The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 819 I, Hu Hansan, Are Back Again

Why did you choose James to check out Zhang Tong's shop?

Because James is the only black man in the team besides Shuka. In addition to RAP, the racial talent of black people also has a very useful passive skill, that is, they can passively blend into the night in the dark, as long as they don't grin, basically no one will notice.

So blacks are actually born assassins, very suitable for operating in the dark.

Just like James, even if he didn't use the Force to hide, it would be difficult for others to spot him in black clothes and black pants in the dark. And after using the force to hide his figure, he was completely merged with the night, and he couldn't tell whether he was the night or the night was him.

He looked left and right, and used the Force to check the surroundings. After confirming that there was no one else around, he smiled and prepared to open the door of Zhang Tong's shop.

Although there is no key, it is not a big problem. After all, the Force can do many things, such as unlocking and so on.

The black man sneaked into Zhang Tong's dark shop in the dark in black clothes and trousers.

Opened the door with his black force.

And also used the Force to eliminate the sound of the rolling shutter door being raised. In this way, it is really unknown.

However, without anyone noticing it, there was a vicious person who saw all this in his eyes. This person is Dahei who was assigned by Zhang Tong to rob the rich and help the poor.

Before he robbed Xiuka and others, Dahei had robbed more than 2,000 U.S. dollars, which can be converted into RMB to more than 10,000 yuan. Dahei has already realized in this world that this is not a small sum of money.

If one more cutie is worth five yuan, then 10,000 yuan can buy more than two thousand more cuties!

"Well, it seems that these crooked nuts can't help it. They want to come to the boss's black shop... No, I mean the boss's small shop to sabotage. In this way, if I touch him, it is not a crime Behavior, our store cannot be regarded as a black shop, it can only be regarded as self-defense.

And when I was in self-defense, I accidentally picked up some money from the ground, this is not considered robbery, right, it can only be regarded as picking up, right?

Dahei patted his chest, watching the moment when James was about to open the store door, and was even about to step in.


A gust of black wind blew, and James, who was originally pitch-black, disappeared into the night and disappeared.

Inside the Holy Lotus Hospital.

Ivanov was chatting with Shuka and how they disappeared.

"So, what happened to the three of you?" Ivanov stood in front of the three's hospital bed with a serious face.

Before Ivanov came, the three of Shuka were already in good spirits. They had to grit their teeth, and they couldn't say that the three of them were going to kidnap Zhang Tong.

Because this violated Ivanov's core interests, the three spoke in unison.

"The three of us were out looking for food at the time, because they didn't have any delicious food in the bureau, and all the vending machines sold were drinks. You know the boss, we were hungry at the time."

"So the three of us were looking for a suitable place to eat outside. So we slowly found the outside. We really didn't go out on purpose, or simply because we were hungry. You think so." Xiuka said. He said to the two companions next to him in a discussing tone.

Both Sheldon and Lucius nodded and said, "Yes, yes, yes."

Ivanov said with a cold face, "And then?"

"Then we went out to find something to eat. Then we smelled the aroma and found Zhang Tong's restaurant to eat. Boss, don't look at me like that, I swear I really went to eat because I smelled the aroma. of."

"Look, didn't you post a photo of you eating at Zhang Tong's restaurant on your ins? Tell me if it's delicious or not." Xiuka shook the phone in his hand, and on it was the squid posted by their team members on the ins Sashimi photos.

Well, Ivanov felt that he couldn't refute it. Because the rice cooked by Zhang Tong is really delicious.

"So you go to Zhang Tong's shop just to eat?" Ivanov looked at the three of them suspiciously.

At this time, it showed the excellent psychological qualities of the three of them. They said in unison: "That's right, they are going to eat."

Ivanov couldn't find a flaw for a while, so he could only nod his head: "Indeed."

"But after eating the meal made by Zhang Tong, why don't you come back right away?"

"Because we were robbed!" Xiuka and others said helplessly: "We were robbed, do you believe it? We were robbed just like that in broad daylight."

"Huh?" Ivanov couldn't believe it: "You didn't resist?"

"I resisted, but I can't beat him." Xiuka and the others said with tears in their eyes, "I really can't beat him, that man is amazing. With black air all over his body, we all drew out our beam sabers and dragged him with force. "

"Together with us, the original force that can be moved is equivalent to several tons! But that person seems to be completely unaffected. He even summoned a clone to attack us."

Shuka's adjective made Ivanov a little puzzled.

Sheldon over there immediately helped him explain: "It's the double attack in JOJO, you understand the double attack, boss, a great idea in the history of animation..."

"Shut up, I get it."

As soon as Sheldon opened his mouth, he became an old second dimension, and Ivanov didn't want to deal with the old second dimension at all. They are always godlike.

Regarding what these three people said, in fact, Ivanov still didn't quite believe it. After all, the strength of these three people was very strong.

Ivanov had reason to believe that they might be deceiving themselves, that they might have done something they didn't want him to know.

While Ivanov and Shuka were talking, Ivanov heard a noise coming from the corridor. He looked up and saw a wounded person being pushed past a hospital bed.

The medical staff on the side were stopping the bleeding of the wounded man. The wounded man looked old and disabled, his limbs were deformed, and his face was bloodshot. There is also a large piece of flesh turned upside down on the chest, and most people who are disgusted will vomit when they see it.

With such a serious injury, the wounded man has not yet passed out. He was still yelling unconsciously on the hospital bed: "The whole body is black, the clone attack like JOJO, ah, so powerful, ah..."

The medical staff thought he was talking nonsense.

And only Ivanov, who was standing aside, knew, isn't this the James he sent out by himself? ! How did he get hurt like this? !

Now that both groups of people were injured, Ivanov was suddenly taken aback. Could it be that there is really a force that secretly opposes himself and others? !

And at this moment, a plane from Brazil landed at Huaihai International Airport.

After disguising and changing his name to Zhang Songxuan, Zhang Moxuan got off the plane, smelling the humid air in Huaihai in the early morning, he said to himself: "I, Zhang Moxuan, are back again!"

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