The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 855 American movies are harmful.

Sainz never expected that things would develop completely differently from what he had expected. He had fought in South America for three years and fought with various warlord forces.

But what is the situation like today? The sharp and roaring shells in the sky are still falling.

There were rumbling explosions accompanied by huge flames and smoke, as well as the plowed land and flying shrapnel. And countless corpses and broken arms.

The artillery positions of Galderon's army opened fire. Equipped with a modern artillery radar that allows them to target and fire beyond visual range.

The accuracy range of modern 155-caliber howitzers has reached 30 kilometers. When they got closer to 10 kilometers, Galderon started firing the cannons entirely to increase the shooting accuracy, and at the same time to avoid violent shelling, which would directly disperse the rabble.

Li Donglin, the commander of the Jia Delong Army, is also a soldier with rich experience in war. He knew very well what kind of virtue this group of rabble opposite him had.

The Garderon Army has been invincible over the years. Not because we can't compete, but because we are too lazy to fight. Low-key development has always been the top priority of their army in these years.

The six 155mm caliber howitzers, 12 120mm caliber guns and 12 105mm caliber howitzers of the Galderon Army fired three rounds and three bursts of extreme speed.

A total of 270 shells were fired. Large and small gun pits were plowed on the land.

A round of shelling knocked down most of the morale of the People's Revolutionary Army. Fortunately, although this group of warlords were poorly trained, they still had the most basic common sense. When the shells came, everyone was confused in the first round, but soon someone stood up and shouted: "Lie down!"

Many people got down on the ground to avoid the shelling. So the death toll is actually not that many.

After the shelling, Sainz poked his head out of the pit and touched it up and down. Fortunately, his parts were still there.

Then I looked around, except for the unlucky ones who were killed in the first round, it seemed that there were not many dead people.

He grinned, it seemed that the army on the opposite side had artillery that fired farther, but the accuracy was not very good.

But is it really so?

Compared to Sainz, who was still glad that he was still alive, Delong, the leader of the People's Revolutionary Army, had his eyes reddened.

Because the target of the shelling just now was not his soldiers at all, but his artillery battalion and tank battalion!

The main targets of the three rounds of rapid fire just now were these two troops that he was proud of and regarded as the troops he would rely on in the future.

The three rounds of artillery fire were basically destroyed. People can lie down to avoid shells, how can infantry fighting vehicles and trucks lie down?

The painstaking efforts that I cultivated!

Deron doesn't know, should this be an advance or a retreat?

But his confidant military adviser Richard said: "Our army must move forward. Judging from the power of the explosion, the Galderon Army used a 155mm howitzer cannon."

"The longest range of this artillery can reach 35 kilometers, and it can shoot with precision within 30 kilometers. Now we are as close as 10 kilometers to their front line. If I retreat at this time, our entire army will be exposed to the extension line of his artillery fire superior."

"If we want to withdraw from their artillery ring, then we may have to reduce half or more of our personnel, and if the momentum collapses, the entire army may directly disintegrate."

Richard quickly analyzed with his brain strengthened by supernatural powers: "They just hope that our round of shelling will hit us and then retreat, so that they only need to use artillery to kill 10,000 of us. The army broke up."

"The Master of Magneto has only 1,000 people. The biggest reliance is these fierce artillery. As long as we survive this section, they will be powerless to resist."

As a warlord, Deron actually didn't study too much when he was young, and it was even more impossible for him to go to a military school. All his war knowledge basically came from Hollywood war movies.

And the military adviser he considered his confidant was actually almost the same. Basically, it's watching Hollywood war movies to learn how to fight.

It makes sense to listen to the analysis of the military strategist Richard. Delong gritted his teeth and sent out all the guards in his hands.

The so-called guards are also his supervisory team. Whenever the battle is unfavorable, these guys will hold weapons and force their cannon fodder soldiers to attack forward.

This is a group of direct troops that almost all South American lords will train.

What they eat and wear is the best in the entire army, and their income is also the highest. Of course, when they need to work, these people will rush forward desperately.

The supervisory team sent out more than 1,000 people. In the round of shelling just now, only more than 700 people were actually killed.

Compared with the People's Revolutionary Army of more than 10,000 people. This hardly sees much loss. The weapons wielded by the supervisory team allowed the remaining more than 9,000 soldiers to move on and continue fighting.

But there is a problem, that is, when they were marching in a hurry, many people threw their weapons on the truck for convenience.

Although the round of shelling just now did not cause too much damage to personnel. But most vehicles including infantry fighting vehicles, trucks were damaged.

Naturally, most of the weapons on the truck were destroyed.

Even looking for the remaining weapons from the wreckage, nearly 1/3 of the fighters still have no weapons. Sainz looked at the teammates next to him. They were empty-handed and confused, but they still walked towards the combat zone.

Because if they don't move forward, the supervisor team behind will shoot them down.

I don't know what's the point of soldiers without weapons going to the battlefield. But an order is an order. They just need to follow suit and don't need to worry about too many other problems.

As for the Garderon Army, both Li Donglin and Master Magneto have been reported. The round of shelling just now was very beautiful, and the important strategic materials such as the 107 guns of the infantry fighting vehicle and truck on the opposite side were destroyed as soon as possible.

And according to investigations, many soldiers lost their weapons in the round of shelling just now.

"One-third of the soldiers have no weapons, but they are still moving forward. I don't know what Deron is thinking in his mind." Magneto Lord always thinks that the warlords in South America are amazing, and their brains seem to be normal. People are different.

But Li Donglin shook his head and said, "If you can know what they are thinking, then you are also a member of this group of unknown South American lords."

"Are the tanks going to be dispatched now?"

"Go out and end this farce as soon as possible."

The People's Revolutionary Army is still advancing. But their advance was meaningless, as the second round of heavy shelling was about to begin.

And the 6 tanks that had been ambushed for a long time broke out from the middle at the moment when the artillery fire went out.

The People's Revolutionary Army, which was originally a mob, had no way to carry out effective resistance. This kind of troops can fight with the wind. The round of shelling just now has actually completely destroyed their morale. This kind of troops can't fight without momentum. When the tank came out, everyone had given up resistance.

Everyone only hates that their parents gave birth to two legs less. It was too slow to run.

For Delong, he still doesn't understand how he was defeated. He didn't even see the army on the opposite side, and his army had already disintegrated.

Deron is a level 5 power awakening powerhouse. His ability is to incarnate Pyro and control flames. It can spit out flames with a high temperature of more than 2000 degrees. He is now mad because he has never encountered such a fiasco in his life.

Delong, who transformed into a fire man, shouted in the direction of Jia Delong: "Master of Magneto! How dare you fight me!"

This is Delong's last way to save his own decline, that is to fight a one-on-one, if he can kill the Magneto Master, then the situation may be reversed.

Hearing his shout, Master Wanci flew straight over wearing his white suit.

"Are you going to fight me one-on-one? I haven't had a good fight with someone for a long time." Master Wanci squeezed his fist and made a crackling sound.

"Hey! You've been fooled, fire!" Deron, who looked aggressive at first and wanted to single out the Magneto Lord, showed a strange smile in an instant.

It turned out that he had already prepared a big gift for the Master of Magneto, and he felt that it could deal with the secret weapon of the Master of Magneto.

The guards who had already ambushed on the ground held guns made of plastic. It is filled with bullets made of high-strength engineering plastics.

That's right, Deron, who learned war experience from American movies, also learned from American movies how he dealt with Magneto Master.

It is the way to deal with Magneto in the famous X-Men series of movies. The movie relies on these plastic guns and plastic bullets.

Since it is useful against Magneto, it is naturally impossible to be useless against Magneto. Delong spent a lot of money for this batch of firearms.

As soon as he gave an order, the guards on the ground pulled the trigger and burst into flames.

A flood of plastic bullets sprayed towards the Master of Magneto.

However, as Delong expected, the situation where Magneto Master was sieved by countless bullets did not happen. Those plastic bullets stopped slowly in front of him and settled in the air.

Magneto master looked at Delong in disbelief: "Have you watched too many fucking American movies?"

PS: Ask for tickets~

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