"Miss Chen, I need your help here with a small favor, and I also need you to invite the nurses in your nurse's station to help." Qin Kuairen took out a magic wand from his clothes and said, "This is a magic wand that our company just invented. My wand may be of some use to the medical staff. But I lack practical experience, so I would like to ask you to do me a favor here."

"Of course, this help is not in vain. I can properly subsidize your nurse station. Subsidize some medical expenses of the nurses, including allowances and the like."

"Our company's new wand is a nursing wand [Guardian Wings] for nurses. It contains a comprehensive magic circle inside. It contains several comprehensive magics, including [quick bed making] [small range] that nurses often need to do Cleaning] [Vein Revealing] [Heavy Objects Floating], etc." Qin Kuairen introduced the wand he took out to Chen Xingxing.

"Having this wand can greatly reduce the work intensity of nurses. Improve work efficiency. Of course, there may be many shortcomings. So I hope this series of wands can be tested in your nurse station. Help us improve the shortcomings of wands .”

Qin Kuairen said so.

As for why he suddenly took out this magic wand, in fact, this was also taught by Lao Zhang. Because Lao Zhang said that if he wanted to get involved with a girl like Chen Xingxing, he had to interact with her.

Chen Xingxing is a more pragmatic girl, she doesn't like the kind of outright empty talk about feelings every day, she likes to have actual communication.

And what communication can Chen Xingxing have with Qin Kuairen? How can I have a long-term communication with her without being annoying?

Qin Kuairen quickly focused his attention on the company's products.

In addition to cooking wands, Sainte's Wand Company is now also entering the medical wand market. This is a much bigger market. In terms of the ability to make quick money, the medical wand market may not be comparable to the market size of the culinary wand. After all, cooking wands are in greater demand.

However, the promotion and application of medical wands can enhance the social status and prestige of the entire company. So this aspect must also be available.

At present, Shengke Magic Wand Company has launched the first batch of clinical trials of [observer-type] magic wands in Ruijin Hospital. The observer wand can help doctors get a better surgical field of vision and allow doctors to perform operations better. At present, these wands have received a lot of praise in Ruijin Hospital.

As one of the top five large hospitals in the country, many doctors from all over the world went to Ruijin Hospital for further study, and they all discovered this batch of magic wands. Some doctors followed the clues and found the Sanke Wand Company, hoping to purchase such a wand.

Now Sanke Magic Wand Company has slowly opened up sales in the field of medical wands. The main selling model at present is the observer wand.

The usefulness of the observer wand is not only reflected in the projection of a full 3D image to give the doctor the most intuitive surgical field of view during surgery. At the same time, when not performing surgery, the observer wand can also directly make a detailed observation of the patient's body.

Many diseases today are caused by the uncertainty of early diagnosis. And if many lesions can be found in the early stage, the cure rate will be much higher.

However, it is not easy to observe early lesions, because no doctor can pull apart a person's stomach and check the patient's organs without a word of disagreement.

Although modern medicine has CT and MRI, it still has flaws. CT, and MRI have their own limitations, and MRI equipment is not available in any hospital at all. Many hospitals in smaller cities don't have MRI at all. Except for big cities like the capital and Huaihai, I am afraid that only tertiary hospitals in provincial capital cities or second-tier cities will be equipped with MRI.

In addition, looking at X-ray films and MRI images is actually a science that requires special study. Not all doctors have superb ability to read films. Sometimes some small human negligence may miss some important details.

But the observer wand can directly project a complete 3D projection model to the doctor after scanning the patient. The details in it can be seen at a glance, and the magic wand can be used to remove the parts that the doctor does not need to observe, so that the doctor can observe possible lesions more carefully.

In this way, doctors can better observe the patient's lesions. And more importantly, the price!

The production cost of the observer's wand is very high, and the production process of the cooking wand is not at the same level. Moreover, the production capacity is limited. Even if the Sanke Wand Company is running at full capacity, it can produce at most forty Observer wands a month.

But even though it was so difficult to produce, Zhang Tong and Qin Kuairen had a meeting after the Observer Wand officially entered the market after the clinical trial in Ruijin Hospital, and finally ordered a wand worth 300,000 yuan each. pricing.

Is it expensive?

The unit price is very expensive, but if you look at the real use effect of the Observer wand, the three hundred thousand is not expensive at all. After all, how much does the MRI equipment cost? That was calculated in tens of millions of dollars!

300,000 for a wand, compared to 10,000,000 for MRI equipment, this is not expensive at all. Even cheap.

The number of times an observer wand can be used is about 500 times. After reaching 500 times, the magic circle inside the wand will begin to age, and the accuracy and imaging will begin to decline. 800 times of use is the limit.

Based on the calculation that 300,000 can be used 500 times, the one-time usage fee is only 600 yuan. Compared with traditional medical methods, it is still extremely cheap.

Now, as the boss of Shengke Magic Wand Company, Qin Kuairen decided to start some new developments in the field of medical magic wands.

After all, doctors have wands to use, so it is not too much for nurses to have some special wands. After all, nurses work hard too. You see, nurses have to take care of patients, change their medicines and give them needles. In fact, nurses are also very busy.

Anyone who has been in the hospital will find that the nurses are so busy flying that they cannot touch the ground every day. Because the supply and demand ratio of medical staff and patients in China is seriously out of balance.

In high-end hospitals in developed countries (analogous to China's top three), one nurse generally only takes care of two patients. If it is a critically ill patient, then it is managed one-on-one by a nurse.

In China, because of the serious imbalance between the supply and demand of medical care, a nurse has to take care of four or five patients, and sometimes even seven or eight patients. There are always not enough beds in the hospital, and a stretcher bed is often temporarily added to the three-person ward. And sometimes the corridors and aisles are crowded by hospital beds.

Nurses are no less busy than doctors. In modern society, there are still many people who don't respect nurses, thinking that nurses are not of a technical level.

But in fact, it doesn't matter whether it is Ruijin Hospital or Renji Hospital. None of the nurses in these tertiary hospitals have studied hard for four years from the Huaihai Tongji University Medical School or a medical school of the same level. When he was in elementary school and middle school, he might have been the top student in his class.

Qin Kuairen swears to God that his own research on a nursing wand is definitely not just to get close to Chen Xingxing. More importantly, I am determined to change the medical market in China today. In order to free the hands of nurses and allow them to work better, I created such a wand myself.

Chen Xingxing looked at Qin Kuiren, she tilted her head and thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Okay. It seems that your company has done some good things."

Qin Kuairen laughed: "Serving the people and applying magic to life and production, this is what we have always wanted to do!"

Applying the ability brought back by magic or other different worlds to life and production to promote social development is indeed what Zhang Tong and his like-minded returnees are thinking.

But not everyone in this world thinks so. Especially capitalists, for whom any new technology that doesn't make them money is bad new technology.

In a place that Zhang Tong and Qin Kuiren didn't know, a group of greedy capitalists were already red-eyed and dark-hearted.

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