"Although the current world is not as written in the storybook novels [Do not pick up lost items on the road, and do not close the house at night]. But it can be regarded as a peaceful situation. I have read in the news that so many countries in the world are still at war. Our country is at least counted. It's a peaceful scene." Zhang Tong said with emotion towards Gu Li's hidden direction.

"There are still so many people in the world who don't have enough food and clothing, and are suffering from wars. We already live in a good place. But you still want to make wind and rain, what is it for?"

Zhang Tong's emotion did not come out of the blue, only those who have experienced the flames of war understand how precious peace and tranquility are. And Gu Li, who was hiding aside, had a heart attack. Didn't he say that this guy is a person with little ability? Why does he seem to have spotted me?

Gu Li felt flustered for no reason. He still believed in the information provided by the organization. Because someone in the logistics support department stole the information of the Homecoming Office, which recorded Zhang Tong's information in detail. In the investigation of the Homecoming Office, Zhang Tong was obviously a guy without any superpowers!

Gu Li is very convinced of the inspection methods of the Homecoming Office. Because the other party has quite advanced equipment and meticulous means. They can't go wrong. Even the strongest among the returnees did not escape the inspection of the Homecoming Office. And these few strongest returnees are now either working in the department or missing. Those powerful homecoming characters are very watchable characters for organizations.

Gu Li was a little caught off guard, but he didn't show up just because of Zhang Tong's words. Who knows what the other party is planning?

But Zhang Tong was not in a hurry. He glanced at the water of Suzhou Creek and said: "Big man, do you know? It turns out that the water of Suzhou Creek used to be very clear, then it became very smelly, and now it is clear again. Because of the early years of Huaihai A lot of domestic waste water is directly discharged into the Suzhou Creek. I used to be able to fish in the Suzhou Creek when I was a child, but then there were no fish. Do you think there are still fish in Huaihai now that the pollution of the Suzhou Creek has been cured?"

When Zhang Tong said the word "big man", Gu Li knew that he had been discovered. Maybe it's because my hiding technique is not good? Coulee shook his head, but it didn't matter.

Just now he used the detection equipment he carried with him to repeatedly detect Zhang Tong, and there was no energy fluctuation on his body. This kind of detection equipment was developed by the Homecoming Office, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Supernatural Person Management Office, the Homecoming and the Supernatural Person. Can clearly see the energy fluctuations of the homecoming or the superhuman.

Although it is said that the peak of the fluctuation will have a high and a low, but if a person has extremely strong energy, no matter how he pretends to be, he will have energy fluctuations.

There was no energy fluctuation on Zhang Tong's body. After Gu Li concluded that Zhang Tong was indeed a war scum through this kind of thing that looked like the combat power glasses used by Frieza's subordinates in "Dragon Ball", he clapped his hands and walked out.

"Is there any fish? Why don't you go down and look for it later." Gu Li walked out from his hiding place. There is no surveillance around the river, and there are no residential buildings. There is a construction site around, which is the construction site of the Suzhou Creek reconstruction project.

It's the best way to kill people here. It doesn't have to be so troublesome to send people to the bottom of the Pujiang River, it can just sink into the Suzhou Creek.

Zhang Tong shook his head: "I like fishing, but I don't like diving."

"It's okay, you'll like it later." Gu Li curled his lips and smiled: "But I really didn't expect that you would still find out that I was following you. When did you find out? Night Halfway through the run? I really underestimated you a little."

"Although you don't have much ability, it seems that you have learned something in the other world." Gu Li said, and at the same time squeezed his fist: "But that's it."

From Gu Li's point of view, Zhang Tong is already a dead fish, and from Zhang Tong's point of view, Gu Li is also an unreasonable guy.

"So, you are not even curious about how I saw you. Is your IQ lowered?" Zhang Tong looked at Gu Li who was approaching him step by step in disbelief and said, "I always thought that in the novel It's a joke that the villain's halo will be weakened when he faces the protagonist. But who are you cursed by now? Don't you even have a basic IQ?"

"You don't know how I found you, you don't know that I led you to the river. You don't even know what I intend to do. I just said a few words and you jumped out , Of course, I have no objection to you jumping out. But who gave you the confidence after you jumped out, making you feel that everything is under control? Couldn't all of this be my arrangement?"

Zhang Tong is really puzzling. Under normal circumstances, when a normal villain encounters a situation like his own, shouldn't he first observe and observe, then determine what happened, and finally make a decision on what to do?

Why did this guy just rush out in such a stupid way, with a completely brainless look?

Gu Li didn't know what Zhang Tong was thinking, he grinned grinningly: "You are talking about it? Oh, yes, I have seen a few returnees like you before. They like to talk about it, it seems very remarkable." It always seems to have something to rely on. At the beginning, I was indeed bluffed twice."

"But I found out later that these guys are all strong outsiders." Gu Li pointed to the combat glasses-like thing he wore on his left eye and said, "Do you know this thing? With this thing, I can easily see through you The reality. Those who think they can fool people in other worlds are useless on Earth."

"Everything you know is given by the earth, and everything you don't know is also from the earth!" Gu Li had already walked one meter away from Zhang Tong, and his smile became brighter: "So, collect all Your trick. Now give you a chance to run. If you can escape, I will not kill you."

Zhang Tong had an urge to support his forehead: "Are you coming to kill me because I don't sell you food at night? Is there no other reason?"

"Yes! You don't need any reason, I think you are upset, so I will kill you, it's that simple!" Gu Li was decisive.

And Zhang Tong shook his head and said: "Okay, one last question before we start. How much combat power can this thing that looks like the combat power glasses invented by Frieza detect me?"

"Five." Gu Li felt that he had said enough, since Zhang Tong wasn't going to run away, he didn't let him play for fun at the end. Then get rid of him directly!

Zhang Tong didn't seem to care about the threat, he just lowered his head and thought: "Five? What about now?" Having said this, Zhang Tong suddenly looked up at Gu Li.

Originally, Zhang Tong's combat power glasses showed only five points of combat power, and the number suddenly began to rise explosively. One hundred, two hundred, twelve thousand, twenty thousand...

"How...how is it possible?!" When the number reached a certain level, Gu Li's glasses exploded and burned. And Zhang Tong couldn't help but nodded: "Well, the plot is the same as in the Dragon Ball comics. If the combat power is over the limit, it will really be over the limit! Hey, I said, big man, don't run away, I still have something to ask you !"

Coulee now finally knows that he might hit the iron plate.

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