The so-called human feelings are cold and warm, and the world is hot and cold.

This time, Yu Canghai really understood it clearly. To the west of the Three Gorges, swordsmanship is number one. What a name, what a prestige.

The Qingcheng faction was founded more than 300 years ago, which is longer than the time that the imperial court ruled the world.

At the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, we also witnessed the change of dynasty, and the smoke of war was everywhere.

But I didn't expect that one day, I would die at the hands of Yu Canghai. One can imagine the resentment in Yu Canghai's heart. If the nominal disciple wants to escape, he should escape, at least he can pass on the Qingcheng School's swordsmanship. It will not be completely destroyed.

Thousands of nominal disciples left the mountain gate, and Yu Canghai also sent the core disciples of the inner sect to mix in the crowd and leave together with the manuscript of Songfeng swordsmanship.

Because Yu Canghai knew that Lin Pingzhi came to the Qingcheng faction today to exterminate the sect. If you don't run at this time, I'm afraid no one will have the chance to run away.

Yu Canghai watched the nominal disciples leave one by one, and the outer disciples were also moved. He couldn't help waving his hands to both the outer disciples and the inner disciples and said, "Let's go, let's all go. Everyone who has to go Let's go. This time Lin Pingzhi came here for revenge. I can't go, so you can run as much as you can. At least if you run, you can pass on the Qingcheng sect's secret knowledge."



With a wave of his hand, Yu Canghai vowed to expel all the disciples of the Qingcheng Sect.

Hmph, Lin Pingzhi wants to destroy all my sects of the Qingcheng faction? There are no doors. But what chilled Yu Canghai was that when he waved his hand to make everyone leave, all his disciples actually ran away.

Even the core disciples of the inner sect ran away, and all of them mixed into the team of nominal disciples and wanted to go down the mountain.

Don't you even have to be polite and stage a scene of affection between master and apprentice with your master? !

The fleeing disciples really didn't have this idea. What if Yu Canghai was moved by the scene of master-student love being staged, and then asked himself to wait for others to stay and accompany him to die? Then who to cry to? !

Yu Canghai returned to the Qingcheng faction's meeting hall with a desolate expression on his face, and took the high-ranking chair. How beautiful the Qingcheng faction used to be, I responded to everyone, no one in the Jianghu would claim to be the master for the rest of his life.

Now that the catastrophe is imminent, there is not even a disciple who is willing to live and die with the sect

Yu Canghai shook his head and sighed.

Tap, tap, the sound of dense footsteps came. Did Lin Pingzhi lead the army to kill them?

Yu Canghai muran raised his head, and when he saw the person coming, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, okay, you really don't want to be a teacher, you don't want to part with the Qingcheng faction. Since you are willing to come back, let us live and die with the Qingcheng faction! Let Lin Pingzhi see the blood of the sons and daughters of the Jianghu!"

Looking at the group of disciples returning from the hall, Yu Canghai felt relieved that he had not trained them in vain.

Of course, Yu Canghai was afraid that when they played a scene of affection between master and apprentice, he pretended to be polite and they all ran away again. So he simply said that he would let these disciples live and die with him.

But these returned disciples all bowed their heads in silence, not wanting to conform to the master's intention at all.

The sound of footsteps became more and more dense, Yu Canghai pushed aside all the disciples and came to the gate. I saw that the nominal disciples who were clamoring to go down the mountain also retreated.

Could it be that these nominal disciples regretted halfway through, and decided to live and die with the sect and live and die with the master? !

Of course not, at the gate of the Qingcheng School, dozens of [Black Eagles] wearing black leather armor with swords on their waists and crossbows in their hands forced the disciples of the Qingcheng School back step by step.

There is only one way for the Qingcheng sect to go up and down the mountain, and there is no way back to the mountain, so everyone goes down this way.

The mountain road is narrow, and hundreds of Zhongchang Black Hawks led by Lin Pingzhi have already killed them. A hundred black eagles armed with strong crossbows could guard this narrow place tightly.

As soon as a group of people rushed down the mountain, dozens of people were shot dead by a burst of crossbow arrows from the black eagles who had already ambushed. Black Eagles are all eunuchs who practice martial arts, and they have practiced the true evil swordsmanship.

Both strength and speed are much stronger than ordinary sergeants. Ordinary sergeants need to use their feet to open the kicking crossbow, but these black eagles can be directly wound with their hands.

The range of the crossbow can reach two hundred steps, and it is strong enough to pierce armor. When shot at a person's body, it is a bloody hole for each arrow. Hundreds of crossbows blocked the road and fired a volley, and the disciples who descended the mountain killed and injured hundreds of people on the way before rushing down. The rest of the people ran back to the mountain, crying for their father and mother.

Although the imperial court can't control swords, it strictly forbids private possession of armor and bows and crossbows among the people.

If you are a martial arts master, you can still fight your way out by relying on your powerful internal strength or the invincibility of King Kong. But these cats and dogs of the Qingcheng faction couldn't be killed.

Yu Canghai also discovered this now, it turned out that the disciples did not retreat because they wanted to live and die with the sect, but simply because they had nowhere to run.

More than a hundred Black Eagles faced off against nearly a thousand Qingcheng sect disciples. It was clear that the Qingcheng sect had the upper hand, but all the disciples on the Qingcheng sect's side were trembling, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

The scene was silent, and a needle could be heard.


The sound of slow footsteps came,

Everyone looked in the direction of the mountain gate, and a dignified official with a short beard and a feather coat came slowly.

"Master Yu, I didn't think of it again. The rivers and lakes are farewell. This is the day we meet again. Tell your disciples to put away the swords. Swords have no eyes. It will be bad if you hurt someone later .”

Seeing the person coming, Yu Canghai's eyes turned red: "Lin Pingzhi!"

It was Lin Pingzhi, the governor of Zhongchang, who came here.

Yu Canghai hates this, he should have killed this kid in the first place. Otherwise, there would not be so many disasters today.

"Master Yu, it's better not to call me by my first name. You should call me Master Lin. You should have seen the edict I issued. The Qingcheng faction will be under the jurisdiction of Zhongchang from now on. Qingcheng The evil deeds done in the past will be liquidated one by one."

Lin Pingzhi said unhurriedly: "The Qingcheng faction hides more than 5,000 mu of fertile land under the Qingcheng Mountain from paying taxes, and hides more than 300 people from their mouths from serving as slaves. There are regulations in this dynasty that only those who have been admitted as scholars and above Only then can corvée be exempted.”

"The Qingcheng faction has been hiding in the fields to avoid rocking chairs since the beginning of the dynasty, and the disciples of the Qingcheng faction, including you Yu Canghai, have many murders. According to my investigation, the number of dead is probably more than a thousand."

"Today, this official upholds the laws of the country and arrests a group of human traffickers sent by Qingcheng. Everyone surrenders. If they are innocent, then the court will let you live. If you help the evildoers, don't blame this official for being rude to you!"

Lin Pingzhi's roar was as loud as Huang Zhong Dalu's, and the blood of the Qingcheng sect disciples present was boiling with anger.

And in the dark, a black figure was lying on a tree drinking wine, watching this good show.

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