Running, running crazily, running faster and faster, the streets on both sides are only afterimages in the eyes of little Ian.

A ten-year-old child, he was running with all his might. The running direction is a house with simple rainwater receivers made of mineral water bottles all over the roof.

The house is old and dilapidated, just like Ian's house.

The wooden door was locked tightly, and he slammed on the wooden door.

"Aunt Mia, Lina, open the door quickly. Open the door quickly!" Ian slammed on the wooden door vigorously, making a knocking sound.

The hostess Mia quickly opened the wooden door and dragged him in.

"Ian, why did you run out? It's dangerous outside now, you have to go home. No, wait, I'll take you back when it's safe." Mia looked at Ian, she was a little worried.

Mia looked worried, messed up again, messed up again.

Just like before, her husband Drew said that he wanted to participate in a big event, so that he and his daughter Lina could live a good life. He took the old shotgun at home and went out in the night.

Cerro de Pasco rioted that night. Her husband, Drew, came back early in the morning with a shotgun, and there was still some residual blood on his face.

"We overthrew the Aurs Group. There will no longer be heavy metal sewage here. We can live a better life in the future."

Mia remembers the look of joy on her husband's face.

For the wife, for the children. The honest and honest husband followed Liu Fuquan and others with a shotgun and launched a battle against the Als Group.

But before the happy days promised by her husband began, the Aurs Group came back. Her husband was hanged as a rebel in Miners Square, and Mia has not dared to collect the body so far, because there are mercenaries from the Ors Group guarding it. They just want to use these corpses to deter the residents of Cerro de Pasco. Let them obediently be tools for mining ore.

Mia didn't dare to cry, even when she saw her husband's dead body. Because she was afraid that she would collapse, what would her little daughter Lina do in that case?

Cerro de Pasco was in a mess again today, and she was at a loss as to what to do. Now sitting at home with her daughter Lina in her arms, she hugged her daughter Lina as much as possible and covered her ears with her hands.

Lina, who is more than six years old, looks dazed. Because of lead poisoning, she is not only shorter than the average six-year-old girl, but also has much slower mental development. He is six years old, but his intelligence only stays around four years old.

Ian squatted carefully in front of Lina, touched Lina's head, and then looked up at Aunt Mia.

"Aunt Mia, you don't need to collect rainwater anymore. From today onwards, you don't need to collect rainwater again." Ian said firmly in a childish voice: "The person outside helped us clean up the heavy metals in the water, and we don't need to collect rainwater in the future." Worried about lead poisoning. Lina can drink clean water from now on."

Mia touched Ian's forehead: "Silly boy." She smiled, but didn't speak. Who in this world can help people here? No, only the capitalists who covet the mines here come here.

They exploit everything here and regard human life as nothing.

"Really, Aunt Mia, go out and have a look. I saw that person is cleaning up heavy metals in our water and grass." Ian pointed to the door, he wanted Mia to take Lina out to see .

But Mia shook her head: "It's still dangerous outside."

"It's not dangerous anymore!" Ian couldn't pull Mia, but he forced the door open: "Look, auntie, look! That man on the lake, he extracted all the heavy metals in the lake!"

Ian shook his head and pointed at a figure on the lake in the center of Cerro de Pasco. He was wearing a white suit and opened his hands. The heavy metals in the lake were continuously extracted.

The Als Group has been discharging sewage here for too many years, and a lot of heavy metals have been transferred to the groundwater through the water flow, polluting the water resources of the entire Cerro de Pasco.

Cerro de Pasco has run out of clean water and land. There are more than 70,000 people in the city, and half of them have suffered from blood lead poisoning.

After Ian notified Mia, he ran towards the homes of other friends. Is there Reston, is there Hal?

He finally came to Huo Yi's house. Huo Yi was twelve years old and was originally a very cheerful boy.

His family is poorer than Ian's. Like most of the children here, Hoy can only drink tap water provided by the water company.

The so-called tap water is directly extracted groundwater, and the groundwater system here has long been polluted by the sewage discharged by the Als Group.

There was a strong rusty smell in the water.

Huo Yi grew up drinking this kind of water, and he played well with Ian since he was a child. The two played on the swings and seesaw together, and when they were older, they played football together.

The children here don't have mobile phones, computers, let alone IPADs. They don't know what LOL is, and they don't know what BUPG is. They don't care which idol has what news, and they don't care which oppa released a new song.

Their greatest joy is to be able to play football in their free time. Of course, it would be more perfect if they can play football without physical pain.

Because the blood lead exceeds the standard, these children have problems with bone development, and they will have various pain symptoms when they grow up to a certain age.

Huo Yi's blood lead level has exceeded the standard by a lot, and he hasn't played football with Ian for a long time. Because he was in too much pain, his whole body was in pain, his internal organs were in pain.

He can only stay in bed, he can't afford to go to the hospital because there is no money. Originally, Liu Fuquan was doing voluntary medical treatment at the back of the hotel, and there was a batch of medicines that could alleviate blood lead poisoning.

But after the Ols Group quelled the chaos, all these were seized, and the drugs were also confiscated.

The originally cheerful boy could only lie on the bed and scream.

When Ian came to Hoy's house, the face of Hoy's family was not very good. Because Huo Yi's cry was already very weak.

He did not receive medical treatment, and the various lesions caused by his blood lead poisoning were already severe. Symptoms of internal bleeding had already begun to appear in the internal organs. Since the morning, the corners of Huo Yi's mouth and nose began to bleed uncontrollably.

Ian ran to Hoy's bed: "Hoy, cheer up. Did you know that the people from the Als Group outside have been driven away. There will be no more sewage here. The one in the white suit People are cleaning up the heavy metals here. We will have clean water to drink in the future."

"If you drink clean water, your body will get better!"

Ian's words made Huo Yi, who was already in pain and didn't want to open his eyes, forcefully opened them and looked at him. He asked weakly: 'Really? '

"Really!" Ian nodded vigorously.

"That's great, you are the smartest of us. If I can have clean water to drink in the future, will my body be better? Can we play football again?" Huo Yi seemed much more energetic , The strength of speaking has also increased.

Ian feels that his words give him strength, and he truly believes that drinking clean water can fight disease. But behind Ian, the adults of the Huoyi family showed sadness.

Ian, who didn't know why, said happily: "Yes, we can play football together. This time I will be the goalkeeper, and you will be the striker. You have always wanted to be a striker, haven't you? Get well soon, let's play football together Bar!"

"Okay, I really want to play football. As long as my back doesn't hurt." Huo Yi only has this little wish: "If I can get better soon, I still have to go to school. I hope Mrs. Hawkins doesn't Scold me, even though I'm stupid and can't remember what she's teaching. But I still love school."

"Then get well soon, and then you can go to school." Ian held Huo Yi's hand.

"Well, but I'm very tired now. I want to sleep for a while." Huo Yi's eyelids gradually became heavy, and his hands also began to lose strength.

And the grown-ups behind Ian all started crying. Ian turned his head and looked at the adults: "He just fell asleep, right?"

"Yes, he just fell asleep." Huo Yi's mother nodded with tears in her eyes.

Ian has seen too many scenes like this. He is young, but he is very smart, and he understands something instantly. Tears poured out unstoppable.

Just when he wanted to shake Huo Yi awake and tell him not to sleep, Huo Yi's body suddenly floated up. Then flew out the window.

Ian and Hoy's family members followed Hoy's body out of the house.

In a small square in the middle of the street, countless children suffering from blood lead like Huo Yi floated here.

And the man in the white suit floated even higher.

He opened his hands, and the heavy metal lead in those children's bodies was quickly leaving their bodies and merging into the large heavy metal ball behind the man.

This is a supernatural power.

Some people have begun to understand what is going on, and some adults have fallen to their knees and started to cry.

Another friend of Ian's, Lina, was also floating in the air, and her mother came here with her child.

When passing the central lake, the terrible stench in the lake has dissipated. The river was no longer the color of devil's blood. Mia turned on a faucet on the side of the road, and she took a sip.

There is no peculiar smell, only the familiar sweetness that has not been drunk for decades.

She found a mineral water bottle and filled it with water. She found her husband's body in Miners' Square. Mia, who hadn't cried since her husband's death, cried like a helpless child this time.

With tears and snot running down her face, she held clear water and knelt in front of her husband's corpse: "Look, Drew! The good times you said are here. Our water is clean! Our water is finally clean! Look! , what you asked for has finally come true.”

Mia stood up and yelled at the hundreds of corpses who participated in the previous rebellion in Miners Square: "Everyone, your dream has come true! It has come true... It has come true..."

A ray of light shines into the hell on earth, and that brings hope to hell.

The reason why people can live in hell is because they have never seen heaven.

ps: On Tuesday, continue to ask for tickets!

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