Regarding the emergence of superheroes, whether it is the president or Adam, they are actually optimistic.

You know, the most difficult thing to deal with in this world is the bad guys. And the best ones to deal with are heroes.

Because heroes fight for honor and the common good. Their weaknesses are too many.

A destructive superhero is much easier to deal with than a sneaky bum. This is the consensus of all. Because a hero can bully his justice.

Just like now, those mercenaries who took the money ran away. Of course the Ministry of National Defense will pursue the responsibility, but everyone knows that even if it is recovered, so what? Can everyone be brought back? Can you get all the money back?

impossible. At most, it's just to make an example to the monkeys. And it's hard to say whether it can be recovered. Because this group of people are as hard to catch as wild mice.

But for the superheroes that appear above the HSD, everyone from the president to the staff thinks that he is easy to deal with.

Why are you so confident?

the reason is simple.

Number one: Someone give this superhero money to do this? No.

Second: Did anyone beg him to save HSD? No.

Third: He hides his head and shows his tail and doesn't want to reveal his identity.

Judging from these aspects, it can be known very accurately that this guy is a bully. Because he is a good person, and a good person is easy to bully.

Because he will be responsible for the masses, he will be responsible for the public interest, and he will be responsible for the justice in his heart.

As long as the time comes to inspire him with various great names, there is no reason for him not to be fooled. If the name of righteousness is suppressed, what kind of superhero can't kneel.

This is the weakness of superheroes.

Your Excellency and Adam have made plans. They were originally comrades-in-arms on the united front.

Not all countries in this world are the same as China. The top leaders put the interests of the country and the masses first.

In some countries, the supreme leader is just a spokesperson selected by a group of capitalists. What they do is to allow capitalists who have been alienated by capital to better exploit this country, and even exploit the whole world, in order to satisfy the capitalist beasts that have been continuously alienated behind them.

There is no doubt that Adam is also good, or the president. They have all been alienated by capital.

Once people are alienated by capital, are they still human? That's hard to say.

So when the superhero played by Xiao Hei was still calling alien visitors in the sky, the frontline commander who was heading towards HSD received an order from Air Force One.

[Stand still and wait for the man in gray to fight the visitor from another planet to decide the outcome. 】

Air Force One did not refer to Blackie as Superman or a superhero, but as the Man in Gray. Because the title of superhero has somewhat different meanings.

If the order of Air Force One refers to Xiao Hei as a superhero, then it is considered to be an official recognition of him.

So Air Force One's instructions simply refer to him by the gray tights he's wearing now. This is also to facilitate their next actions.

Your Excellency the President hopes to obtain a strong man who can be controlled by himself. Adam's Aurs Group hopes to capture a new subject to expand his sequence of psychic awakened fighters.

Judging from the battle scenes on the scene, the superman disguised by Xiao Hei showed super strength, flying and other characteristics. It really looks like Superman in the comics. As for whether there are heat rays, cold air blowing, etc., it still needs to be observed.

Adam couldn't wait to get this new experimental body. And he felt that the possibility of obtaining it was really great.

The commander who went to HSD had already stood still after receiving the order from Air Force One.

As for HSD, the battle between Superman in Gray and Visitors from Another World has entered a fierce stage. I saw that the punch of the gray-clothed Superman was like a mountain torrent and a tsunami, forcing the visitors from other worlds to defend desperately.

The golden radiance that had sprung from their bodies was much dimmed now.

When the gray superman drove those visitors from the other world back to the black hole of the other world one by one, and when the black door to the other world was slowly closed, the people watching the battle all over the United States were excited.

Of course, the most popular one is Max's live broadcast room. Because he was the first anchor to broadcast the battle live, and he was also the one closest to the battle scene. His pictures are the clearest.

Although he is now hiding in the grass in a panic, his heart is full of laughter.

Because he was hot enough this time. Millions of people tuned in to watch his broadcast. The sum of the gifts swiped by everyone is in the millions of dollars. This was enough for him to spend a good while.

And now Superman has driven away the visitors from other worlds, the earth is safe, the United States has got an extremely powerful guardian, and he has got enough money to buy a high-end apartment in downtown New York. Could any ending be more perfect than this?

Oh, yes, in Hollywood movie stories, the police always arrive late after the main character has punished all the bad guys. This time was no surprise.

When the army slowly moved into the original combat area, Max cursed in a low voice: "The action is really slow."

And everyone in the live broadcast room also very much agreed to type the corresponding words on the public screen.

"Ah, these big soldiers are very slow when needed. But they are quick to get credit."

"What did they do just now? Why did they show up now."

"Ha, it's always true in movies."

And Zhang Tong and Dahei, who were observing everything from a distance, also discovered the army that was only slowly arriving now.

"The speed of action in this country is a bit slow." Dahei looked at the army and said, "They didn't come out until Xiaohei finished fighting. The speed is too slow. If there is a real alien invasion, most of them will die. But It doesn't matter, this kind of country will die as soon as it dies."

Dahei doesn't like the United States very much, because they wanted to send troops to invade the world of Sedum before. It is strange that he can have a good impression of the invaders of his own world.

Zhang Tong didn't respond to Dahei's complaint, instead he looked in Xiaohe's direction and frowned. Hey, it seems that those troops didn't go to congratulate Xiao Hei.

Above the white building.

According to Zhang Tong's initial instructions, Xiao Hei has already finished the fight scene with the visitors from other worlds. Although the performance venue has been severely damaged.

What white buildings, pentagonal buildings, obelisks, etc., these buildings have been damaged to varying degrees. Even destroyed several roads.

But acting, in order to make Americans believe that the alien invasion that may really come. It is always necessary to make some economic losses, and it is impossible to lose possible human lives in the future for the sake of economy.

How to say that human life is more important than the economy. Xiao Hei's concept is still very simple.

When he was done with all the acting, the army was long overdue.

Xiao Hei yelled again in the direction of the army, in the English he had just learned: 'God bless America! ’ And he was about to withdraw.

But the army commander over there raised a loudspeaker and shouted at him: "Please land on the ground immediately for inspection. Repeat, please land immediately for inspection."

Xiao Hei couldn't understand the English these people were speaking at all. After all, he didn't really learn it. He thought these people were thanking him.

He waved his hand to leave.

And can the Commander let him go? The order from above was to let him stay, at all costs.

So the commander ordered the awakened warriors in the army: "Go, keep him!"

"Sir, we may not be able to beat him..." The strongest power-awakened fighters in the dozen or so army had bitter faces.

"Are you sure you can't? Tell him to stay and be checked first. If he leaves by force, you're talking. As a superhero, would he still kill you?" the commander said flatly.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the superhero kills him or not, because Air Force One's order is to keep him best. If he can't, let him leave evidence of atrocities.

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