The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 892 Why Can't You Be Scared So Much?

The foreign minister threw all the problems to the other side of the ocean

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spoke eloquently and happily. Eloquent speeches, the European and American media took notes like they were in a standard English class.

For them, today's news is too easy to write. It's hot enough and politically correct enough, and the editor-in-chief can pass it after a random review. It is best to have more good news like this.

The reporter's face paled with anger.

The person who just asked the question was a young reporter who was getting dizzy from the mouthpiece of the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Fortunately, an old reporter next to him patted him on the back and said to him: "Don't be so anxious, Wai Guoren's talk is also very powerful, after all, they are all from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I'm afraid we can't intervene in this matter. Wait for our country. Hehe, you will get used to it in the future."

The young reporter was still a little annoyed: "Oh, it was a small probability event. They didn't think about what would happen if the door to the other world opened and all kinds of terrifying alien creatures emerged. Instead, they kept thinking about it. How to shake the pot. It's short-sighted!"

The old reporter said calmly: "You know, after all, the political system is different. The main body of this country is not the country, but a group of carriers that have been alienated by capital. If you regard them as slaves of capital and look at what they do , you can easily understand their actions."

"Compared with possible disasters, they care more about the gains and losses of immediate interests. They have always been like this. Play their various games with political leanings and you will know."

The old reporter's tone was calm. He looked at the spokesperson on the rostrum who was still chattering about labeling, and he said calmly: "Just watch, one day, they will reap the consequences of themselves."

The old reporter said firmly.

But no one thought that the time for the United States to reap its own fruits came so quickly.

Just when the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was talking, a black hole appeared in the sky above the HSD, which was exactly the same as the black hole that appeared in Huaihai. It even looks bigger than the one in Huaihai.

And now the entire United States, or the whole world is broadcasting the battle between the black hole in Huaihai and the visitors from other worlds and Li Lianlong.

Because, as the president said, they need someone who will take the shit out of it, someone who will take the blame. Out of the national interest and the interests of various groups, they crazily pushed out all the mistakes.

Their choice is to use all the news channels and Internet media to report on the black hole above the Huaihai Sea, and to film various hosts and experts for analysis and to do various live broadcasts.

What they do has only one purpose, and that is to instill in the people: that black hole is a symbol of alien invasion. That black hole is because they are opening the door to another world.

That black hole is where the world fell apart and all that.

But no one thought, including the president who was still in the office, that when a group of people were waiting to discuss the matter about black holes in full swing. The black hole over Washington is getting bigger...

It was so big that the citizens of Washington could see it.

If the black hole in Huaihai is just a drainage hole in the reservoir, then the black hole over Washington is a maelstrom in Bermuda!

Citizens kept looking up at the sky, watching the black hole grow bigger and bigger.

Some people don't know why.

"What's going on? Didn't the door to another world open on TV, so that's why such a black hole was created? Why did it appear in the sky over Washington?"

Some netizens in Washington released photos of the black hole over Washington and their own comments on ins and twitter.

"Could it be that our country is also conducting door opening experiments?"

The tweet was deleted after three seconds.

And three seconds later, more than a dozen similar tweets were posted, including a small video.

Someone took some shocking titles, including "Shocking, the gate of another world over New York is ten times larger than that of Huaihai", "Terrible, a huge black hole is coming, will Washington face the attack of visitors from other worlds?" "" Shocking, who opened the door to another world! ".

Because the news about the Huaihai black hole was broadcast live on TV and the Internet, those experts and hosts had hammered the concept of black hole = gate to another world to death. Now there is such a consensus in Europe and the United States.

So when such a black hole appeared in the sky above Washington, everyone knew that the door to another world had opened. Now even if they want to send experts to refute the rumors, it is too late.

Posts are being deleted frantically on Twitter and INS, and a large number of similar videos have begun to appear on Facebook and Youtubie.

But because they received orders from their superiors, they were also frantically deleting videos.

"Let no word get out of Washington State!"

This is a death order from above, if you don't do it, you just wait for it!

Several social media companies are working crazily, but it is too difficult to completely block such news. Washington also has several million residents. Most of them have mobile phones.

The faster they seal it, the faster it will be passed on. Put those sites in charge of doing the delete staff Alexander.

"What's going on? Why can't it be deleted? Is someone using hacking programs again?"

No one knows why those posts just can't be deleted. It's like no one knows why there is a black hole over Washington DC.

The free people fled in the streets, and the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who was still speaking impassionedly on the rostrum just now, ran away like a mouse after receiving the news. It's not that I feel ashamed of myself, but I ran to seek refuge as soon as possible!

A reporter from the Huaxin News Agency walked out of the speech hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and saw the black hole in the sky in Washington.

"Sure enough! The Americans are responsible for everything!" The young reporter faithfully recorded this scene with his mobile phone.

And on the Internet, those websites that frantically deleted posts were finally unable to withstand the flood of Internet floods, and news began to leak.

In an instant, the whole of America, and indeed the world, now knew what was going on and what was going on in the skies above Washington.

Everyone is staring at this black hole that is dozens of times larger than the sky above the Huaihai Sea. God knows what will come out of here.

The president has already left on a plane with his staff and brain trust and all. I don't know who took the picture of them fleeing in embarrassment and posted it on the Internet.

And those high-ranking officials who had no time to evacuate also ran into the bunker barriers that had been built long ago, hiding behind the strong reinforced concrete fortress.

Washington was in disarray, and everyone was running, either out of town or home. No one came to direct the scene, and everything was in a mess.

As the instigator, a certain man surnamed Zhang looked at the messy Washington and scratched his head: "What's the matter, I just wanted to scare them. Why did he run so fast? And why did the president He ran away, shouldn’t he be directing on the spot? I’ve seen films like “Air Force One” and “Strikes Back on Earth” where the president of the United States is not like this.”

"Why didn't anyone come out to take care of things? What about the US Secret Service? Where did everyone die? What about the free and fair media? Where did they all go?!"

There are question marks in Lao Zhang's mind. I was just planning to give the United States a small surprise after reading various news reports in the United States. Why can't they take a joke like that?

And wearing a tights, dressed like the elder brother in the cartoon, Xiao Heiwen said to Lao Zhang in a low voice: "Boss, should we continue to act in this situation?"

Lao Zhang scratched his head: "Act, you must act. Otherwise, all the things I have done will be in vain. What, Dahei, let your brothers come out. There is no one on the left side of the white building Yes, I probed. Make a big noise and blow me the left half of that white building. Do you hear me?"

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