Zhang Moxuan and Mark took the airport shuttle bus back to Huaihai City. For Zhang Moxuan, there was not much he could do.

The things that Cerro de Pascoe experienced are still emerging in front of his eyes one by one. Those affected by lead poisoning.

The rebellion started by Liu Fuquan and others was very fast and violent, overthrowing the rule of the Ors Group in Palo de Pasco in one night. Even Liu Fuquan wanted to use lead mines as capital in exchange for shelter under the wings of the Master of Magneto.

But the Ols Group moved too fast, they were so fast that even Magneto Master hadn't had time to take over the lead mine. The Aurs Group had already quelled the chaos, and even executed many people who participated in the rebellion that night as an example.

In this great era of awakening supernatural powers, the governments of countries with non-power politics have gradually begun to lose their control over their own countries.

Just like Peru. The country's most powerful violent machine is no longer the military police, but the mercenary legions of the major foreign consortiums in Peru.

South America has always been the back garden of the United States. Because of the problem of international public opinion, the United States will not directly send soldiers to South America.

However, the major consortiums in the United States can bring a large number of armed forces under the pretext of installing security forces. In the past, these armed forces may not be anything.

But in this era when supernatural awakeners are getting stronger and stronger, those strong mercenary legions are equipped with high-tech weapons. This is no longer a force that the armies of third-rate world countries can contend with.

It cannot be said that the government is completely unclear about what the Ors Group did in Cerro de Pasco. But they just turned a blind eye, even if they were massacring there, they didn't care. Because they are really powerless and unable to govern.

Peru also has a large loan agreement with the Als Group, and the lead mine in Cerro de Pasco was originally used as a mortgage asset.

Even the residents of Cerro de Pasco are now part of the estate.

Zhang Moxuan thought of the mother who collected rainwater for her children to drink. That day in Cerro de Pasco, he saw the mother holding a dead body and crying like rain. Maybe that person was her husband, maybe he participated in the rebellion, so he was directly killed by the mercenaries of the Aurs Group.

"In this era, power is the truth."

On the empty bus at midnight, Zhang Moxuan sighed suddenly.

Mark glanced at him: "It has always been like this. It used to be like this, it is like this now, and it will continue to be like this in the future. It's just that the era we live in is turbulent. The emergence of supernatural power awakeners has brought about great changes in the power structure of the world. So some The problem has intensified. The conflict has become more intense and acute."

Zhang Moxuan looked out the window: "Mark, your thinking is getting deeper and deeper now."

The bald-headed Mark smiled faintly: "I have always been very deep, but the depth I used to explore was on the other head. Now it is replaced by the head above."

Zhang Moxuan vaguely felt that Mark was driving. But I don't seem to have any evidence.

"What about you, actually, I haven't asked you, why did you quit?" Mark glanced at Zhang Moxuan: "And I don't understand you a little bit now, I don't know what you want to do. To overthrow the organization? "

The bus arrived at the stop, and Zhang Moxuan and Mark got off the bus.

"It used to be." Zhang Moxuan stood on the streets of Huaihai at midnight, looking at Huaihai, which was still brightly lit even at midnight. He pointed to the skyline of this super city. Because the lights on the ground were too strong, he couldn't see anything from the sky clear.

"When I was in China, I heard many people say that our country is bad. We are polluting, we are destroying. It is said that our country consumes half of the world's oil, 60% of cement and steel, Say we create the greatest pollution in the world."

"Yes, there was a time when I believed that statement. Believed that the high-speed rail was unnecessary, that the high-speed rail was just a waste of chairs."

"I believe we're destroying countless environments by laying highways to build dams."

"I also believe that the bright lights that shine in our cities obscure our view of this pure sky."

Zhang Moxuan put down his hands and looked at Mark: "But when I really broke away from the organization and went to other countries in the world, I realized that everything I said was bullshit."

"Those who say these things are useless, do they know that what those refugees in the Middle East look forward to every day is to have a stable residence, not to be baptized by gunfire, and to have their wives and daughters not to be abused wantonly. There are warm quilts and enough food. food."

"Those miners and townspeople with lead poisoning in Cerro de Pasco, all they ask for is some clear, pure water."

"Those people whose homes were destroyed by the war and those who were enslaved by the consortium. What they long for in life is to live in this city where the neon lights can illuminate the sky at night. Because here at least there is no need to worry about the darkness of the night. "

Zhang Moxuan walked on the streets of Huaihai, looking at the colorful buildings around him.

"Actually, everything we once had in this country, those things we took for granted. It's what many people in this world want but can't get. Even to death, it can only be a dream of extravagant hope."

Zhang Moxuan stopped and looked at Mark: "So you ask me if I want to overthrow the organization? I said yes, that's just part of my thoughts. The Jihad organization is a cancer, and the Homecoming Alliance I am committed to is also a cancer. They all destroying the world."

"So you want to overthrow both?" Mark's bald head shone brightly from the midnight streetlights.

"No, it's not just that. What I want to do is not these. I want to do more things. It's ridiculous to say, but do you believe that my wish is world peace?" Zhang Moxuan said this sentence Sometimes I laughed myself.

Mark: "Huh? You didn't say that. But you did a lot of things. Didn't you also help build some refugee camps, and also coordinated the guys in the Homecoming Alliance to make them not be so short-sighted, don't Do you want to burn, kill and loot? You still did something."

"But that's not enough. I need to do more." Zhang Moxuan said lightly.

Mark didn't understand him a little: "Why are you so persistent?"

Zhang Moxuan smiled, but did not answer. Because there is an answer in his heart.

Mark and Zhang Moxuan were about to walk to the hotel where they were staying in Huaihai.

And a faint voice came from behind the two of them: "Zhang Moxuan, you shouldn't have come back."

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