Maybe it was because of Song Renjie's influence, but also because of the side effects of his own abilities.

Zhang Moxuan does have a compassionate heart in his heart now.

"Holy Mother is not a good word. Netizens are using it as a curse." Song Renjie said.

"Because everyone is actually scolding the Holy Mother bitch." Zhang Moxuan smiled indifferently: "The Holy Mother bitch is really annoying. Pointing at this, talking about that, scolds people very hard. But I don't want to do anything. Just like that environmental girl, she is considered the mother whore of the environmental circle."

"Every day she shouts about environmental protection and green things, but has she done anything environmentally friendly and green? Has she planted a tree in the desert? Has she practiced low-carbon life in all aspects of her life with self-denial and dedication? No , It’s just talking. If she can plant hundreds of thousands of acres of green forests like you and your comrades in the northwest. Then don’t say that she calls on everyone to be green every day. Even if she is facing the world’s most powerful country The president spat at her, I believe many people will support her and applaud her."

"Doing and not doing are always different." Zhang Moxuan smiled: "So, I want to do something."

Song Renjie became interested. It was the first time he met such an interesting person. He asked, "Then what do you want to do?"

"I have been to many places, those war-torn countries, those extremely poor countries. Those countries that have been eroded by capital. When I lived in China, I was always ignorant, and I didn't understand many things. Only after I went out did I know the world. The cruelty is far more cruel than that on the Internet or on the news broadcast.”

"I have seen countries where the land is very fertile, but they cannot grow food. Obviously their land is very fertile, and they can live a prosperous life as long as they sow and plant. But most people in that country are struggling on the poverty line, More than half of the population is hungry, and 10 percent of the population is extremely hungry. I have seen a child who was born with a weight of less than three catties because the mother had no nutrition during pregnancy."

Song Renjie frowned: "According to what you said, are people in this country lazy and unwilling to farm? That's why they don't have enough food?"

Zhang Moxuan sighed: "If I hadn't gone abroad, I would have the same idea as you. Because in our country, as long as you have hands and feet, and as long as you work hard, you won't be rich, but at least raising a wife and children is guaranteed. It’s not difficult to have enough food and clothing. But after I went out, I realized that everything that happened in China that we regard as normal is actually very abnormal in the whole world.”

"I thought they were lazy, so they didn't want to grow food. But after I really got to know this country, I realized how shallow my knowledge is. Modern agriculture has long been different from the old-fashioned TV. The seeds purchased by farmers It is impossible to breed by yourself, all seeds have to be purchased through seed companies.”

"Looking around the world, although there are many seed companies, as long as you do some research, you will know that most of these companies are subsidiaries of large groups. It is not uncommon for a seed group to have 7,200 subsidiaries around the world. So it seems that the seed market There are many choices. But in fact, there are no more than three countries in the world that are capable of cultivating staple food seeds. Fortunately, China has its own seed company that can provide Chinese farmers with cheap seeds.”

"And in that country, if you want to farm? You have to buy high-priced grain seeds from foreign companies. And buying high-priced grain seeds is just the beginning, because those seeds cannot grow strong and produce full ears of rice by relying on traditional planting techniques Yes. They have to use fertilizer, guess what the fertilizer company is?"

Song Renjie asked in a low voice, "From the seed company?"

"Yes. The world's largest seed company is also the world's largest fertilizer company." Zhang Moxuan nodded: "Not only that, they are also the world's largest grain company and one of the world's largest financial institutions."

"They sell high-priced seeds and fertilizers to farmers in these countries, but these farmers can't afford these seeds and fertilizers. What should they do? They get their own financial institutions to step in and say they can provide loans to farmers to grow food. But In order to ensure that farmers have the money to return to the organization at the end of the year, they need a back-and-forth guarantee, a grain company guarantees to purchase the grain after the harvest. So this grain company stepped in. They promised to take care of the farmers’ grain.”

"However, the purchase price they gave farmers was very low, so an industrial chain was formed. First, they sold the seeds, then sold the fertilizer, and provided financial loans at the same time, and finally the grain company bought the grain at a low price. Among them, Farmers have to pay high seed fees and fertilizer fees as well as financial loans with high interest rates. I met a gentleman with a family of 17 people who worked hard to cultivate 500 acres of land. In order to pay off the annual bank loan, No one in their family dared to rest. They got up to work before dawn and returned home after dark."

"It's just such hard work. Do you know how much income their whole family can earn after working hard for a whole year?"

Listening to Zhang Moxuan's question, Song Renjie shook his head: "I'm not very clear about the income of these farmers abroad."

Zhang Moxuan smiled silently, as if mocking: "This gentleman has a six-year-old child, and their family has 500 acres of wheat fields. But his six-year-old child has never eaten a single bite of pure white bread .What they can eat mostly is brown bread mixed with other miscellaneous grains, and potatoes, which are cheaper. They have to keep the wheat and sell it to the grain company for cash to repay the loan.”

"They don't even have the right to freely choose the crops to cultivate. Because if they don't grow food according to the grain company's requirements, then the grain company doesn't sign a guarantee agreement, and farmers can't get loans. If they can't get loans, their next year's The planting plan cannot be carried out. And such a super agricultural enterprise is harvesting the small surplus of these farmers all over the world, leaving only a little leftovers, so that these farmers can just eat their stomachs."

"And just like this, it is still good. Because the family can at least have enough to eat, and many girls in the same village want to marry in, because at least they can not go hungry. Eating black bread and potatoes is at least better than eating grass roots and trees. Good skin. Because there are many farmers who are not even entitled to be exploited by agricultural companies. Ah, I made a mistake, this is not exploitation, this is called free trade in Western free trade ideas."

The sarcasm on Zhang Moxuan's face became stronger: "They didn't force farmers to buy their seeds, nor did they force them to buy fertilizers, nor did they force them to take out loans with high interest rates and then sell their grain at low prices to grain companies. All of this is a voluntary commercial activity by farmers."

"This is the business behavior of this era, the free trade behavior. Big companies hold the highest say. We are in China, and China's seed company is the third largest in the world. We can meet the domestic demand for seeds. We have one of the best fertilizer plants in the world. , so there is no need to care about the high price of chemical fertilizers abroad. The national grain depot purchases grain every year, at least setting a bottom line for the price of staple grains, so as not to allow capital to drive down prices crazily.”

"In China, I can't see all of this, exploitation under the banner of free trade. Of course, food is only one of them. There are also dumping under the name of free trade, mining and digging that crazily damage the local environment, etc. So I have some Compassionate, I want to do something."

Listening to Zhang Moxuan's words, Song Renjie lowered his head and thought, "Are you going to form a folk NGO?"

"Similar." Zhang Moxuan nodded: "I want to help those in need. Maybe I'm a little arrogant and overwhelmed. It's like you want to overcome the danger of desertification and soil and water in the 4.07 million square kilometers of China. Lost land wars. You're saving people, saving people on an invisible front."

"And I also want to save people, save people in the visible war. As you said, every generation has its own responsibility in every age. You have your responsibility, I have mine. I Wanting the world to become more just, maybe I am naive, maybe I am acting recklessly, but I also want to give it a try and see where I can go. Because this is our era!"

Although Zhang Moxuan didn't express his specific ideas, Song Renjie was somewhat moved by his grand plans.

Song Renjie stood up immediately: "Okay! If you want to change the world, tell me when you need help, and I will do my best to help you."

Song Renjie stretched out his hand, and Zhang Moxuan held it: "You too. You want to change China's land afforestation, as long as I can help, I will definitely help."

"I'm abroad."

"I'm in China."

Although they didn't say it clearly, the two seemed to make an oath.

"I am committed to making China cleaner and full of vegetation."

"I am committed to making the world more just and reducing capital exploitation."

"You work with me."

"Because this is our time!"

Song Renjie and Zhang Moxuan smiled at each other, and a great friendship was born in the tacit understanding of this smile.

ps: Ask for tickets~!

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