The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 837 Waiting to save the world

Ols's boss was furious, annoyed by the disappearance of Ivanov and others. It also annoyed the Templars behind him as much.

Because the main controller has not been found, the gate to another world cannot be opened.

As the Brotherhood of the Templars, their business plan to colonize the Otherworld died before it even started.

A new meeting of the Templars was about to begin.

But all this is meaningless to Zhang Tong, because he doesn't care about Ivanov and the people behind him. For Zhang Tong, this is just to solve a small problem in Huahua's work. It's not worth paying too much attention to.

Instead, he is more concerned about what Zhang Moxuan said about the residents of Cerro de Pasco who have suffered from blood lead poisoning.

After all, he agreed to Zhang Moxuan, and he wanted to treat the people over there for blood lead poisoning.

Peru, the highest city in the world, Cerro de Pasco.

There had just been a riot here, a riot by miners and local residents. The riots expelled or killed the original company executives and security guards of the original Ors Group here. Also destroyed a lot of equipment.

But now, the Aurs Group has regained control of the area. And began stricter control.

"Today, you need to continue digging down the eleventh pit! If you don't dig enough ore, everyone is not allowed to go home!"

The supervisor of the Aurs Group stood in a square in front of the huge mine pit and gave death orders to the miners. And behind him is a group of mercenaries with live ammunition.

Since the last riot, the Ors Group has strengthened its control over the Cerro de Pasco area. In any case, the lead ore produced here is worth tens of millions of dollars every year. And forget about environmental groups here. It can be mined in a way that maximizes profits.

Aurs Group will not give up here, capital is always chasing profit.

The supervisor named Mai Abbas was specially appointed by the Aurs Group after the riot. This guy is fierce enough to look like a hungry wolf. There is always a kind of selective and devouring light in the eyes.

And he is also a supernatural awakened warrior. The last riot caused a big loss to the Ors Group, and they will not make the same mistake again.

"Today's goal is to excavate 5,000 cubic meters. Everyone has to move for me. The muck truck is running, the excavator is digging, and the ore sorting plant is also moving. Everyone is running at full speed. You Make up for the progress that has fallen before!" Abbas stood on the high platform of the square and shouted loudly to the thousands of miners in the audience.

"This is your daily task in the future. If you can't finish it, you won't be allowed to rest, and you won't get off work!"

The miners in the audience all looked bitter. Digging 5,000 cubic meters a day? What kind of concept is that.

The excavation equipment invested by the Als Group in the lead mine in Cerro de Pasco is not the best in the world. After all, a lead mine is not worth their investment in too much equipment.

So many of these devices are old devices that have been used for ten or even twenty years. There are many problems, including excavators, including equipment for sorting ore, these have many problems.

In the past, miners worked eight hours a day, digging up to 3,000 cubic meters of ore a day. But now it has directly increased to 5,000 cubic meters. This workload does not mean that it can be completed within 13 hours of work.

You must know that the work in the mine is very hard. Any mine owner with a little conscience in the world will not let his miners work continuously for more than six hours. If it is an underground operation, it should not exceed four hours as much as possible.

Because mining consumes a lot of physical strength, miners have the best physical strength when they first leave the mine. But the further you go, the weaker your physical strength is, and the less work you do. Here is the so-called diminishing marginal effect.

If we say eight hours of work, the miners can mine three thousand cubic meters. Then the mining workload of 5,000 cubic meters may take miners 16 hours to barely complete.

An old miner in the audience said submissively: "This, this is an impossible task. Five thousand cubic meters a day. We can't dig that much."

This old miner is a team leader and he has worked in the mine for twenty years. The status among miners is still very high.

The miners have a miners' union that is of no practical use, and this old miner is the vice president of it. What he said caused a burst of echoes from the surrounding miners.

But everyone just discussed in low voices, and no one dared to publicly object.

Because the massacre carried out by the Ors Group in Miners Square some time ago is still vivid. Hundreds of those involved in the rebellion were killed. The smell of blood lingered over the square for a long time.

Now their bodies are still hanging in the square to terrorize the miners.

None of these miners wanted to come to work, but facing the assault rifles in the hands of the mercenaries of the Ors Group, would they dare to say a word?

And there is another very realistic reason, that is, the Aurs Group now completely controls the access to Cerro de Pasco. They can't even run away now.

This is a plateau at an altitude of 5,000 meters. Without cars and roads, you can't go anywhere.

At the same time, the Als Group also controls the grain imports of Cerro de Pasco, and now all the grains of Cerro de Pasco are controlled by the Als Group.

If the miners do not go to work, it means that they will start to starve after the food at home is exhausted.

Under the threat of life and the reality that the whole family needs to open their mouths to eat, the miners chose to compromise. They came here again, but they still protested softly when they heard such an unreasonable request from Abbas.

And Abbas looked around at the miners discussing in the audience, and he suddenly shouted: "Silence!"

The roar of one person is actually louder than the discussion of thousands of people.

Everyone looked up at him.

"You asked for this! You destroyed the company's equipment, killed the company's people, and destroyed the company's mineral products. You are still alive, and you can still stand here and listen to me. This is already a great gift Yes. Because you are still useful, and the company still needs you."

Abbas' eyes glowed green like hungry wolves.

"The company once gave you a happy life, but you didn't cherish it. You bitches always want more. Now we don't talk to you. Either work or die!"

Abbas waved his hand, and dozens of mercenaries armed with assault rifles had loaded their bullets.

Thousands of miners took a few steps back in fear.

Abbas is proud of himself, loose sand is loose sand, the leader has been killed, and these people can't make waves.

"So, now everyone go to work for me!"

At gunpoint, no one dared to resist, and it was better to live than to die.

It's just that Abbas looked thoughtfully at the figure of the old miner who was the first to speak against him just now, and he muttered a few times to the mercenary next to him.

The mercenary nodded.

Well, this time we have to learn a lesson, and we can't let this group of scattered people have any chance to unite.


Above Cerro de Pasco, Zhang Tongfei came here, looking at the huge mine pit and the big lake in the city, he scratched his chin: "It's a beautiful place, but it's a pity that the people who live here are unlucky. Hey , don’t say I don’t help, the Master of Magneto has come to save the world.”

After all, Zhang Tong took out a white suit from his backpack, which was exactly the same as the one worn by Magneto, the famous homecoming wanted criminal in South America.

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