Regarding the arrival of Magneto, the Dynasty actually has something in mind. Because I have done a lot of things these days, I have almost killed those guys who made profits in the name of charity.

At the beginning, the Magneto caught him on the lightning layer, and then he was persuaded by himself. After all, isn't it because he also wants to uphold justice?

Now those damn people are pretty much dead. The undead self also left enough evidence, enough to keep those guys in prison for a lifetime, so he should be about to be arrested and brought to justice.

Until now, Dynasty has believed that Magneto is a member of the Special Investigation Bureau.

So when Wang Chao heard that Magneto didn't arrest him, and even planned to send him a job, he was a little surprised: "You won't arrest me?"

"I was supposed to arrest you. But I think it's a pity that you went to prison like this with all your abilities. Although you are very radical, in some respects I agree with your ideas."

Hearing what Magneto said, Wang Dynasty smiled: "I thought that the people in the Special Investigation Bureau were completely law-abiding and law-abiding."

"People can't be too brainy. The country can't be too brainy." Zhang Tong didn't bother to explain that he was not a member of the Special Investigation Bureau, because it would be easier for him to operate (fool) with misunderstandings.

Dynasty returned to his room, took out a bottle of iced Coke from the refrigerator and threw it into Magneto's hand: "Here."

Zhang Tong took a look, um, Pepsi, um, heresy.

"Isn't there a bottle of the Arctic Ocean?"

"The Arctic Ocean is too expensive. It doesn't fit my takeaway brother's personality, just drink Coke."

Wang Chao sat comfortably on the only sofa in the room, and then opened a bottle of beer for himself: "Tell me, you didn't arrest me, and you said you would give me a job, why?"

"Why? Because I don't think you are hopeless. As long as there is something in your heart and someone you love, then this person is generally not too bad. The most vicious person has only himself and no one else. Do you like I can see that girl just now. Even if you can swallow mountains and rivers with anger, you are as obedient as a domesticated teddy dog ​​in front of her."

Hearing this description, Wang Chao twitched his lips: 'Thank you, I was offended. "

Magneto nodded: "You're welcome, this is what I should do."

"You didn't arrest me just because of this simple reason?" Wang Chao drank most of the beer in his hand: "Aren't you afraid that your boss will trouble you? '

"My boss? Well...she will listen to me..." Zhang Tong thought about Jiang Hua, well, if she is not obedient, then he can only work hard at night and blow the pillow more wind.

"Of course, the main purpose of not arresting you is that I think you are still useful."

What Zhang Tong said was very straightforward, Wang Chao smiled wryly: "It's like the movie "Lord of War" starring Nicolas Cage, let me be the same character as he in the movie helping the government do black work ?”

"Of course not, don't compare that kind of dirty arms dealer with what you are going to do. Nicolas Cage in the movie is a puppet of the government. It seems that he sells arms to those warlords. It’s the government that’s running it. Those warlords are all backed by the government. They’re supporting these warlords to fight proxy wars. Dirty and bloody.”

Zhang Tong has watched "The Lord of War". From a movie point of view, this is a praiseworthy classic, and it is worth watching for everyone who is interested in the wars that took place from the 1980s to the beginning of the new century. do.

At the same time, the film also profoundly exposed the other side of the world war, how the proxy wars were fought, and who provided the weapons. If we analyze it in conjunction with the international economic situation, it is not difficult to find some dark truths.

Of course, the protagonist played by Nicolas Cage is not a very good guy in the movie. He is one of the accomplices in making the world a messier and darker place.

"We won't do those things. The appeal is different." Zhang Tong denied the dynasty's conjecture: "I don't need you to do those dirty jobs. You can rest assured about this. From a personal perspective and a national perspective, all this Neither is in my interest nor is it in the national interest."

"Then what do you want me to do?" Dynasty only had this question now. Because my main ability is two points, one is to kill people, and the other is to generate electricity. Is it to let yourself go to the third world countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America to be a human body generator? I don't know if I'm going to drain myself.

"Save the third world countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America."

Hearing Magneto's words, Wang Chao thought to himself: It's over, I really want to be a human body generator.

He said weakly: "Can you not go?"


"Because I'm actually not very good at generating electricity, and I probably can't meet the electricity needs of people in Asia, Africa and Latin America."

"What stupid things are you talking about! Who wants you to generate electricity." Zhang Tong had no idea that an Indian-made train was running wildly in Wang Chao's head.

"The biggest advantage of you is that you are easy to fight against injustices, which is very good. There are many injustices in this world. So, I think your advantages should not be wasted. In China, your advantages are somewhat problematic. We are a harmonious society, you Got it. Harmony."

Wang Chao nodded: "Understood, harmony. If written, it will be harmonized."

"Smart. So in order not to waste your ability and your sense of justice. I think you can go outside for a walk. There are many unfair places in this world. You don't need to stare at the country, you can do a lot abroad You don’t have to worry about harmony when it comes to justice, and I won’t arrest you either. Isn’t that beautiful.”

The Dynasty thought about it: "Then what do I need to do?"

"What you do is very simple. It's just making trouble for those big companies in Europe and America. Since they like to suck blood in poor and backward countries so much, then it doesn't prevent you from promoting fairness and justice. They have done a lot of disgusting things to our country, right? Is it? They do the first day of junior high school, you go to the fifteenth day."

Hearing this, the dynasty already understood very well. This is to set off a wave of revolutionism by yourself.

"But I'm good at fighting, and I can't do those things that fool people. And I don't have a big picture, I'm afraid I can't do it."

Magneto waved his hand: "Don't worry, I found someone with an idea for you, and you just listen to him. This is a chance for me to give you a whitewash. If you can make a career, you You will have the opportunity to go ashore for nothing. I assure you, you can retire comfortably and enjoy life when the time comes, and no one can touch you."



"Hmm." Wang Chao's heart was moved. Now that he had something to worry about, he didn't want to die.

"But I'm going abroad, what about Xu Shanshan?"

This is the only worry about the dynasty now.

"Your wife, my adoptive... Cough, just kidding, you don't have to be so serious about becoming an electric man. Xu Shanshan, don't worry, the organization will make arrangements. And your departure will also be a good excuse. Just go abroad to work for two days. year. Ask Xu Shanshan if she would like to wait for you."

"If she is willing, then everything is easy to talk about. If she is not willing, then there is no need to force it. Make your own choice."

Wang Chao sighed, in fact, do he still have a choice? It seems that it is already doomed, and I have no choice. But this is also his only way out. If there is no Magneto to help him clean up, everything he has done will eventually be exposed. At that time, I will not be able to gain a foothold anymore.

At the beginning, I said that thousands of crimes were attributed to myself, and when the sins overflowed, I died to end the evil in the world.

But after meeting Xu Shanshan, Wang Chao found that he didn't want to die so much. I still want to have many stories with her, I want to walk with her under the moon, I want to laugh happily with her in the movie theater, I want to watch her hold my hand and ask if the dress is good.

I want to do too much, but I just don't want to die.

No wonder the ancients said that the only way to die is through the ages.

"Hey... well, I agree." Dynasty had no choice.

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