Lao Zhang suddenly changed his gender and was willing to agree to become the builder of the new industry of returnees and supernatural awakeners, which made Lear and Huang Gang heave a sigh of relief.

Because Lao Zhang is the person appointed by the above, if he is unwilling to do this, then the two of them will really have a hard time explaining it.

And in Huang Gang's heart, there is also Xiao Jiujiu.

It is definitely better for Lao Zhang to do this than others, because I am familiar with Lao Zhang after all. Although Lao Zhang does cheat himself sometimes, but basically the cheating is not serious, nor is it a fatal one.

So if you are cheated, just cheat yourself, it's not a big problem. If it was replaced by someone from outside who didn't know the background, then I don't know how much trouble it would cause.

At least Lao Zhang still has a bottom line in his work. They will not do too many outrageous things, which is better than many other people. Many capitalists have no bottom line, and they are not even considered human.

Of course, it is not easy to form a new industry federation and develop a broad standard. The reason why the above entrusted Zhang Tong with this matter was mainly because of his rich experience.

Now that Lao Zhang has decided to do this, he will naturally work hard to do it. Will not touch fish.

So that night, he invited Huang Gang and Lear to his small shop to eat and chat. As for Jiang Hua, because she was pregnant, Lao Zhang asked her to go home and rest early. If we want to talk about business, I'm afraid it will be very late.

Chinese people generally like to finalize things at the dinner table. The serious negotiation at the conference table has only emerged in recent years. However, only business partners who are not familiar with it for the first time will choose to talk at the conference table.

Most of the familiar business talks or other negotiations, the Chinese are still used to talking while eating.

One advantage of having a table negotiation with Lao Zhang is that it does not involve the issue of banquets with public funds. Because Lao Zhang can cook by himself, eating in Lao Zhang's small shop can't meet the standard of extravagance and waste.

Just like now, Lao Zhang prepares the most seasonal crayfish in summer.

There are many ways to make crayfish, whether it is minced garlic, thirteen spices, or spicy, the taste is widely praised by the people. Crayfish were first brought into China by Japanese soldiers who invaded China. There are rumors that Dongyang is planning to use crayfish to carry out biological sabotage in China.

But in the 1930s, the awareness of biological invasion and destruction was actually not that strong.

So there is another theory, that is, because crayfish are easy to reproduce, they were brought into China by soldiers who invaded China as food to improve rations.

But the interesting thing is that even today Toyo still doesn't eat crayfish very much.

Many people ridicule crayfish as the most unscrupulous species to invade and become extinct after being eaten by the Chinese. It is as if only China eats crayfish in the world.

But in fact, the United States is the world's largest consumer of crayfish, and more than 60% of the world's crayfish are eaten in the United States. Because of the unique natural conditions, crayfish are blooming everywhere in the United States (especially Texas).

Texans with red beards love to eat crayfish, including the former president of the United States. However, the crayfish made in the United States has inherited their usual rough style. The whole tube of crayfish is directly boiled, and then thrown into the corn and various spices, plus the salt of the bus. After it is cooked and delicious, it is directly poured on the table one by one to eat.

In addition to the United States, crayfish are also widely eaten in Spain and Mexico. The taste of crayfish made in these two countries is very close to that of Chinese Ma Xiao. Because both Spain and Mexico are spicy countries. It’s just that when the two countries make crayfish, they have more than spicy taste but not enough umami. Especially Mexico, they also like to add sour ingredients when cooking crayfish to make hot and sour crayfish.

There are a total of six countries in the world that mainly eat crayfish, as well as France, which takes crayfish seriously as a miniature version of lobster cooking, and Sweden, which holds a crayfish festival.

It is very common to eat crayfish, but it is only to promote the taste of crayfish to an extreme and to praise China.

This is not to brag. Because crayfish are small in size and have little meat, although the meat has a springy texture, it lacks meat. China has brought the characteristics of crayfish's "taste" to the extreme.

If the spicy and thirteen flavors are not necessarily accepted by all foreigners. Then the garlic-flavored crayfish is a flavor that almost all foreigners who eat crayfish admire.

Garlic and crayfish are a natural match.

Lao Zhang entertained Li Er and Huang Gang, and today's main course is crayfish. Five catties of crayfish are washed and fried in an oil pan, and the gravy of the crayfish is locked in the body through high-temperature oil.

Don't let it explode for too long, the meat will get old if it takes too long. It can't be too short. If it is too short, the crayfish will easily rot when cooked.

The moment the crayfish shells turn red is just right.

Each family has its own recipe for making spicy crayfish. Lao Zhang once ate spicy lobster made by Jiang Aijun when he seemed to go to his hometown in Jianghua during the Chinese New Year. It is fried with their secret hot pot base.

Lao Zhang's method is also similar, and he gets the hot pot base material from the hot pot restaurant next door. Mince garlic, shred garlic leaves, dice onion, and prepare a small amount of star anise and cinnamon.

Heat the oil pan, put the garlic and onion into the pan. Onion is a wonderful thing, it is spicy when it is raw, but when it is cooked by the scorching heat, the sweetness in the body is released.

The pot is full of aroma, and the secret red oil hot pot base is stir-fried together in the pot, and the aroma begins to diffuse in the small shop. A spoonful of soybean paste and a spoonful of sugar add to the compound flavor of the base.

The oil-exploded crayfish is stir-fried together in the pan. When it is added to the beer and stewed together, it is the moment to inject the soul.

The beer that most people pour into when making crayfish is bought at random from street shops. Lao Zhang deliberately chose a beer with a higher malt concentration.

Although there are many people who drink beer in China, few people can figure out whether the label on the beer is the malt concentration or the alcohol concentration. Many people regard the malt concentration as the alcohol concentration, and feel that it is awesome that they can kill a case of 'Octave' beer by themselves. But these octave beers are actually only two percent alcohol by volume.

So when this person went to drink the real fifth-degree beer that killed Da Wusu, he might start talking nonsense after drinking three or four bottles, and then crawled under the table.

However, cooking does not require the alcohol in beer so much, but the malt aroma in beer. The wort boosts the umami and suppresses the fishy taste.

When Lao Zhang brought a pot full of red crayfish in front of Li Er and Huang Gang, they were already moved by the aroma.

"Don't be too polite, both of you. I am very serious about treating guests to dinner. I can eat whatever is in season. Now that crayfish are in season, let's eat crayfish. Let's chat while eating. About how to form a new industry association .”

Without hesitation, Zhang Tong picked up a crayfish and ate the shell directly.

Lear and Huang Gang are both well-known people, and they don't know how to eat unsightly food like crayfish when they go out to restaurants. But now, since the billionaire on the opposite side doesn't care anymore, the two of them don't care either.

Needless to say, the crayfish made by Lao Zhang tastes much better than the crayfish outside. After one bite, the mouth is fragrant, the shrimp meat is firm and elastic, the juice in the shrimp shell is rich, and the fragrance is compound and long. It perfectly combines the four characters of spicy, delicious and fragrant.

Lear said to Zhang Tong while gnawing on the crayfish: "Boss Zhang, you are really just like a billionaire. You are worth more than 100 million, and you may become the richest man in China in the future. You are still so down-to-earth."

"Hey, why is the richest man not the richest man?" Zhang Tong, who has a monthly salary of 1200 yuan, said grandly: "It's all outside the body, it's all outside the body."

"And you are the richest man in China, Professor Li, you are overrated. You said that after the new industry starts to be implemented on a large scale, the huge profits I am making in all industries now will soon be squeezed out of all the bubbles." Zhang Tong meant something.

ps: Ask for tickets~, in addition, the crayfish recipe in this book is my own experiment. The taste is excellent, and you can use Haidilao's butter hot pot base as a base. Add soybean paste, oily chili peppers, star anise cinnamon leaves, and a lot of garlic. Add chicken broth, if available. The taste is better than the crayfish made in many restaurants outside. I can post pictures for you later.

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