For Lao Zhang, he really didn't expect Lao Mei's way of thinking to be like this. He also didn't expect that the leaders of their country would do anything for votes.

At Hive's home, Lao Zhang and Jiang Hua were making final preparations for their wedding. Lao Zhang turned on the computer, and the Internet was full of trolls invited by the President. Verbally criticize that Superman in gray.

All kinds of dirty news came one after another.

But that has nothing to do with Lao Zhang. He has done everything he should do. The crisis of alien invasion has been told to everyone. All human beings know that it is possible that someone from another world will break through the gate of another world and enter the earth to destroy it.

All kinds of showy operations of the American people are out of his control. After all, I'm not an American, right?

On the Internet and on TV, the people of His Excellency the President are pouring dirty water on the man in gray in all aspects. For example, there are endless news on the Internet about the fact that Superman in Gray is actually a fugitive, a criminal with supernatural powers, and so on.

Anyway, the power of the news media is in their hands. What they want the masses to know, the masses can only be forced to know. After all [truth] is always in the hands of a few.

"Old Zhang, don't look at the computer a little bit less. After looking at it for a long time, your brain will become stupid."

Jiang Hua turned off the computer in front of Lao Zhang impatiently.

"You bastard, you didn't tell me about such a big thing for me. Really, do you know that the outside world is in chaos now." Jiang Hua's stay is in a mess.

"You have made such a big deal that the whole world now knows that a door to another world has been opened. Do you know that the market is in chaos now? You, you."

Jiang Hua held his forehead, very helpless. If it weren't for the fact that Mom and Dad were in the next room, she would even start playing singles on Lao Zhang now.

"What, I'm afraid you won't agree. Besides, Li Lianlong's incident happened very suddenly. I can only deal with it temporarily. And there is a high possibility that people from another world may travel to this world. .You see, if everyone doesn't know anything about it, then there is a good chance that something big will happen in the future."

"Besides, I don't want you to worry about these things." Zhang Tong walked behind Jiang Hua with a smile on his face, massaged her and beat her legs.

It took a while to dispel Jiang Hua's anger.

Jiang Hua was not without reason. Because Lao Zhang and Li Lianlong did not greet her in advance when they created this place.

They themselves directly created this big drama of aliens invading the earth.

Zhang Tong doesn't care, but now the whole world is about to explode.

"Old Zhang, do you know that the whole world is about to explode now that you have made this happen. Now there is a gate of another world in the sky above Huaihai, a gate of another world appears in the sky above hsd, and visitors from other worlds appear on both sides .And it's so powerful. Do you know that the whole world is about to explode right now."

What Jiang Hua said was not wrong, Lao Zhang's sudden drama made the whole world at a loss.

The whole world was scared. Regardless of China or foreign countries, one thing is being discussed now. That is about what kind of changes will take place in the world after the gate to another world is opened.

If the existence of returnees and power awakeners is still acceptable. Then the gate of the other world opened, and a large number of people from the other world poured in. So will this world still be this world?

Li Lianlong has been invited by the central government to discuss it. Because he turned over a lot of visitors from other worlds in Huaihai. Especially since he seems to know those visitors from other worlds.

So the bosses must figure out what kind of route those visitors from other worlds are.

Canglang Sword Master Li Lianlong went to the central government and explained it to the central bosses according to what Lao Zhang said.

"It's my enemies from that world, there's nothing wrong with that." Li Lianlong admitted this as soon as he opened his mouth: "I don't know how they got here, but they must have mastered some way to enter our world. But the United States I don't know anyone."

In fact, it is very coincidental that on the day when Lao Zhang was acting, China actually tried an experiment of opening the door. But it didn't work out.

But according to Li Lianlong, the think tanks of the bigwigs quickly gave a possible conclusion. That is, is it the door to another world caused by the Chinese door-opening experiment?

And the United States also carried out the door opening experiment at the same time, and the scale was larger, so it triggered the crisis of visitors from other worlds.

Has our world been exposed? Will people from the world of high martial arts invade the earth?

The bigwigs in the central government were so worried that they could hardly sleep. But Lao Zhang, the instigator, slept quite well.

The big bosses in the central government are studying countermeasures, but Zhang Tong is talking about countermeasures with Jiang Hua: "Isn't this a good thing? Everything has two sides. Whether it is our country or other countries, if you want to do this experiment, you must know problems that may arise."

"I just previewed it for them. This time there were no casualties, just a little economic loss. Is it serious? Not serious. It's just that the loss on the US side is a little bit bigger."

Zhang Tong said calmly that the United States suffered a little loss. But the beginning and end of the United States is a bit of a loss, and the loss is huge. All the equipment of a brigade will be reimbursed. Six F22s were reimbursed, and various buildings were destroyed, etc. The direct economic loss has already reached billions of dollars.

Not to mention indirect economic losses.

Seeing that Jiang Hua still didn't believe his appearance, Zhang Tong said eloquently: "It's a good thing for me to preview in advance. Let them formulate an emergency plan. If there is a problem, they must be able to solve it. It can't really happen. Let us count on superpowers like us to solve all the problems."

Jiang Hua cast a sideways glance at Zhang Tong: "Fudge, keep fooling."

"Hey, I'm not fooling you. I'm serious. I'm doing a preview for everyone. It's good for the world. And I've got what I'm going to do next."

Jiang Hua looked at Zhang Tong who was very serious, she held her cheek and said, "Well, say. If you can fool me into limping, I don't have to sleep on the floor tonight."

"Ahem." In order not to sleep on the floor tonight, Lao Zhang racked his brains: "That's right, I have an idea. Didn't Li Lianlong have been promoting physical enhancement surgery but it didn't work. Isn't the recruitment of Honeycomb Middle School not going well? In the final analysis, isn’t it that everyone doesn’t pay attention to it? Now that this incident has happened, shouldn’t everyone pay attention to it? Do you want to learn the physical enhancement technique?”

"Moreover, the first batch of domestic workers we trained are about to start working online. The domestic workers trained with the physical enhancement technique will enter Huaihai for the first magic cleaning task. I will let everyone see the returnees A change in the world. And a push for the deadheads to understand that the world has changed!"

Zhang Tong was so impassioned as if he had been beaten with blood, Jiang Hua nodded and looked moved: "Well, you don't need to sleep on the floor tonight."

"Oh, thank you, my wife!" Zhang Tong felt that he was fooling around quite well.

But the next moment he heard Jiang Hua say: 'Go and squeeze with Xiaohei Dahei tonight. Make arrangements for work tomorrow. Don't go home until this matter is dealt with cleanly. '

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