The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 868 The Importance of Treating Employees Kindly

"The organization has been in arrears with us for three months and hasn't paid us!" Li Shuke seemed very excited when he said this: "Three months! Do they think we don't want to eat and live?"

"Originally, our salary wasn't very high. I only paid more than 35,000 yuan a month. What I did was..."

Before Li Shuke's complaints were finished, Zhang Chen over there stared wide-eyed: 'Wait, how much do you pay per month? '

"Thirty-five thousand."

"You take thirty-five thousand?!"


"What about your mother! They said you earn 25,000 yuan a month, so they paid me 30,000 yuan!" Zhang Chen exploded instantly: "They have been cheating on me all these years. Your salary is even lower than that." I am tall?"

"Eh..." Li Shuke was a little stunned, not knowing how to reply.

"Don't you fucking turn into a strong man? But what's the use? Who else can you face in this society? You can hold a 12.7mm machine gun. Do you think you are invincible? Your strength can overturn a tank, but if the tank hits you, you will die!"

Zhang Chen complained frantically: "They have been lying to me. They say that my Great Heavenly Demon Illusion is more useful and can help the organization better. It will contribute to the great cause of the organization. They say that I am obviously better than you, so give me 32,000 yuan Salary. Say it is higher than you, let me not tell you, just tell you that I only have 25,000, so that you can balance your mind."

"They are lying to my old lady about their feelings!" Zhang Chen took her away. It's not because the organization hasn't paid wages for the past three months. It was because the organization lied to her.

Obviously Li Shuke's salary is higher than hers, but he lied to her that Li Shuke only had 25,000 a month.

Zhang Chenqi's hair stood upside down, his inner qi was agitated, and his long hair floated up. Li Shuke knew that this was the case when Zhang Chen was furious.

He immediately turned into an ace mediator and said: "What, Sister Zhang Chen, I made a slip of the tongue, I was wrong. Don't get angry. You see, the difference in our salary is only 3,000 yuan, which is not much."

"Is this a matter of money?!" Zhang Chen waved his hand, and the Datian Mogong exerted force, and the spiral force flew out. Li Shuke's arm was strengthened, twice its size, and he received the spiral force hard, but he was still sent flying four or five meters away.

"Li Shuke, do you think it's about money?!"

Li Shuke lay on the ground and dared not stand up, fearing that standing up would make Zhang Chen even more angry, so he simply lay on the ground and said, "Isn't it about money?"

"Nonsense, of course not! This fucking is a matter of respect!" Zhang Chen ran away angrily, and she pointed at Li Shuke: "Let me ask you, if you went to Southeast Asia to perform a mission before, would you have died if you didn't have my big heavenly magic world?" gone?"


"Go to South Africa to perform a mission. If I hadn't supported you, would you say the mission would be successful?!"

"Can't finish."

"Then you said that we were singled out, have you beat me?"


"Yes, you are inferior to me in everything. Why do you earn more than me!" Zhang Chen was indignant.

"This... This is also arranged by the organization, and I don't know." Li Shuke felt wronged: "I am also paid. I am what they say."

"It's not fair, it's so unfair!" Zhang Chen's hair fluttered like a female devil: "We dare to do the same job, obviously I did a little more. Why should I get less money than you? Even if we finish the task together, it’s fine if I do more work and suffer more. But at least the money should be the same!”

"Have you never heard of equal pay for equal work?!"

Li Shuke didn't dare to make a sound, and a strong man like Stallone didn't dare to make a sound on the ground.

"I told you to talk!"

"Sister, I dare not..."

"Say it! Don't say I'll kill you!"

"I said, are you sure you don't want to hit me?" Li Shuke asked weakly.

"It's definitely a beating. If you don't beat me, you won't be able to calm down. But I promise, it is within the intensity you can bear." Zhang Chen calmed down and told Li Shuke in as calm a tone as possible that being beaten is a serious matter. There is no escape. Depends on what level of beating you are prepared to accept.

"Then... okay, sister, wait a little longer." Li Shuke bit his lips, and Dahei, who was secretly observing everything, found that his lips were trembling.

Hey, this is really interesting.

"So much nonsense, talk!" Zhang Chen kicked Li Shuke impatiently.

"Then I said it. In fact, it is our leader. Zhang Guangshou, our superior, said that it is not convenient for girls. They will come to my aunt every month, which will affect the work efficiency. He thinks that you have to go to work for one week in a month. No effort. So it’s a bit of a loss for him to think about giving you the full salary.”

"So, so..."

Zhang Chen's eyes were cold: 'So that Zhang Guangshou withheld my salary, right? '

"Hmm..." Li Shuke nodded weakly.

"I'm fucking! I made you deduct my salary! I made you discriminate against women! I made you..."

"Aww~ Sister~ Take it easy! Take it easy! I'm Li Shuke, not Zhang Guangshou! Stop hitting, almost stop hitting! It hurts!"

Li Shuke, who was lying on the ground, had turned into a giant man, with his head in his hands and eggs in his legs. But even with all the protection, it still hurts to be beaten by Zhang Chen.

After fighting for about ten minutes, Zhang Chen finally gave up his anger.

She clapped her hands: "Get up, don't pretend. I know the strength of my attack. You can't bear the injury."

Li Shuke got up from the ground, covering his crotch with his hands, his clothes were all torn, and he couldn't do anything.

"Hmph! How dare you lie to me, how dare you underestimate my salary. What else is there for this organization!" Zhang Chen was indignant.

At first, Li Shuke was a little shaken, but obviously, this time he knew that he didn't get equal pay for equal work, but got less than Li Shuke. This incident pissed off Zhang Chen.

"I don't want to stay in this organization anymore. It's good to work here. At least in the Homecoming Mutual Aid Association, everyone's work and money are transparent. Every month, girls with dysmenorrhea have half a day off. Everyone does the same work and gets paid. The same goes for money. Let me tell you, Li Shuke, if you dare to take up the task of that garbage organization in the future, look at me, I will break your leg!"

"No, no!" Li Shuke swayed his small hands very little, and tried to prevent his legs from being lost: "If I don't get paid for three months, I will automatically resign."

"Hmph! Garbage organization, sooner or later it will close down." Zhang Chen snorted.

"When we are not used, we don't even remember to pay wages. Now we have to use us to remember to pay wages."

"Huh? Sister, have you paid your salary?"

"After drawing a big cake, that old boy Zhang Guangshou sent me a message. He said that we would pay us three months' wages and bonuses."

"Is it that good?"

"What a fart! This old boy wants us to cooperate internally and externally. They plan to make a big wedding between Jiang Hua and Boss Zhang!"

Dahei, who was happily hiding in the tree watching the show, was shocked when he heard this, and subconsciously wanted to run back to Lao Zhang and tell him the news.

But three seconds later he calmed down again.

[Hi, why am I nervous? It's not that I want to make a fuss about Boss Zhang's wedding. Some people want to die, I still stop it? Well, let's talk to Lao Zhang later. And talk about the two of them. 】

ps: Monday~ask for tickets~

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