The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 853 The painting style is wrong

"Many of you have come here as refugees. Your country is controlled by those Awakened warlords who rely on their own strength to dominate. They burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of crimes. Think about the days you have lived , What kind of life will you live after that!"

Magneto master is carrying out the final pre-war mobilization.

"Those whose parents died in the war take a step forward!"

More than 300 people in the team of more than 1,000 people took a step forward.

"Those who have wives, children, and lovers who died in the chaos of warlords take a step forward!"

More than five hundred people took a step forward.

"Homeless people whose homes have been destroyed, take a step forward!"

One thousand and thirty two people took a step forward in unison.

"Now I ask you, where is your home?!"

"Galderon!" More than a thousand soldiers roared in unison.

"Do you still want your parents to be killed, your wife and children to be humiliated, and your homeland to be destroyed!"

"I don't want to!" The roar became more forceful, and some soldiers had clenched their hands tightly, their knuckles turning white.

"Then let me tell you, there is war in front of you, and peace behind you, tell me what you should do?!" Master Magneto roared angrily.

In response to him, more than a thousand soldiers roared even harder: "Hit them!"

"Okay, let's go!"

"All of them! Turn left and walk together!"

Magneto Master looked at these more than a thousand well-trained fighters, and he felt slightly relieved. These thousand fighters are the capital for his own country in South America.

It is different from other warlords who blindly expand their numbers and recruit as many people as there are guns. Magneto Juggernaut has never blindly expanded his conscription, let alone recruiting strong men. He has been maintaining quality.

The way many warlords recruit young men is to arrest those teenagers, arrest a group of people, and then threaten them with guns to force them to train. Then there is a live ammunition shooting. The so-called live ammunition shooting is to let them take guns to shoot innocent civilians, or captives captured from the battlefield. As long as these teenagers see blood, their minds will change. Through continuous corporal punishment, training, and the stimulation of alcohol and drugs, these teenagers may only need a month or two, and their original innocence and kindness will disappear without a trace. In the end only the Tyrannosaurus remained, and this was the favorite soldier of the warlords because they were aggressive and easy to control.

But Magneto is different. He has always controlled the number of his troops and is very strict about conscription. When Galderon was recruited, there were conditions. He was required to be physically strong at the age of 20, and had experienced wars. Some family members and friends died in the war, and there were other family members living in Galderon. Only those who meet the above conditions will be conscripted.

And unlike other warlords who rely on alcohol, women, sex, and drugs to control soldiers, Magneto has never relied on these things to make soldiers loyal. Soldiers are paid, and it's not just wages that sustain their service alone. There are also layers of lectures and care from leaders at all levels, from the head of the regiment to the head of the company to the head of the squad.

The Master of Magneto instilled in these soldiers that Galderon is everyone's last home, and we have no way out if we leave here. South America is big, but without Galderon, we will no longer have the concept of a place to stand. Let the soldiers establish a simple concept of defending their homeland.

These trainings were brought by Li Donglin, a returnee and a veteran. It is said that he also served as the deputy battalion commander in the army, and he has a strict logic for training soldiers.

Unlike those warlord forces, officers can enjoy more women, better food and more wine, while soldiers at the bottom can only eat leftovers from the officers. In the army dominated by Wanci, Li Donglin has always emphasized that officers and soldiers should eat, live, work, and study together. Cultivate the sense of belonging and collective honor of officers and soldiers.

All soldiers have to learn the basics, because the cultural level of the people in South America is really worrying, and many people know less than a hundred words. Therefore, study classes have been set up within the army to provide remedial lessons for soldiers.

Li Donglin used the method of training soldiers in China here, and made some improvements, and the results obtained are also extraordinary.

The 1,032-person army has been trained for more than two years now, although it has only dealt with some bandits who occasionally came over in small troubles, and has not really fought a large-scale war. But Li Donglin and Master Wan Magnetic have great confidence in these armies.

They marched in neat steps, forming a neat square formation and marching towards their position in an orderly manner.

The footsteps of TAT TAT TAT ~ stepped across the streets of Galderon in unison.

Wearing gray-green camouflage and carrying a unified M4 assault rifle, according to the formation, each squad has a squad machine gun, and each row has two 120mm mortars. The Galderon Army also has a tank company with six modernized Type 62 light tanks. Although the tank model is very old, the structure is simple and durable. In particular, the equipped 105 mm caliber tank gun is comparable to almost any main battle tank in the world, and it is a matter of piercing each other. Moreover, these six tanks are also equipped with artillery-launched missiles.

In addition, this 1,000-strong force also has a special artillery battalion, which is different from the revolutionary army attacking from the opposite side. The 10,000-strong Revolutionary Army has a so-called artillery battalion. But their artillery actually uses 107mm rocket launchers. Sixty 107 gun mounts on the modified Toyota pickup are their artillery battalion.

The 107 artillery was invented in China. It was first invented to strengthen the firepower of the People's Liberation Army, which was deeply afraid of the lack of firepower after the Korean War. The advantage of the 107 gun is that it is a multiple rocket launcher with a simple structure and strong firepower. It can launch twelve 107mm caliber rocket launchers at one time, and it is very powerful. In a short period of time, the People's Liberation Army's phobia of insufficient firepower was cured.

But the disadvantage is that the shooting accuracy of this thing is really not high. The shells can be fired easily without a gun mount, but if fired like this, the accuracy at a distance of one kilometer is resigned to fate. And even if it is fired with a gun mount, the accuracy beyond seven kilometers cannot be guaranteed. So this thing has always been used as a firepower coverage. Gathering hundreds of cannons to bombard a mountain top was done in Vietnam back then, and the effect was very good.

However, Delong's revolutionary army is not strong enough in training, so it can only use this kind of artillery as a serious artillery. After all, the 107 gun is easy to operate, and you can use it proficiently after a week of training.

And Wanci dominates here, he has trained for several years, but he has actually trained a battalion of real artillery. It has six 155mm caliber howitzer cannons, twelve 120 caliber howitzer cannons and twelve 105 caliber artillery. And there is a regular artillery radar system.

Delong's revolutionary army was still advancing, and the 10,000 troops were scattered, drawing a long line on the plain. Thirty kilometers away from Galderon. Deron was a little anxious, the march was too slow. He was going to make an assault, and all the trucks available for his entire army to load soldiers had already been used, that is, they could only hold more than 3,000 people, and there were 7,000 people who needed to walk. His tank battalion (actually sixteen infantry fighting vehicles equipped with 60mm guns) and artillery battalion (a Toyota pickup equipped with a 107 rocket launcher) can make a quick advance, but it is too dangerous to advance alone.

Although he said that he had never learned infantry and tank coordination, he also knew that tanks and artillery should not be allowed to go forward alone. So he had to give an order to the lazy army: "Arrive at the designated destination before four o'clock in the afternoon! Galderon will give you a 24-hour carnival!" The so-called carnival is like the army captured a city in ancient wars, and the general indulged It's like burning, killing and looting in the city. This kind of carnival can best stimulate the fighting desire of those bloodthirsty soldiers.

This order was issued layer by layer, and the soldiers in the revolutionary army who were wearing various clothes quickly quickened their pace.

"Ha! This time I want to grab enough cash and a woman to go home!"

"Roy, you still want to rob women? Your family already has seven wives. Would it be useful to take your kidney back?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

There was a burst of laughter and curses from the soldiers in the revolutionary army, and everyone's marching speed accelerated a lot. In order to speed up the march, many soldiers put their guns and weapons on the truck when they passed by the truck. Although the truck has no room for people, there is still room for weapons.

The burden of more than ten catties was reduced, and everyone's marching speed was much faster.

Delong watched the marching speed of the entire army increase, and he showed satisfaction.

On the side of Magneto Master, the soldiers of the artillery battalion have locked the revolutionary army through the artillery radar, and the battalion commander reported: "The enemy army has been locked, whether to fire or not!"

In the headquarters, Li Donglin smiled faintly: "Don't worry, the revolutionary army must get within seven kilometers of us if they want to hit us. Our artillery can hit thirty kilometers, but they can't. Let them in first, Listen to my order for the tank company to ambush at position 127 from the rear, and prepare to cut this army from the middle when the war starts. The first company and the second company of the first battalion will penetrate to the enemy's rear within three hours. You need to be fully armed and advance 25 Kilometers to ambush, cut off the opponent's retreat, do you have confidence?!"

"Yes!" The two company commanders who were receiving combat orders at the headquarters said in unison.

Magneto Master stood motionless in front of the map of the headquarters, he slowly turned his head and said: "Don't kill everyone, I still need to find out how this evil Deron has the guts to provoke me Tiger beard!"

Li Donglin laughed: "Because we have always been too low-key, so low-key that these warlords think we are a persimmon that is easy to pinch. Let's make us famous in today's battle!"

"Hmm." Magneto Lord nodded, but it's a pity that Jiaderon is still too small and lacks mines. It would be nice if he had a stable mine.

ps: It’s Monday, please vote~!

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