The Days of Opening a Restaurant on an Abnormal Earth

Chapter 914 Let Lao Zhang take the lead in this matter.

After Lear returned to the capital, he began to write his suggestions on how to deal with the opening of the gate to the other world without any pause.

Because the main quarrels and debates in the entire think tank are still how to deal with the changes in the world after the opening of the gate to other worlds, but after this investigation, especially the dialogue with Zhang Tong, Lear found that the country is now facing The most serious problem is not just the alien invasion caused by the opening of the gate to the alien world.

More importantly, many contradictions have been buried in the country now. If the issue of the returnees and the supernatural awakeners is not properly resolved, then it may not be until the aliens invade the earth. Your own country is finished.

He shared his experience and lessons learned during this period of research. As well as the summary and solutions, they are all listed out and written into a report.

And immediately handed it over to Professor Yang, the leader of their think tank. At that time, Professor Yang himself had a headache from the noise.

Because the think tank is divided into two factions. The majority think that strengthening military power will give up economic construction for the time being.

But Professor Yang is very clear about the thoughts of the big leaders now. Big leaders want a better compromise. Because China has now entered an important transition period, if at this time it completely abandons economic construction and changes to military construction.

Then it is very likely that he will follow in the footsteps of Big Brother Bear in the North. This is not alarmist talk, but something that might actually happen.

So when Lear's documents arrived, Professor Yang read them overnight. And immediately after reading it, he summoned Lear to meet with him.

In Professor Yang's office.

Professor Yang is sitting on the Burmese rosewood official hat chair. His knuckles tapped rhythmically on the table in front of him.

Da da da.

This rhythm is a bit disturbing. Fortunately, this disturbing rhythm didn't last long, and Professor Yang spoke first.

"Old Li, is the research report you made true?"

"Old Yang, what you're asking is nonsense. How long have I been an investigator in a think tank. I'm different from those bad old men who like to sit in the office and look at the data collected by their students every day and make judgments. Every time I investigate, I go deep into the field, and I will report it only after I have personally experienced and experienced it.”

Lear was a man of action. Compared with most scholars who prefer to sit in their own offices, it is different to draw conclusions and analyzes through data on paper. Lear is real and conducts detailed research.

Professor Yang also knew this, so he paid more attention to Lear's report.

"Old Li. It's because you are a practical person and like to go to the grassroots for research. That's why I will pay more attention to your report. Tell me the truth, have you added oil and vinegar to this report to scare people? I just want me and the big leaders above to follow your opinions to formulate policies."

Although Professor Yang wears a pair of 500-degree myopia glasses. But under the thick lenses, his eyes are still very sharp, staring firmly at Lear.

Lear also knew that the things written in his report were a bit heavy. So he also replied very solemnly: "I swear to God, I didn't add any embellishments. Everything I experienced inside was researched by myself."

"The local government's one-size-fits-all approach and distrust of the awakened and returned home. At the same time, the abilities of the awakened and returned home were not used properly and wasted, causing them to be dissatisfied with society. Such emotions are in accumulate."

"In our capital or a big city like Huaihai, there are still few such incidents, but the more you go to remote places, there are more incidents of this kind. Look at the case of Zhang Song's wife murder written in my materials. "

"Fortunately, Zhang Song is not a returnee with anti-social personality. If he is, given the environment and pressure he was in at the time, he is very likely to cause a serious massacre in Ningcheng. Not just killing two personal."

"And since his murder case, Ningcheng's jurisdiction over returnees and those who have awakened abilities has become more and more stringent. It has even reached a level of coercion. Local governments don't want to make mistakes, but the more they don't want to make mistakes, the more mistakes they make. more."

"They are putting pressure on, but they don't know that when the pressure is too high, it will always explode. Now this trend has actually appeared in many small places. It depends on who will detonate the powder keg."

"So before detonating the powder keg, I think we should quickly change the policy. Not only to properly solve the problems of the returnees and those who have awakened abilities. At the same time, we must also avoid the one-size-fits-all lazy policy that is harmful to social stability. harm."

"At the same time, I also proposed that physical enhancement techniques must be promoted compulsory and linked to various interest-related examinations. Whether it is utilitarianism or formalism, it must be promoted. This is what we can do. In the case of ensuring economic production as much as possible, it is a reserve force to deal with possible alien invasion crises in the future.”

"Now these things don't happen individually, they are all connected together, so Lao Yang's document must be reported to the central government to the top leader."

Lear explained all the results he had obtained during his research in one breath, and earnestly persuaded Lao Yang to take this issue very seriously, and it was even better to report it to the central government as soon as possible.

Professor Yang stayed up all night, reading Lear's report over and over again. Finally at 9am. He dialed the most conspicuous red phone in front of his desk.

There is only one number connected to this phone. No dialing required. Just pick it up and connect directly. The other end of the phone is in a building next to the Forbidden City.

No one knows that the most powerful bigwigs in China today gathered in the building next to the Forbidden City to have a very serious discussion.

This discussion is about China's future progress.

The meeting was very long. From 11:00 am to 11:00 pm.

Argue and refute list data. In that courtyard, the bosses were arguing without caring about their image.

Lear knew that the courtyard house was having a meeting today, but his level was not high enough to participate in such a meeting throughout.

He could only be summoned occasionally in between meetings, and was responsible for explaining some materials to the bosses.

Lear is also on pins and needles. He didn't know whether the decision he made in this way was good or bad.

It may be a bit alarmist, and maybe not all bigwigs like the sharp questions raised in his information.

But as a member of a think tank, as a senior think tank that advises this country. Lear felt obligated to do it. Even if the bosses don't like it, even if they are going to retire themselves tomorrow, they still have to do what they have to do.

2:00. Lear has had several cups of coffee. But age is here. No matter how hard he tried, he still felt drowsy.

Just before Lear was about to fall asleep. Professor Yang walked in with a smile on his face.

"Old Li. Your proposal has been approved by the Central Committee."

"Really!" Lear jumped up from the stool excitedly. The original drowsiness was instantly submerged, and excitement filled his whole body. That's better than drinking 20 cups of coffee.

"That's right, it's true. The central government basically agreed with your proposal, except that some details have been slightly modified. Then, regarding your proposal to develop the industry of returnees and power awakeners... ..."

Professor Yang paused at this point.

Lear quickly asked: "What do you say above? Is it led by the central government, or is it a joint effort between the central government and the local government?"

Professor Yang shook his head when he heard the words and said: "The central government has decided that the best person in Hive City, Boss Zhang Tongzhang, will take the lead. Since you have met him, please go again. Go. Tell him that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country, and the country will not treat him badly, but it is time for him to shoulder some of his responsibilities."

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