This is to make life difficult for myself with the extra two hundred yuan a month.

Since it's me if the mountain doesn't come, then I will go to the mountain.

Zhang Tong greeted Ivanov and the others very warmly: "Are you hungry from swimming? I run a restaurant and come out to solicit business. Do you want to eat? I have fresh sea fish!"

Ivanov and others cannot pretend not to hear what Zhang Tong said. So everyone turned their heads back to look at Zhang Tong.

But someone looked into Zhang Tong's bucket, and there was nothing in it. So James stood up and frowned and asked, "There is no fish in your bucket."

Zhang Tong, who has just learned a lot about the experience of Chinese Haida people on a certain sound, said very calmly: "It will be there soon. Wait."

I saw Zhang Tong flicking and retracting the fishing rod, only tens of seconds between back and forth, he hooked a fresh and huge fresh squid. It weighs five catties, and its whole body is transparent, emitting colorful pearlescent colors under the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Would you like to come and eat, the squid I made is delicious!" Zhang Tong turned his back to the sea, and behind him was the afterglow of the setting sun, just like the Buddha's light behind the Buddha, exuding an indescribable brilliance.

In Lao Zhang's shop.

Xiao Hei cleaned up in boredom, while Da Hei was desperately washing the dishes.

Yes, it's dinner time, and the hot pot restaurant next door is busy again. All the dishes and chopsticks were sent over for washing.

As for the fairy-themed hot pot restaurant next door, why don't they use their cleaning magic to wash it but send it here?

Because Zhang Tong thought about it, he had to pay Dahei 3,000 yuan a month, but the small shop didn't have much business, so wouldn't he just eat nothing when he was idle every day? !

The shop is small and the profit is thin, so I can't afford to support idlers. You can only let him work to earn his own wages.

Although the hot pot restaurant has cleaning magic, using cleaning magic is like using a dishwasher, which requires electricity! Not only does it cost electricity, but also detergent.

Do the math, this part of the money is not a lot of it.

Of course, Zhang Tong felt that it was definitely not for the purpose of abusing Dahei when Dahei was asked to do these things. It's just to let Dahei experience what it means to work in exchange for the fruits of life.

After all, Dahei spent most of his life living on robbery. This is not good, this is not good, and labor needs a major transformation.

Dahei brushed the gap between the bowls, he looked up at the door. Zhang Tong held the big squid and walked in with a few crooked nuts.

Along the way, Ivanov and the others have used the Force to clean their clothes and wring them out to remove the moisture. It is completely impossible to tell that they just came up from the sea.

Originally, Ivanov wanted to have some contact with Zhang Tong. But he didn't want to be too specific. Because in that case, Jiang Hua might show his feet, so when he first met Zhang Tong, he had to pretend that he was not interested in him at all.

But after Zhang Tong self-promoted and promoted the food of his store to them, Ivanov felt that this was an opportunity.

The so-called donkey downhill, if you don't get the chance, it's a waste.

After arriving at Zhang Tong's shop, Ivanov and the others understood why Zhang Tong went fishing at the beach, and even solicited customers when they saw strangers.

His small shop is next to the hot pot restaurant, so there is no business at all!

That's right, this can explain why he wants to take the initiative to solicit customers.

"Come, come, honored guests, please come inside. The delicious food and drink will come soon." Zhang Tong greeted Wei Guoren with a big squid and came in.

He also said hello to Xiao Hei and Da Hei: "Da Hei Xiao Hei, you are welcome. Xiao Hei, go to the hot pot restaurant next door and tell them not to bring the bowls and chopsticks here, and let them open the magic array to wash the dishes. Use dish soap too, don’t be stingy. Dahei will help out when he’s free, we have guests and we need to treat them well!”

Zhang Tong greeted him warmly, and the small shop was filled with a festive, peaceful and enthusiastic atmosphere.

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