The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 877 A real ghost (seeking tickets~seeking subscription~)

Zhang Wenyuan didn't know who the person appeared in front of him.

De Nuosi didn't know who the person appeared in front of him.

When two parallel lines that should not intersect are intertwined, the original balance is broken.

Because they know that everyone who appears in front of them is an enemy.

The guns are firing, da~ da~ da~

The ability is activated, biu~biu~biu~

The crowd is roaring, tiger~ tiger~ tiger~

The siren is howling, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Hmm, something strange seems to have been mixed in?

Zhang Wenyuan and De Nuosi fought together. I didn't find that there seemed to be some strange things mixed in among them. But it doesn't matter anymore, if it's like this, what else do you care about?

In the waiting area of ​​the small elevator room, flames splashed and gunfire flew across.

The M14 assault rifle and the ability erupted into a discordant concerto. The upstairs fell, and none of the hospitalized patients woke up. Because De Nuosi and Zhang Wenyuan asked their men to hypnotize all the people in the building when they sneaked into the building. Keep them from waking up. Only in this way can their actions be carried out smoothly.

And now, even if they break through the building, the patients hospitalized in this building will not wake up.

Zhang Tong, Dahei, and Xiaohei stood in the direction of the elevator to the ward, forming a human wall. They were not only watching the excitement, but also protecting the chaos of these people from affecting the patients in the inpatient department.

"Hey, go buy some popcorn." Zhang Tong pushed Dahei next to him.

Dahei stretched out his hand: "Money."

"You put it on first."


"I didn't bring cash!"

"I don't even have one." Dahei said flatly, "I just came back from Swordsman World for a few days. There is still some silver and gold on him. Neither do convenience stores. '

"Tsk." Zhang Tong's plan to watch a movie while eating popcorn and drinking Coke went bankrupt.

Although there is no popcorn, I have to say that this fight scene is still very exciting.

Zhang Wenyuan launched an attack, using the skill-heat ray!

De Nuosi launches defense and uses the skill-Force Shield!

The heat ray failed, and Dennos launched a pursuit, using the skill-Force Hammer.

Zhang Wenyuan was hit, lost a lot of blood, and entered a dizzy state.

Terribly, De Nuosi has entered the finishing move state, as long as the QTE is successful, Zhang Wenyuan will be harvested.

At this time, the head dog appeared! A black shadow came to grab the head!

No, no, not head-grabbing. Instead, a mercenary slipped in. Right in front of De Nuo Si, De Nuo Si's finishing move was interrupted.

Replaying the screen, De Nuosi originally prepared a QTE to end Zhang Wenyuan's life directly. But Zhang Tong, who was watching the play, did something bad. People like Zhang Wenyuan were here to sabotage the wedding between him and Jiang Hua, how could he let him die so easily?

Stop dreaming.

Under the traction of electromagnetic force, a brick was lifted quietly.

A mercenary who was fighting against Li Liang who had returned from the world of martial arts stepped back to avoid Li Liang's high whip. He slipped and hit the raised floor made by Zhang Tong.

"Hey~" Turning the center of gravity, the whole person lay down directly like pushing a golden mountain and falling a jade pillar, making a loud noise. It was as if someone had pressed him hard when he fell down. He threw his whole body until he vomited blood, and then fell into a coma.

Interrupted by one of his mercenaries, De Nuosi's original finishing move, the force axe, failed to hit Zhang Wenyuan.

But by mistake, Li Liang, who was originally chasing the mercenary, chased the mercenary for two steps before the mercenary fell. He didn't expect that the enemy in front of him would fall before he exerted his strength.

This is a good time, completely exposed to the slashing of De Nuosi's giant axe of force. A pure white ax condensed from the Force slashed at the head and covered the face.

There is no way to hide.

"Hi~!" Li Liang mobilized his whole body's 12 layers of power, and the power of his blood was pushed to the limit. His hands were like iron pillars and directly resisted De Nuosi's blow.


With one blow, Li Liang flew upside down like a rag doll. Blood was spurting from his mouth, and there was no sound after landing.

However, Zhang Wenyuan, who had lost his mind after being beaten by De Nuosi, seemed to have been shocked by an electric shock, and his whole body trembled for a while before regaining his spirits.

Taking advantage of De Nuosi's one move, the front force was exhausted, and the back force was not used. Cyclops activated again, and thousands of degrees of high-temperature rays came directly.

De Nuosi hurriedly assembled the original force and took down Zhang Wenyuan's heat ray. The two became stalemate for a while.

Over there, Wang Yaodong is also competing with others. His ability is mind control. He originally wanted to use mind control to control the opponent, at least to slow down the opponent's movement.

But I didn't expect that there was actually a psychic user on the opposite side. His idea is exactly the same as Wang Yaodong.

Just like that, Wang Yaodong and the black-clothed mercenary on the opposite side looked at me and I looked at you, and the two looked at each other passionately. If people don't know why, they will think that there is an unspeakable affection between them.

The two just stood and looked at each other, seemingly calm, but in fact they were extremely dangerous.

And Zhang Shun, who is good at making illusions, also met a mercenary who was also good at illusions. The fight between the two was inseparable, and each was breaking the illusion of the other.

Zhao Long, who is good at poisoning skills, is trying his best to spread poison, but for some reason, the poisonous powder he disperses today is good, or the internal force of poison he radiates seems to be unable to hurt anyone, so the mercenaries on the opposite side can only force it. Fight the basic skills. The confrontation of hard bridges and hard yards.

It made him very depressed.

He was depressed because he didn't know that there were actually three guys leaning against the door and watching them. Zhang Tong will not allow these poisonous things to spread out, otherwise the patients in this building will be finished. So just clean him up.

Zhang Tong made up his mind to let the two gangs fight to the death. Once there is a more favorable situation, Zhang Tong will soon pull back. Turn an otherwise favorable situation into a draw.

Anyway, they are competing with each other.

Zhang Wenyuan and De Nuosi are still fighting against the heat ray and the principle shield.

Wang Yaodong is still fighting mentally with his opponent.

Zhao Long's poison skills are useless, and he can only defend if he is forced by the mercenary's fist skills, strength abilities and pistols.

Zhang Shun and the mercenary on the opposite side exchanged moves and received moves. Both of them were so tired that they were about to lie down.

When everyone was in a stalemate, Zhou Shuming, the security team leader who should have been stunned, led his team up the stairs holding electric batons.

From the fire escape, he observed the people who were fighting in a ball, but they were all exhausted. He quietly said to his teammates: "The power of the electric prods will be turned up later, and each person will solve one. It seems that none of the people here are good people. We have no time to wait for the police. It will be a tough battle later, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, I don't fade after leaving the army, and I run away when I meet the enemy. Is it worthy of my ten years of hard training in the barracks?!" Some team members expressed on the spot that they would arrest everyone.

"Seeing that they don't have much strength, let's cooperate. It's not like we haven't caught people who have awakened abilities."

"Okay. Three two one, action!"

The door of the stairwell was pushed open, and Zhou Shuming rushed up with a dozen security guards holding electric batons.

Zhou Shuming's targets were Zhang Wenyuan and De Nuosi, who seemed to be the most powerful heat rays. He held an electric baton in each hand, and thrust towards them with a move of Ssangyong Going to the Sea.

De Nuosi and Zhang Wenyuan seemed to have a kind of tacit understanding in an instant, and they were ready to solve the little security guard in front of them first, and then continue their problems.

Can a mere electric baton cause damage to a strong ability awakener (homecoming) like us?

Both of them had a smile on their lips.

But their smiles hadn't shown their maximum when they suddenly froze. Because a strong current that was so powerful that it was suffocating, even with the sound of piercing the air, came from the electric prod in Zhou Shuming's hand.

This... What the fuck is holding is not an electric rod, but the entire UHV substation has been moved here!

The electric current broke through the air and made a crackling noise, and the blue-white electric light flashed, and De Nuosi and Zhang Wenyuan began to sway with the beat of the electric current.

Zhou Shuming looked at the electric baton in his hand, is this brand of electric baton so strong? Doesn't it use batteries instead of ten pikachus?

And the real culprit that caused all this, the owner of a certain snack bar was drinking all the Coke Zero, and clapped his hands: "Okay, let's see what will happen after the police capture all these criminals. Hi, Now no matter what organization is behind the scenes and wants to move my wedding with Jianghua, they are now fighting with the Aurs Group. Well, it’s good, dog eat dog or something, I like to watch it the most.”

Zhang Tong smiled brightly.

Da Hei pulled Xiao Hei and said quietly: "You are right, our boss is a real ghost!"

pa: Ask for a ticket~By the way, ask for a subscription~ang~

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