The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 832 Will You Repay This Vengeance? (Third watch, ask for tickets~ask for subscription~!)

Looking at the dignified and handsome young man in front of him, Zhang Tong now finally knows that this is the world of "Swordsman".

It can be said that there are many multiverse worlds, and it is not uncommon for a world of Swordsman to appear now. There are hundreds of thousands of returnees alone, and there will be any kind of world.

It's just that he didn't expect that the person in front of him was actually a relatively important character in the world of Swordsman, Lin Pingzhi.

Originally, when the gate of another world was turning by itself, Zhang Tong was still guessing whether there were some powerful figures, like those white-skinned evil spirits seen in the world of Sedum, breaking through the gate.

But when he saw Lin Pingzhi coming, Zhang Tong discovered that it seemed that it wasn't just those powerful figures who could turn the gate of another world.

For example, the current Lin Pingzhi, although he is full of energy and blood, is he a strong man? He's not even close.

Even if he is given time to practice the evil sword manual, even if he reaches the top level and can compete with Dongfang Bubai, but he is still not a strong one in comparison. In the world of Sedum, maybe it is a martial artist of the sixth or seventh rank.

Even if this kind of person travels through time, they still won't cause any harm to their own world. After all, the overall strength of Swordsman's martial arts lies in this place.

Of course, this world is not suitable for being discovered by earthlings, otherwise this low-level martial arts world will definitely be colonized if it is discovered.

Zhang Tong is not a holy mother, but he doesn't want to be an accomplice to the executioner.

It's better to develop and live on your own in this world, and don't intersect with any other world. Otherwise, I'm afraid life will be ruined.

But why is Lin Pingzhi the one who can turn and open the door to another world?

Zhang Tong was curious about this, so he was even willing to treat Lin Pingzhi to dinner and drink Coke for only a piece of silver. It was to find out why Lin Pingzhi was the one who opened the door to other worlds.

And Lin Pingzhi's sudden kneeling request was not beyond Zhang Tong's expectations.

Because Lin Pingzhi was originally burdened with blood and deep hatred, since the Fuwei Escort Bureau was destroyed, he has been unable to extricate himself. All I think about is revenge.

But who is Lin Pingzhi going to take revenge on? How did their family provoke enemies? In fact, did Lin Pingzhi really know it?

That's why Zhang Tong said that the Fuwei Escort's massacre was his own fault.

However, Lin Pingzhi refused to accept this. He raised his head and looked at Zhang Tong: "Why do you take the blame?! My Lin family has traveled the rivers and lakes for many years, because I have taken the initiative to make enemies with others. In the end, I just coveted my family's evil sword manual!"

Zhang Tong was a little helpless in the face of this stubborn young man who couldn't see the facts clearly, he shook his head: "Then let me ask you, how many years has Fuwei Escort Agency been in operation?"

"It has been 60 years since my ancestor Lin Yuantugong and my father." Lin Pingzhi is still very clear about his family affairs: "Grandfather Lin Yuantugong fought all the invincible fighters in the martial arts back then and founded the Fuwei Escort. From my grandfather Lin Zhongxiong to my father. The Fuwei Escort Bureau is becoming more and more prosperous."

"Yes, Dingsheng." Zhang Tong smiled: "Then let me ask you, when your grandfather Lin Yuantu was alive, how many colonies did Fuwei Escort Bureau have in the world, and how many darts did they fly?"

Lin Pingzhi didn't know that the immortal in front of him was going to ask such a question, but he still answered: "Although Yuan Tugong is excellent in martial arts, he is not good at business. The bodyguards of the three families rarely go out of Fujian, and the farthest is Jiangxi."

"Then you also have Lin Zhongxiong?" Zhang Tong continued to ask.

"Grandpa's martial arts is not as good as Yuan Tugong's, but his ability to do business is better. He expanded the number of bodyguards a little. From Fujian to Jiangxi. The number of bodyguards expanded from three to eight." Lin Pingzhi continued here:' Until my father took over the dart bureau. The Fuwei Escort was truly expanded. '

"Although my father's martial arts is indeed not as good as the heads of these great schools in the Jianghu, but in terms of business, the heads of these schools can't catch up with my father." Lin Pingzhi talked about his father, he couldn't help it. There is a hint of pride.

"Father has run Fuwei Escort for 20 years, and the routes of bodyguards have expanded from Jiangxi, Fujian to Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places. Except for the land of Bashu and the extremely cold places outside the Great Wall, there is no one in this world that Fuwei Escort cannot protect. Dart."

"There are more than 30 sub-colons in the Big Escort Bureau, and there are dozens of small escort companies that are convenient for unloading goods in various places." Lin Pingzhi said, with hatred in his face: "But the sky is jealous of talents, the god-dead Yu Cang Hai actually coveted my family's evil sword manual and destroyed my whole family!"

"There are thousands of people in the Fuwei Escort Bureau! Just kill them like that!" Lin Pingzhi said and couldn't help but burst into tears.

And Zhang Tong sighed: "You said that you still don't know why your family was destroyed?"

"Evil Resisting Sword Manual!"

"No, it's Fuwei Escort." Zhang Tong patted Lin Pingzhi on the shoulder: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether your father's martial arts is good or not. Although the legend of the evil sword manual is strong, it is a legend after all. Lin Yuantu He has been dead for so many years, and almost all those who saw his strength back then died."

"Your grandfather and your father's martial arts are very average. How can the Jianghu sect take your family's evil sword manual seriously? Maybe the evil sword manual is very powerful, but it doesn't mean that it requires high qualifications. The big sect Everyone has their own unique skills, and martial arts are systematic. How can they easily switch to other people's martial arts. The first is unless they are forced to do nothing, and the second is that they have other plans."

"So it's not your family's sword manual that caused the disaster, but your family's bodyguard agency. Let me ask you, your Fuwei bodyguard agency has opened all over the country, but has it ever paid dividends to everyone?"

"Naturally." Lin Pingzhi nodded.

"How much to pay?"

"Ordinary small sects and heroes of the green forest give a thousand taels of silver every year, and big sects such as the Wuyue Sword Sect get three thousand taels of silver every year. Shaolin Wudang is a giant holding the head of the martial arts, offering five thousand taels of silver every year. My father manages and develops Escort route. Because of the proper arrangements, as long as the Fuwei Escort flags are hung out, there will be no unscrupulous thieves to disturb along the way."

Zhang Tong nodded when he heard this: "Yes, this is the source of your misfortune. Your escort agency is too profitable. Even the famous sects are jealous of making money."

"Think about it for yourself. Your Fuwei Escort's head office was destroyed, but why did the branches in various places also quickly disperse? Think about it, why your family sends so many gold and silver treasures to various sects and sects every year. But Yu Cang Hai killed your whole family, and did something outrageous and unreasonable, but no one said anything?"

"Yu Canghai is not considered invincible in this martial arts world. At least the masters of the Wuyue Sword Sect are stronger than him. But why no one speaks up?" Every time Zhang Tong said a word, Lin Pingzhi's His face turned pale.

"There are not many jobs that can make money in the righteous way of martial arts. Not every sect has a large number of tax-free worlds to be masters like Wudang Shaolin. If a sect wants to expand, it must have disciples. Only with core disciples who can fight can it gain a foothold in the arena. And cultivate Core disciples need money."

"The sect is in charge of the basic necessities of the core disciples, even marrying wives, having children, and even end-of-life care. The sect is their home, and they all get offerings from the sect. Where do the offerings come from? It's nothing more than fields and shops. But as you said , How many of the sect masters in this world are as good at management as your father? It would be good if they can barely maintain their expenses. How can we forge ahead."

"Your family's Fuwei Escort Bureau is good. They scoop up a lot of money at home. Who wouldn't be envious. But the famous family is decent, and it's not easy to be envious. After all, your family still has filial piety. But people I feel unbalanced, who knows how to open an escort agency. Our kung fu is better than those escort masters in your family. Why can't we make this money?"

"Some sects opened their own bodyguard agencies and lost the bottom line. Then they discovered that your Fuwei bodyguard agency has monopolized most of the bodyguard agency business in the country. The rest of the business is to write leftovers."

"At this moment, Yu Canghai appeared. He's a good guy. He wiped out your family. It would be great if you were dead. Those famous and decent families can just swallow up those semicolons of your family. The business of the escort agency is vacant, everyone. You can make money. Shaolin Wudang let lay disciples do this business."

"The Wuyue Sword Sect will send out disciples to take over the business of the Escort Bureau. All the Bai Dao bosses are busy, who has time to avenge your family's grievances."

"It's just that I didn't expect that you, Mr. Lin, are still alive. And you need Yu Canghai to give an explanation. These big bosses can't sit still, it's not good. They also want to thank Yu Canghai for destroying your family, so that they can You're full. Turn your head and deal with Yu Canghai at this time? No way."

"If Yu Canghai is beaten, does that mean that the Fuwei Escort wants you to inherit, Mr. Lin? Then all these decent swallowed things will be spit out? No, no, it can be spit out even if it goes into the stomach. So in the end, it’s all over.”

"If one day you achieve great martial arts and kill Yu Canghai, these giants of the Bai Dao will jump out and cheer for you, saying that you will be avenged. But that will be twenty years later. By then, there will be no more blessings in this world." Wei Escort, they will digest everything they eat."

After Zhang Tong finished speaking, he looked at Lin Pingzhi, who was already pale, and asked with a smile, "Are you going to take revenge for this revenge?"

ps: It’s the third watch, please leave me a few tickets in your hands~ Thank you!

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