The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 323: Struggling to review manuscripts

Ever since Lu Anzhi became a gold medal author, Kuku always had a very strange feeling.

She seemed to be holding a golden fishing rod in her hand, always able to catch the fish of her dreams. It's just that this fishing rod is not obedient. No matter what kind of fish she wants, this fishing rod always catches other messy things.

——Fortunately, these messy things are also of golden quality. Otherwise, she would have cried.

"Boss B, can we finish one book and then write the next one? "Dragon Family 4" has not been released yet."

He murmured bitterly to himself, typed the words whispered in his mouth into the chat box through the keyboard, and sent it to Lu Anzhi.

Soon, she got a reply from Lu Anzhi: No? Then I will vote for other editorial departments.

Ku Ku suddenly became anxious and quickly typed: Yes! want! Why not!

Seeing that Lu Anzhi finally didn't respond, she felt itchy again and asked: Boss B, when will "Dragon Clan IV" be written?

Lu Anzhi: If I don’t write anymore, I’ve exhausted my talent and can’t write anymore.

Kuku: Boss B wants to speak seriously. If you are a gangster, what's going on with "Legend of the Condor Heroes", what's going on with "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and now what's going on with "The Three-Body Problem"?

Lu Anzhi: That's different. "Dragon Clan" collapsed, but these didn't.


Looking at Lu Anzhi's Qiuqiu news, I was a little confused: Why did "Dragon Clan" collapse?

Lu Anzhi: Huiliyi is dead.


Lu Anzhi: Maybe she shouldn't have appeared.


Lu Anzhi: Let's watch "The Three-Body Problem".


It's so pitiful that she can't stand it now! Teacher Big B is worthy of being Teacher Big B. He can always say various things in an understatement to test her mentality. After seeing these two sentences from Teacher Big B, I no longer felt like reading.

But after thinking about it carefully, she had to admit that Lu Anzhi was indeed right.

——From a reader's point of view, she likes the character of Eriki Uesugi very much. This character is also outstanding enough. Not only has she won her love, but most of those who like the novel "Dragon" will be attracted by this character. attracted by the role.

But it is precisely because this character was written so well and then went to destruction in the final chapter of the story that the reader's emotional threshold was stretched to the top, which made it unsustainable in the follow-up.

She understood what Lu Anzhi meant. It was not that this character should not appear, but that this character should not have appeared so early, or even if it did, it should not have been offline so quickly or with such vigor.

After such a big plot and popular characters, no matter what story is used to continue it, I'm afraid it will be almost boring.

Kuku felt that she understood Teacher Big B a little bit, and then she gritted her teeth.

——But you guys, can't you write such good works as "The Condor" and "The Condor"? These two novels can be written so smoothly and smoothly, why can't "Dragon"!

This Teacher Big B just lost his feelings and fell in love with someone else!

What's even more frightening is that now he has moved it again and again and created another "Three Body". So is "The Condor" dangerous? !

An unprecedented sense of crisis emerged in Ku Ku's heart, and he took a deep breath.

Let’s first take a look at what this book "The Three-Body Problem" is. If this book is even remotely interesting, you must give your opinion carefully and reject it to Teacher Big B. Let him know that everything else is crooked. "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" That's the right way!

With such a firm belief, I painstakingly opened the "Three-Body" document.


Detective? !

Suspense? !

For a moment, she felt pain in her heart. She didn't understand why Teacher Big B's interests and hobbies were so wide. Not to mention that besides novels, he also had songs and comics. Speaking of novels, they only covered youth fantasy, romance, and martial arts. Now he also has What's the point of creating a suspense? !

Doesn’t Boss B know that there is no suspense under the maple tree? !

After calming down for a while, I thought hard to forget it and stop complaining. Complaining is of no use.

It’s not just once or twice that Boss B has been so willful. Wasn’t it the same last time in “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”? Someone took out a martial arts book and had to make an exception to receive it under the maple tree. There is no way, who will give people strength?

Now relying on "Legend of the Condor Heroes", Maple Tree has almost surpassed the traditional martial arts magazine "Legends of Ancient and Modern Times" in the field of martial arts. Perhaps this suspense novel will also have other miraculous effects.

Let’s continue and take a look.

With this thought in mind, I continued to read the novel, but the more I read, the more wrong I became.

Why...this doesn't seem to be suspense anymore? !

It seems like... science fiction? !

Monk Kuku Zhanger was confused. Just by looking at it, she became addicted. She also saw ghostly countdowns and cosmic flickers, and being a well-informed editor—albeit a young adult fantasy novel editor—she kept her composure and continued reading.

The intertwined narrative of history and reality in the novel, the "lord" hidden behind it is peeled off little by little. When Ku Ku saw "Qin Shihuang" ordering 30 million soldiers under the guidance of "Von Neumann" in the Three-Body game After forming a huge computer army to calculate the Constant Era and the Chaos Era, I finally couldn't help but feel my scalp numb, and I sighed in my heart where did Teacher Big B's amazing imagination come from.

In fact, when she confirmed that the scene in the Three-Body Game was another world full of dangers, she was a little shocked and understood what the theme of this novel was.

She couldn't imagine how people in Trisolaris could survive in such a harsh environment. When this computer composed of 30 million people appeared, she was still a little confused. How could people be so unified? How could 30 million people be so unified that they could form a computer system?

With doubts, she continued to look down.

It was already dark by this time, and colleagues were leaving get off work. But she didn't want to leave yet and wanted to continue looking down.


The editor came out of the office and locked the door to his room. Seeing Ku Ku sitting at his desk and staring at the computer intently, he couldn't help but ask, "Why aren't you off work yet?"

He said bitterly without looking back: "I'm reading the manuscript."

Upon seeing this, the editor-in-chief said: "It seems that you have found a good manuscript again. What manuscript fascinates you so much?"

She said bitterly: "Teacher Lu's." After Lu Anzhi's real name was exposed, when she mentioned Lu Anzhi to colleagues or others in real life, she would say "Teacher Lu". Only when chatting with Lu Anzhi Qiuqiu online, she would say "Teacher Lu". Called "Boss B".

The editor's eyes lit up, and before he could say anything, he heard Ku Ku continue: "Science fiction manuscript."


The editor's eyes suddenly widened, "Science fiction?! The martial arts is not over yet, why is it science fiction again?! What does he think we are under the maple tree?!"

He said bitterly: "Then let me tell Teacher Lu. Teacher Lu said that this manuscript can be submitted elsewhere."

Editor-in-Chief: "..."

He moved his bitter eyes away from the computer screen, turned to look at the editor's face, and pushed up his glasses. At this time, she finally realized what it felt like for Boss B to send her those shocking words.

It feels so good to choke! Much better than being choked!

Then she saw the editor-in-chief, who had been holding it in for a long time, and said: "Teacher Lu really still has feelings for us under the maple tree. If you have any manuscripts, we will always think of us under the maple tree first. Send me a copy and I will read it first." . If it’s Teacher Lu, no matter what manuscript it is, there will be no problem.”

Kuku pushed up his glasses again and withdrew his gaze: "I know, step back."

Editor: "Huh?"


Kuku, "Send it right away! Send it right's been sent to your mailbox, boss, please check it."

To Kuku's relief, the editor-in-chief did not pursue her presumptuous words. After seeing her publish the article at lightning speed, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "Get off work early, don't be tired." , and left.

Finally, Kuku was the only one left in the office. Kuku calmed down and read the novel peacefully.

The following content shocked her more and more, from the exploration, struggle and destruction of civilizations one by one in the Trisolaran world, to the discovery that there is no solution to the Three-body problem, and from the Trisolaran civilization's hundreds of years of long journey to the earth. The expedition, to the "Don't Answer" in the Hong'an base that echoes it, the tragic and vast epic feeling makes Ku Ku astonished.

Watching Ye Wenjie say the words "I lit the fire, but I can't control it", the geophysics locked by Sophon, and the final message from the Trisolaran world "You are bugs", Kuku felt inexplicably shocked.

After reading the entire book, she suddenly realized that in this entire book of more than 200,000 words, Lu Anzhi never described the specific appearance of the Three-Body People from beginning to end. Even the Three-Body Game was nothing more than Interpret another world from a human perspective, but this alien world, which has no positive description from beginning to end and has no direct contact with humans, gives Kuku an unprecedented sense of oppression, making Kuku feel a little suffocated.

So desperate.'s also wonderful.

I took a deep breath, drank the full glass of cold water on the table, and then looked at the time, only to realize that it was already past twelve o'clock, and it was already another day. .

She stood up and stretched before walking out of the office and going home.

Although she saw this point today, she actually only took a rough look at it. If there were no other good manuscripts tomorrow, she would like to read the novel again carefully to confirm how the novel should be published from an editor's perspective.

But for now, she thinks it's best to publish this novel directly instead of serializing it. Compared with novels such as "Dragon" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", this "Three-Body Problem" is slightly more obscure. This is true both in terms of narrative structure and story.

Of course, this was nothing to her as a professional editor, but facing the overall audience of the e-magazine Under the Maple Tree, she had to think carefully.

Under the Maple Tree is not a science fiction magazine after all.

At this time, buses and subways are gone. After leaving the office building, I had to stand on the roadside and wait for a taxi. The street lights on both sides of the road gave off a dim light, and there was no moon in the night sky. The stars in the sky were twinkling, which made Ku Ku couldn't help but think of the plot in the book.

She suddenly couldn't help but become suspicious. Could there be a Tomoko watching her around?

She stayed up so late that when she got up the next day, she was still dazed and her eyes were sore. She endured her displeasure and got up, washed her face and went to the editorial office. When she took the elevator upstairs, she saw the editor-in-chief also entering the elevator.

Then she saw two eye bags hanging on the editor's eyelids, and there were a lot of bloodshot eyes.

"Boss, did you stay up late too?"

Kuku asked.

The editor-in-chief nodded and said, "Yes."

Kuku immediately understood that the editor-in-chief must be watching "The Three-Body Problem". She asked: "Boss, have you finished reading?"

The editor-in-chief spoke in a weak voice: "How can I finish it all in one night? I've already read half of it." At this point, he couldn't help but cough twice and sighed, "I'm old, and my health is not as good as that of you young people. I can't stand it anymore." Moved."

He said bitterly: "Boss, please stop looking and take a good rest. Let me tell you, there is no solution to the Trisolaran world. Ye Wenjie exposed the location of the earth to the Trisolarans, and the Trisolaran expedition began."

At this point, she felt the atmosphere suddenly condense, and a chill surged into her heart. She smiled hurriedly and closed her mouth.


When the elevator reached the floor, the door opened. I didn't dare to look at the editor-in-chief, so I quickly got off the elevator and ran to my workstation. She turned on her computer, glanced at her mailbox, dealt with other manuscripts, then dealt with other matters at hand, and then read the novel carefully from an editor's perspective.

After reading the novel this time, it was already two days later. After reading it carefully, she had different feelings about the details of the novel. Reading it this time, she had time to understand the choices and struggles of human beings in the context of the three-body system. Just like the explanation about bugs at the end of the novel, human beings are so small in this huge and vast universe, but no matter how small they are, it does not hinder it. Can make a small voice and hold on to a small hope.

After reading this novel again, I felt a sense of eternity from it. In this vast universe, the Trisolaran world and the earth world are also facing a cruel fate. What does the future hold? It’s really exciting.

From Kuku's perspective, the characters in this novel are not as vivid as those written by Lu Anzhi in his previous books. But this does not hinder the overall excellence of this book. She even gave Lu Anzhi a reason. She felt that Lu Anzhi's weakening of the description of the characters served the entire book, so that people's focus on the book would not stay on the characters.

The huge, imaginative and shocking world and stories are the soul of this book!

However, no matter how many thoughts she has, it does not prevent Ku Ku from still insisting on her idea——

This novel is not suitable for Under the Maple Tree magazine.

She went to the editor-in-chief to discuss the matter with him, and then heard the editor-in-chief sigh: "How did this guy Lu Anzhi grow his brain? It's really amazing! I have never seen a science fiction novel written like this."

He said bitterly: "You said last time that you had never seen a martial arts novel written like this..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The editor laughed dryly and said, "But this is the truth."

The two discussed it and both agreed. Afterwards, the editorial board held a meeting to make decisions and unanimously approved that "Three-Body" should be published directly as a stand-alone book.

Lu Anzhi's novel truly shocked the entire editorial department. For everyone in the editorial department, this novel is even more shocking than "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

After the editorial board's opinion was unanimously approved, Kuku told Lu Anzhi the result. Lu Anzhi agreed, and then asked Kuku on Qiuqiu: Can the novel be printed in advance?

Kuku said: If the version number is approved, it will be no problem to print a batch in advance. Boss B, are you in such a hurry?

Lu Anzhi replied to Kuku in Qiuqiu: I am not in a hurry to publish the book, I just want to have a book printed first. Can I take one to give away first? This book was written by someone who promised to give it to others.

Kuku: Huh? ! Who has such a great reputation? ! So jealous.

Lu Anzhi: An acquaintance.


Kuku: We don’t need to talk nonsense. Boss B, I don’t know if we are an acquaintance!

But since Lu Anzhi had no intention of revealing other people's information, Kuku didn't ask any more questions. Kuku told Lu Anzhi that she would seek advice and try to get the version number, and then ended the chat with Lu Anzhi.

After Lu Anzhi and Ku Ku finished communicating, they went out to find Xianxian. Now that July is here, summer vacation is finally here, and both Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin are on vacation. The two elders were worried about Xianxian, and felt that Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin were not used to living in their villa, so they took Xianxian to live with them.

So these days, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin slept at home at night and went to Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin's place during the day. Anyway, the two residences are not far apart, so it is convenient for them to go back and forth.

As for the little guy Xianxian, she quite likes living with her grandma and grandpa. Even when she returned to Xijing from Meng Province, she clamored, "I want to go to grandma and grandpa's place."

The little one has been living with her grandma and grandpa for the past two days and doesn't want to come back. Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi didn't agree when they called her, which made Zhang Suxin a little sad and complained to Lu Anzhi that this little guy has no conscience.

Lu Anzhi laughed "haha" and didn't know how to reply.

"You said we usually don't treat Xianxian badly, and we take care of Xianxian, and we don't spend much time with her grandma and grandpa. Why is she so clingy to her grandma and grandpa and not with us?"

When Lu Anzhi drove to Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin's home, Zhang Suxin was sitting in the passenger seat and couldn't help but talk about it to Lu Anzhi.

Lu Anzhi said: "I don't know either..."

Zhang Suxin said: "I thought you knew everything. You wrote "The Three-Body Problem" so well that I almost thought you were omnipotent."

Lu Anzhi finished writing the first part of "The Three-Body Problem", and she also finished it. It was a little difficult for her to read, but fortunately Lu Anzhi wrote slowly, so she could read slowly. And after she slowly looked at it and fully understood it, she was shocked.

She was not surprised when she heard that Lu Anzhi was going to write science fiction, nor was she surprised that Lu Anzhi could write an excellent science fiction novel. But in the end, Lu Anzhi showed the finished product in front of her eyes, and she couldn't help but be surprised.

The ideas presented in "The Three-Body Problem" were so different and unique from other science fiction stories she knew. She felt that if this book was released, it would either go silent or become popular.

But it was made by Lu An, how could it not explode?

Lu Anzhi said: "Writing a novel is writing a novel, can it be the same as raising a baby? Besides, my novel is a science fiction novel, and science fiction and raising a baby are not the same thing."

Zhang Suxin glanced at Lu Anzhi and smiled unconsciously. She sighed and said, "I read in books and on the Internet that children like to stay in familiar environments and be in contact with familiar people. They will be more sensitive to unfamiliar environments and unfamiliar people." Resist. But obviously we are the people Xianxian knows best, why doesn’t she stick to us? "

Lu Anzhi said: "What you said means that her grandma and grandpa are not someone she is familiar with?"

Zhang Suxin said: "It's better to be familiar with us..."

Lu An said: "You are jealous."

Zhang Suxin said: "Aren't you jealous?"


Lu Anzhi was silent for a moment and said, "To be honest, I'm quite jealous too." You must know that Xianxian was the stickiest person in the past. Since he appeared in front of Xianxian, Xianxian called her dad more often than she called her mom. As a result, now suddenly, this little guy is going to sleep with her grandma and grandpa, and she doesn't even go back to sleep with him. How could his mood not be affected?

Recalling the first time Xianxian met him, Lu Anzhi suddenly sighed and said, "Oh, before I knew it, it's been a year..."

Zhang Suxin was stunned for a moment and said, "I didn't even notice it unless you told me. Last year, when I brought Xianxian to see you, it was in July. Time flies so fast, and before you know it, it's been a year."

The couple was in a trance for a while. Over the past year, so many things have happened, and we have reached this point. A year ago, Lu Anzhi never thought that two women would come into her life so suddenly. Zhang Suxin also never thought that this man with whom she had a one-night stand would come into her life. Go so deep.

But now, they are entangled with each other, and their life is plain and warm, which is a kind of beauty that they have never thought of.

"so good……"

Lu Anzhi couldn't help but sigh.


Zhang Suxin nodded slightly and responded.

The car took another journey, getting closer and closer to Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin's home. Zhang Suxin said outside the car window: "Half a year ago we said we would take advantage of the six months before Xianxian went to school to run around and walk around. In the end, we only ran two places. You said you ran in the previous three years How did you do it after traveling to several continents?”

Lu Anzhidao: "I don't run everywhere, I just pick up places that interest me and wander around. And I go alone whenever I want. I'm always on the road, which is different from now. We take Xianxian with us now, and we still I rested at home for a long time. In the meantime, I helped take care of Youyou, which all took up time. Besides, we went to three places, not two."

"Ah, yes, three..."

Zhang Suxin smiled sheepishly and said. The time they spent enjoying peach blossoms in Jiangxia was so short that she had forgotten about that time.

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