The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 884 Will you be able to act (ask for tickets~please subscribe~)

an hour ago...

Li Lianlong ate Lao Zhang's special Mai Lisu because of cheap hands, oh no, because of curiosity. Then terrible symptoms appeared. During the live broadcast on the mobile phone, I fell directly to the ground, lying on the ground and twitching, and it was blue and red for a while.

All the housekeeping staff present were so scared that their faces turned pale. Fortunately, his manager Xue Hong had experienced a lot of troubles. She found out that Li Lianlong had an accident outside and rushed in immediately.

"You are stupid! Take him to the hospital quickly."

Just when the housekeepers were in a hurry to send Li Lianlong to the hospital, Li Lianlong, who was lying on the ground, waved his hands and said, "It's okay, don't go to the hospital. If I go to the hospital, I don't know what rumors will spread. Send me to the bedroom , and find Boss Zhang by the way."

"You practice..."

"It has nothing to do with practicing."

Under Li Lianlong's repeated insistence, Xue Hong could only ask Li Lianlong to be sent back to the bedroom. In fact, she also knew that if Li Lianlong was really sent to the hospital this time, what terrible reports would be written by the media tomorrow.

Strange to say, although Li Lianlong's body was red and blue, and his body was cold and hot, he looked very sick. But when Zhang Tong hurried over from the store, Li Lianlong was already able to sit cross-legged on the bed and meditate.

It seems to have recovered a lot. This made Xue Hong, who brought Zhang Tong here, heaved a sigh of relief.

"Brother Long, you..."

"I'm fine, Xue Hong, go out first, I have something to talk to Boss Zhang."

Xue Hong glanced at Zhang Tong, then at Li Lianlong and finally nodded: "Okay."

Watching Xue Hong leave, Zhang Tong squinted his eyes and stared at Li Lianlong: "Did you steal the Mai Lisu I made?"

"Huh!" Li Lianlong was furious, turned over and got out of bed, and saw his iron fist hitting Zhang Tong's face like a rainbow piercing the sun.

However, Li Lianlong's fist stopped three centimeters away from Zhang Tong's eyes. The fist wind directly blows Zhang Tong's hair into a Super Saiyan hairstyle.

"Wow, it's amazing. Why don't you become Mr. Tony and cut hair for people with such strong skills?" Zhang Tong grabbed a Super Saiyan hairstyle, um, it was shaped with one punch, and he is extremely talented as a barber.

"My surname is Zhang, stop talking nonsense to me!" Li Lianlong stared at Zhang Tong: "Did you use this kind of Mai Lisu to control Xiao Min!"

Although rationality told him not to think too much, Li Lianlong couldn't help filling in tens of thousands of words of various plots. What kind of hypnotic phone, hypnotic eyes, black silk witch, these storylines came out of my mind like crazy.

"Huh? What Mai Lisu?" Zhang Tong touched his chin: "You said I used Mai Lisu to control her, what is the evidence?"

"The evidence is all here!" Li Lianlong threw the bag of Melissa in the drawer on the ground: "It's all there! I ate one today."

"Then what?"

"I started having chills, fever, and convulsions."

"Then what?"

"Then...then..." Li Lianlong looked at himself, um, there seemed to be nothing wrong. I just checked my inner Qi with exercises, and I didn't find anything wrong.

Zhang Tong picked up Mai Lisu's bag, patted it and said, "Does it feel as refreshing as taking a sauna?"

The so-called sauna is to soak in hot water (or sauna) first, make yourself hot all over, and then come with cold water when you are hot all over.

Under the stimulation of ice and fire, people with poor concentration will die in an instant.

However, some people deeply love this feeling of ice and fire.

Among the Russian fighting nation, there is a rough way to enjoy the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire, that is, when the winter is particularly cold, bring a tent and a set of utensils to camp by the lake.

Burning hot water in the tent for a sauna. When the body was very hot, I walked out of the tent, naked under the low temperature of minus 20 degrees, and then jumped into the hole opened by the glacier. Oh, so sour~

This winter sport, which is very popular among fighting nations, was also taken to the Antarctic by them. The members of the Chinese Great Wall scientific expedition team saw their winter bathing methods when they visited the Russian research station for the first time, and everyone was stunned. up.

This kind of thing must be unacceptable to many people, but some people will especially like it.

Li Lianlong thinks about it now, the feeling of suddenly being hot all over, and then falling into the ice cave is really special. Now his back is covered in cold sweat. But there is an inexplicable sense of refreshment.

For some reason, he even wanted to do it again.

"The full name of my Mai Lisu is [Sau Warm Experience Package Pills]. The main purpose is for everyone to experience the sauna. If it is inconvenient to experience the icy fire of the sauna, eat one of these Mai Lisu Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to complete such a wonderful experience with Su?”

Zhang Tong spread his hands and said clearly.

Because he is not wrong, this batch of Mai Lisu actually has no other use, at least Zhang Tong has tested nearly a thousand people, and there is no adverse reaction, only the refreshment of the sauna. He has experienced it himself, and it feels quite cool.

"The purpose of eating this Mai Lisu is to experience the sauna. Gao Xiaomin especially liked the sauna when he was in another world, but you also know that it is very troublesome to experience a sauna. Especially your physical fitness is already very good. It’s powerful. Let me ask you, can you feel it after soaking in a 42-degree hot bath and then jumping into the zero-degree water?”

Faced with Zhang Tong's question, Li Lianlong shook his head: "No."

"That's right! That's why I developed this sauna experience Mai Lisu. It's just for you to please Gao Xiaomin. It's fine if you didn't give it away, who the hell let you eat it?"

"Eh..." Li Lianlong was speechless for a moment: "This is why you asked me to hand over to Gao Xiaomin Mai Lisu?"

"Yes, otherwise?" Zhang Tong hummed twice.

"This... I'm sorry. What, do you want to do your hair? I'm actually quite good at cutting hair with a sword."

Well, Li Lianlong can not only perm his hair with fist style, but also use a sword to cut his hair. It is not a big problem to play a cameo as Mr. Tony.

"Forget it, forget it. Super Saiyan hairstyle is cool too."

Zhang Tong waved his hand and said, with a generous look.

"Haha, haha." Li Lianlong smiled as dry as the Sahara desert.

"However, do you know that it's alright if you take Melissa. If you miss one, you will lose one, but you fell to the ground before the live broadcast on your mobile phone, how much impact will this have on me!"


"The image of our No. 1 housekeeping company in Hive!" Lao Zhang slapped Li Lianlong on the shoulder fiercely: "You have ruined it like this. Others will say that I exploit and abuse, and make money with the lives of employees!"

"Is that so? What should I do then?" Li Lianlong didn't know what to do for a while. He had not yet imagined how much this incident would affect himself.

Just as he and Zhang Tong were discussing this matter, Gao Xiaomin happened to kill him in the lobby on the first floor. He grabbed the little girl by the collar. Someone at the front desk reported this to Zhang Tong.

"Look at you, what a big deal you have caused." Zhang Tong glared at Li Lianlong angrily.

Li Lianlong clasped his hands together and raised them above his head: "Blame me, blame me."

"Hehe, it's your fault. Now that she's here, you can act in a play. You are an actor, so acting is not difficult."

"It's not difficult, but what to do?"

"Let me ask you, do you like Gao Xiaomin?"


"Okay, then swallow all these Mai Lisu." Zhang Tong poured more than a hundred grains of Mai Lisu in front of Li Lianlong.

"Ah?! This... this will kill someone." Li Lianlong hesitated.

Zhang Tong stared into his eyes: "Do you love Gao Xiaomin or not?"


"You don't even dare to die for her, and you still say you love her? What's more, you can't die. If you love her, eat it. I'll pick her up now. Anyway, it's up to you to decide what she looks like when she sees you." .Are you willing to let me help you with this last one? You choose yourself."

After Zhang Tong finished speaking, he strode away.

Li Lianlong looked at the big bag of Mai Lisu, and thought of the excitement of the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire just now that made him feel like he was about to die, he gritted his teeth cruelly.

Raise your head, open your mouth, pour Melissa!


Gao Xiaomin pushed open the door, only to see Mai Lisu scattered on the ground, and Li Lianlong was rolling and twitching uncontrollably on the ground. The whole body is bright red for a while, and scary for a while.

Looking at Mai Lisu scattered all over the ground, Gao Xiaomin turned his head and glared at Zhang Tong: "The surname is Zhang, tell me clearly. What are you doing to him? If you don't give me an explanation, I will fight hard today." I will kill you even if I die!"

ps: Ask for a ticket~By the way, ask for a subscription~

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