"****, I heard that people from the special service team have come to Huaihai." When Jianghua went to work on Monday, her deputy Li Yishan said to her in a bad tone: "I heard that they came to inspect again. "

Jiang Hua's body froze unconsciously when he heard the word special service team, then turned his head and asked Li Yishan: "Who is leading the team?"

"Huangfu Qingsong!" Li Yishan said the name, and Jiang Hua's face froze for a moment. Then he shook his head again: "Whatever, it doesn't matter whoever comes."

Li Yishan looked at Jiang Hua worriedly and said, "***, are you really okay? I heard that Huangfu Qingsong had a bad time with you back then, didn't you?"

"Old calendar, it's not worth mentioning." Jiang Hua smiled, but Li Yishan felt that Jiang Hua's smile was a bit forced.

"What is the secret service team here to inspect?" Jiang Hua also asked.

"It is said to be a routine inspection of the work of the special investigation department. Li Yishan said this, but her expression was not relaxed: "But we all know the virtues of the special service team. If they don't find problems for our work , then calculate their dereliction of duty at work. Picking bones from eggs is what they do best. "

Jiang Hua didn't say anything when he heard this, and what Li Yishan said was still correct part of the time. The secret service team, a group of people who are not easy to deal with. Huangfu Qingsong is even more difficult to deal with.

Now I am worried, my mother Wang Qian said that Zhang Tong is actually pursuing her, and I don't know how to deal with it. Last night, the mother and daughter had a heart-to-heart talk, and Wang Qi revealed an idea that she wanted Jiang Hua to quit her job and go back to Shuangqing.

"You work so hard in Huaihai to do these jobs, and the job is dangerous. Why bother? It costs more than 20,000 yuan a month. If you don't do it well, you will get injured or lose your life. You led the team a few years ago. Didn’t many of those teammates get injured or even lost their lives?” Wang Qian said while holding Jiang Hua’s hand.

"Mom and Dad don't want you to be famous and rich. The hot pot restaurant we opened is very good. Let alone more than a year, you can still earn millions; why do you have to live like this when you are popular in Huaihai Hard work. You have a very hard temper, as stubborn as your father, and you are a tough one."

"It's right for you to be upright and upright. My mother supports you very much. But your temper is difficult to get along in the officialdom. I'm afraid that you will have a big fall in this. It's better to find someone who loves you and takes care of you." Your husband, let's go home with me early. Our days in Shuangqing can be prosperous." Wang Qianyu's earnest exhortation still echoed in Jianghua's ears.

Parents have their own plans, but what about Jiang Hua himself? She shook her head, let's take a look first.

Let's not talk about Jianghua first, let's talk about Huang Gang, the deputy director of the special investigation department in Putuo District. He is now facing Huangfu Qingsong directly, and his pressure is even greater.

Because the special service team led by Huangfu Qingsong came down to inspect the work directly on behalf of the central government.

"Director Huang, you should know. The central government attaches great importance to Huaihai City. Huaihai is an important city that cannot be missed for the entire southeast coast of China. Whatever happens here, the central government is very concerned." Huangfu Qingsong Sitting opposite Huang Gang, he said this in an official accent.

As another person who is good at playing bureaucracy, Huang Gang knew that what Huangfu Qingsong said was just an opening remark. The first is to emphasize the importance of the central government, and I am afraid that the real drama will be later.

Huang Gang echoed: "Yes, our local government is also very grateful to the central government for its concern and support for us. Therefore, our local government will also work hard to do a good job in every job to cooperate with the transmission of the central government's spirit."

"Have you really worked hard?" Huangfu Qingsong picked up the teacup in front of him and blew on the heat of the tea: "Didn't Huaihai have a big case recently? It's under your hands?"

Well, the main show is coming! Huang Gang's heart skipped a beat, but he still had to deal with it.

If you want to talk about the big case under his command, the one that can be regarded as a big case recently is the case of the fraud gang arrested by Jianghua.

Huang Gang said cautiously: "Captain Huangfu is talking about the fraud case of the returnees?"

Huangfu Qingsong took a sip of tea and nodded: "Yes, the fraud case against returnees. The central government attaches great importance to this matter!"

"But this is only a civil case, and we have already caught the main gang!" Huang Gang hoped to slip this matter over.

But Huangfu Qingsong didn't intend to let Huang Gang get away easily, he continued: "Civil case? Isn't it right? How did I hear that two people died in the Xingshan community. And these two murders are related to this fraud gang Inextricably linked? You haven't caught that Tian Yi yet?"

The corner of Huang Gang's mouth got involved. What he feared and hated the most was being directly involved in front-line work by the supervisory department. His tone became cold, and he stood up and said to Huangfu Qingsong: "Captain Huangfu, the case about Tian Yi is still being solved. We still don't know exactly what happened at that time. We can't even be sure that Tian Yi is criminal."

boom! The teacup was placed heavily on the coffee table by Huangfu Qingsong, and his tone became cold: "Deputy Director Huang, you should already know it. The above has now passed a preliminary plan to build a future city on Chongming Island [ Hive]. You should and must understand the meaning of this city.”

"The country is expected to invest hundreds of billions in this plan. And this city will become a jewel of our country, and even a bridgehead for us to overtake other countries and re-emerge as the world's number one power!" Huangfu Qingsong said in a tone very harsh.

"At this critical moment, there have been fraud cases specifically targeting returnees. There are also homicide cases of returnees. Do you think this is a simple criminal issue? This is a political issue!"

Huangfu Qingsong overestimated the seriousness of the problem in an instant, and Huang Gang sat down again when he heard Huangfu Qingsong say this.

Seeing that Huang Gang was stunned by his own tone, Huangfu Qingsong made a request to Huang Gang: "The central government is very concerned about this matter, and this matter needs to be dealt with quickly and strictly. From now on, we will take over this case. And now , I need to mention the key person in the interrogation of this case: Wang Wu."

Sure enough? Huang Gang's most annoying thing happened. Afterwards, Huangfu Qingsong also made a request: "Call Jiang Hua here, isn't this the case she was in charge of from the beginning? Let her be responsible to the end!"

Huang Gang took a deep look at Huangfu Qingsong, and the two stared at each other for a long time. But Huang Gang still didn't say anything in the end, he went to call Jiang Hua to inform him.

And just when Jiang Hua and Huang Gang were both in distress, Zhang Tong's small shop opened as scheduled at noon and welcomed the first customer. A tall, mighty and resolute man, he said his name was Zhang Moxuan.

PS: Since noon yesterday, the two books have been stuck together until this afternoon. It’s not right to write anything without emotions. Please forgive me.

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