The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 341 The first issue of Science Fiction World, the enchanting old man asks for a song again

In the freshman dormitory of Capital University, Ren Youyou has no classes now. But she still maintains a regular schedule, getting up early and going to bed early every day. While her roommates were still sleeping in bed with their heads covered, she had already gone out for a run, had breakfast, and came back to review her homework for a while.

When it was almost noon, Ren Youyou rested for a while, got up and walked outside the dormitory.


The door of the dormitory is a bit old. The school said it would be replaced this year, but it has not been replaced yet. So even though Ren Youyou tried his best to be careful, the door still let out a slight groan.

"Huh? What time is it?"

The roommate sleeping on the upper bunk of Ren Youyou finally opened his eyes, looked at the time, and then sat up: "Is it noon already? Where are you going, Youyou?"

Ren Youyou stopped and turned around to answer: "I'm going to the cafeteria to eat. Do you want to go together?"

"Oh, wait for me."

As the roommate said, he happily put on his clothes and said as he got out of bed, "By the way, Science Fiction World is distributed at this time every week, right? Do you want to buy a copy after dinner? Let's Brother Lu Is the second part of "The Three-Body Problem" going to be serialized?"

Ever since they found out that Ren Youyou called Lu Anzhi, the roommates all called him "Brother Lu" when they talked about Lu Anzhi. In the blink of an eye, Lu Anzhi became the shared brother in this dormitory - even though he had never appeared in this dormitory.

Ren Youyou said: "Yeah, I'm going to buy one after dinner." She saved a lot of money during the work-study program during the summer vacation, so buying a few magazines was not a problem at all. She also planned to fight for scholarships during her college career. After attending Capital University for a period of time, she felt that she had the ability.

The roommate said: "That's good, let's go together."

The two of them went out together and had lunch in the cafeteria. Then they went to a nearby newsstand and asked if the latest issue of Science Fiction World was available.

The owner of the newsstand said: "No more, the last copy has just been sold out. I don't know what happened, but the science fiction world is so easy to sell this time. If I had known, I would have bought more books."

"Oh, why is there no more?"

The roommate said dejectedly, and then asked, "Sir, can you add a few more books?"

The owner of the newsstand was an old man. Hearing what Ren Youyou's roommate said, he sighed and said, "I can't get in. I called and asked. This magazine was weird this time. It sold out very fast. I got in." The books are all out of stock.”

This old man obviously only sells newspapers and magazines without reading the content, and is not as professional as Wang Ping. Now when I encounter this situation, I have to ask the bookseller for advice: "You two little girls have never bought science fiction before. Is there any popular novel published in this magazine? Otherwise, this magazine is probably not good enough." It’s going to be so popular.”

Ren Youyou nodded and said, "Yes, this issue of Science Fiction World has the second part of "The Three-Body Problem" written by Lu Anzhi."

The old man recalled it for a moment, clapped his hands, and suddenly realized: "Ah, that's it! It seems to be on the cover of the magazine, and those two characters are quite small! Why didn't I pay attention?"

The roommate felt that it was impossible for the old man to notice, and she also saw that the old man was not someone who paid attention to the content.

She and Ren Youyou walked away from the newsstand together and said, "Should we look elsewhere?"

But Ren Youyou shook her head and said, "I'm not going. There are classes in the afternoon. After class is over in the afternoon, I will go to the Internet cafe to buy the electronic version and watch it."

Science Fiction World's magazines are released simultaneously in electronic and physical versions. There are relatively few physical versions, but because there are many die-hard book fans, there is no need to worry about not being able to sell them. The electronic version can also sell a lot of each issue.

However, as a freshman, Ren Youyou doesn't have a laptop, and neither does anyone else in her dormitory. At this stage of the world's development, laptops are relatively expensive, and people won't buy them unless necessary.

Therefore, if Ren Youyou wants to buy the electronic version and read it, he can only go to an Internet cafe.

——She can still buy the electronic version. She now has a bank card and has opened online banking, which has just become popular for a while. She has no problem shopping online or buying electronic items.

But the roommate said: "Don't worry. I don't have classes in the afternoon, so I'm going out for a walk. They may not be sold here in our school, but there may be some in bookstores or newsstands farther away. If I buy it, there is no need. Went to the Internet cafe."

She said this knowing that Ren Youyou didn't play games and going to an Internet cafe was helpless.

However, at this moment, Ren Youyou's cell phone ringtone suddenly rang. Ren Youyou took out her phone and looked at it, but it was an unfamiliar number.

She thought for a while, answered the phone, and asked, "Hello? Who is it?"

A voice rang on the other end of the phone: "Hello, your express delivery."

Ren Youyou was stunned for a moment and asked, "I haven't bought anything recently, and no one told me that they sent me express delivery."

The voice on the phone said: "Let me take a look...your name is Ren Youyou, right?"

Ren Youyou said: "Yes."

The voice said: "That's no problem. Just come here and get the express. I'll wait for you at the west gate."


Ren Youyou agreed vaguely, still feeling a little confused.

Her roommate accompanied her to the west gate of Capital University and saw a courier waiting for her next to a courier tricycle.

She walked over with her roommate, took the courier, and the courier got on his tricycle and left.

The courier party has already paid the courier fee, so she does not need to come and pay.

"It seems like a book."

The roommate looked at the package in Ren Youyou's hand and said.

"Well, let me take it apart and take a look."

Ren Youyou nodded and said something, then opened the express package. A brand new "Science Fiction World" magazine was revealed.


The roommate screamed in surprise and asked Ren Youyou, "Have you booked a reservation for Science Fiction World?"

Ren Youyou was a little confused and said, "No."

She took out the magazine, suddenly thought of something, took out her mobile phone and called Lu Anzhi.

"Brother Lu."

After Lu Anzhi answered the phone, she called out.

Lu Anzhi asked on the other end of the phone: "What's wrong?"

Ren Youyou said: "I received a magazine from Science Fiction World. Is it from you?"

Lu Anzhi said: "Oh, you're talking about that. It's from Science Fiction World Magazine. They published a sample issue and said they would send it to me. It was useless for me to hold it, so I told them to send it to you. Forgot. I told you."

Ren Youyou was slightly startled, but she didn't expect that this magazine was really sent by Lu Anzhi.


She said sincerely.

Lu Anzhi said: "Why are you being polite to me? You didn't buy this magazine yourself, did you?"

Ren Youyou said: "I planned to buy it, but the newsstand has sold out."

Lu Anzhi said: "That's just right, just take the sample magazine and read it."

Ren Youyou said: "Well, thank you, Brother Lu."

Lu Anzhi said with a smile: "Look, you said thank you again. I'm going to eat, let's talk later."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Youyou's roommate couldn't help but say, "Brother Lu is so kind to you."

Ren Youyou smiled slightly and said, "Brother Lu is kind to everyone. He is a very kind person."

"Is it?"

The roommate imagined the image of Lu Anzhi for a while and said, "Oh, I really don't know if I will have a chance to meet our Brother Lu."

After returning to the dormitory, Ren Youyou was not in a hurry to read novels. She lent the magazine to her roommate, took a short rest herself, and then went to class.

The roommate went to bed, lay down on the bed, put the magazine on the pillow, opened it, and directly found the serial page of "The Three-Body Problem" and started reading.

The four words "Dark Forest" were blackened and bolded, which seemed very important. The roommates couldn't help but wonder what these four words meant.

In this issue of Science Fiction World Weekly, only the prologue of the second part of "The Three-Body Problem" was published. The length is not too long, and Ren Youyou’s roommate finished it quickly.

But in the short length of the prologue, a lot of information was revealed. After reading it, the roommate thought about it for a long time. The sociology of the universe extending from ants, and the Trisolarans saying "I'm afraid of you" through Sophon and Evans, all seem to reveal the theme of the second part of "The Three-Body Problem".

From this short beginning, the roommates felt that the story and background extension were larger, more magnificent, and vaguely more impactful. She never expected that the Trisolaran world, which seemed to be crushing humans like ants, would suddenly say such words as "I'm afraid of you." Obviously in the first part, the Trisolarans still said to the people on earth, "You are insects."

But "bugs" and "I'm afraid of you" don't seem to conflict.

The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, and Trisolaran's attack on the earth does not despise the earth's people because of the earth's backward technological level. That biological group from four light years away used their own way to comprehensively understand the people on Earth before saying this.

This made the roommate feel even more creepy.

The sense of oppression in the Trisolaran world is getting stronger and stronger.

There are a total of four people in the dormitory, and the other two roommates are often absent. This roommate finished reading the prologue of the second part of "The Three-Body Problem" and then started reading other novels in the world of science fiction, and felt a little bored.

Those novels seem to be quite satisfactory in terms of imagination, which makes people feel cliché at first glance. Compared with "The Three-Body Problem", they are a little less interesting.

She reluctantly read a few short and medium stories, and after Ren Youyou came back, she returned the book to Ren Youyou.

"Have you finished reading? How was it?"

When Ren Youyou took the magazine, she asked her roommate.

The roommate said: "Other novels are not interesting. As for the second part of "The Three-Body Problem", although it is only the beginning, it is really good. I think it is even better than the first part. Our brother Lu's imagination is too great." Stronger!"

"Yeah. Let me take a look first."

As Ren Youyou spoke, she sat down at her desk and turned the page directly to the second part of "The Three-Body Problem" just like her roommate did when opening a magazine.

Then, read.

Her roommate jumped out of her bed and sat aside while Ren Youyou was reading, occasionally glancing at the book to review the wonderful passages she had just read, while always paying attention to Ren Youyou's reaction.

But she was destined to be disappointed. Ren Youyou's face was expressionless when he was reading, and she couldn't see any reaction.

After Ren Youyou finished reading, she asked: "How was it?"

Ren Youyou said: "It's very beautiful."

The roommate laughed and said, "That's right! What do you think after reading this prologue?"

She actually wanted to ask Ren Youyou if she could guess how Trisolaris would launch an attack on the earth. However, Ren Youyou pondered for a while and said: "I am not the author, and I can't guess anything. I just think... the second part should be centered around the sociology of the universe. That's what the prologue mainly talks about. Well. …And the subtitle ‘Dark Forest’ should be the theme of cosmic sociology.”

The roommate's eyes widened slightly and he said, "You are indeed the top scorer in the college entrance examination! You must have received full marks in reading comprehension."

Ren Youyou asked: "Do you think so too?"

The roommate smiled and said: "I don't have the ability. I didn't think about it at all. I just think you are right."

She directly asked Ren Youyou her inner question: "How do you think the Trisolarans will attack the earth?"

Ren Youyou shook her head and said, "I don't know. You have to ask Brother Lu about this."

The roommate said speechlessly: "What's the point of asking Brother Lu? Isn't that a spoiler? I'd better guess by myself."

Ren Youyou shook her head again: "I can't guess."

The roommate thought for a while, sighed, and said: "I always feel that all the ways aliens attack the earth that I can think of, and the alien stories, TV shows, and movies I have seen before are not comparable to "" "The Three-Body Problem" has laid the foundation for the atmosphere and imagination from the first part to the present."


Ren Youyou nodded, approving this. She really couldn't imagine how Brother Lu would arrange the Trisolaran attack, but she always felt that Brother Lu would definitely surprise people.

The launch of the second serialization of "The Three-Body Problem" has made the already popular novel even more popular online. As for Science Fiction World magazine, the physical version of this issue was sold out early, and the electronic version was twice as high as the previous issue, which made the entire Science Fiction World magazine feel happy.

They deeply felt the appeal of these three words Lu Anzhi to book fans, and also felt the strength of this young author who began to appear four years ago.

For this reason, Lu Anzhi's editor at Science Fiction World even thanked Lu Anzhi on Qiuqiu for serializing the second part of "The Three-Body Problem" in Science Fiction World.

——Science Fiction World is thanking you, and readers are complaining, saying that before you only needed to buy Under the Maple Tree, but now you have to buy Science Fiction World too, and your budget has become higher.

Of course, there are also many readers who insist on not buying the magazine and are patiently waiting for the separate edition.

Lu Anzhi even received a call from his father-in-law Zhang Yuzhi, saying that he had written "The Three-Body Problem" well. Now Zhang Yuzhi buys two magazines a week, and he is following "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and "The Three-Body Problem".

However, the character description in "The Three-Body Problem" is a bit weak, and it is much worse than "The Condor" and "The Condor". Zhang Yuzhi expressed the hope that Lu Anzhi would pay attention to it.

Lu Anzhi said that "The Three-Body Problem" should focus on expressing those science fiction ideas, so it will not put too much thought into character description. Whatever you give up, you will gain something. There is no way around it.

When he said this, Zhang Yuzhi said nothing more.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Anzhi laughed at Zhang Suxin and said, "If I had known this, if I had written The Three-Body Problem instead of The Legend of the Condor Heroes, would I have been able to win over our dad?"

Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Lu An and said, "You should ask Teacher Gu first if he agrees."

Gu Ruiyong couldn't bear to talk about it. As soon as Zhang Suxin finished speaking, Gu Ruiyong called Lu Anzhi.

Lu Anzhi picked up the phone and asked, "What's wrong, Brother Gu?"

Gu Ruiyong said: "I arrived in Haidu, and I just got off the plane with Lao Wen. Where are you living now? We will go directly there later. You bring Suxin and Xianxian out, and we will find a place to sit."

Lu Anzhi said: "Suxin can't drink alcohol when she's pregnant."

Gu Ruiyong smiled and said: "It's not like you haven't told me this. She eats and we drink - well, you have to listen to your wife now. You see, you are treating guests. If you can't drink, then don't do it first. Drink."

Lu Anzhi glanced at Zhang Suxin and saw that Zhang Suxin nodded without objection, then said, "Okay."

He told Gu Ruiyong the address and hung up the phone.

When Xianxian was out of school in the afternoon, Gu Ruiyong called and told Lu Anzhi that he and Wen Zhangping had arrived nearby, found a restaurant to sit down, and gave Lu Anzhi their address.

Lu Anzhi drove Zhang Suxin to pick up Xianxian. When picking up Xianxian, the little guy saw Lu Anzhi driving up and asked, "Where's the electric car?"

Now the little guy just wants to ride an electric car when going to and from school.

Lu Anzhi said to Xianxian: "Mom will pick you up today, and we will go to a restaurant to eat. Can we ride the electric bike again tomorrow?"

Xianxian immediately pointed to the distance and said, "That's where the hotel is." Then she held Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin with her small hands to go in the direction she pointed.

This little guy can now recognize where a restaurant is.

Lu Anzhi smiled quickly and said to the little guy: "We are not going to that restaurant. Dad will take you to a restaurant."

Only then did Xianxian stop.

Gu Ruiyong and Wen Zhangping were looking for a small, remote and quiet restaurant that cooked Northeastern cuisine. These two old guys didn't like Southern Restaurant. They always felt that the portions were too small and they didn't eat well.

After Lu Anzhi parked the car, he took Zhang Suxin and Xianxian into the restaurant and went straight to the private room.

"Sit down, sit down."

"You guys are here, you're starving me to death."

Gu Ruiyong and Wen Zhangping greeted several people when they saw them coming.

Wen Zhangping immediately asked the waiter to order, and several people were polite about who was ordering. After ordering, when the waiter went down, Gu Ruiyong took out a hard drive, handed it to Lu Anzhi, and said: "Here, this is the actor The audition videos are all in there, you can go back and take a good look."

Lu Anzhi said: "Okay, I'm sorry to bother Brother Gu."

Gu Ruiyong said with a smile: "What's the trouble? You are the original author of the novel, and your novel is so complete. My TV series still has to respect the original work in order to be successful. And if you choose the actors well, then we can promote it Can you say that this is Guo Jing and Huang Rong that you personally selected, eh, especially Huang Rong! Do you think there is any gimmick?"

Lu Anzhi nodded and admitted that what Gu Gu said made sense. Didn’t Weng Meiling’s version of Huang Rong also have such publicity in her previous life?

Wen Zhangping smiled and said: "You old guy, you are really good at fixing evil things!"

Gu Ruiyong glared at Wen Zhangping: "You're still talking about me, aren't you? If you come to Haidu to play a music festival, you have to use Lu's popularity to promote it."

Wen Zhangping also stared: "It's as if you didn't promote it!"

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin were busy trying to break up the fight, and finally managed to persuade the two brothers to settle down.

Wen Zhangping said: "Hey, brother Lu, this music festival is really big and fun. It would be a pity if you don't come. But there is really nothing we can do about it. In order to make the venue more effective, the organizers have arranged a lot of space for them." We got it to the suburbs. That place is quite remote, and your wife is pregnant, so it’s really inconvenient to go there."

Lu Anzhi said with a smile: "Brother Gu, just have fun by yourself, it'll be fine." He was actually quite interested in the music festival, but he was more interested in watching it from the audience, and not much interested in performing on stage. .

He remembered something and asked again: "Where are the brothers from the Watermelon Pi Band? Why haven't I seen them?"

Wen Zhangping said: "This time Lao Gu and I arrived first, and they came later." When he said this, he suddenly smiled and said, "Hey, brother Lu, I have an unkind invitation here. .”

Then before Lu Anzhi could respond, Gu Ruiyong said: "Ha! You want Brother Lu to write a song again, right? Why don't you write it yourself!"

Wen Zhangping said: "I'm not good at writing this kind of thing myself? Brother Lu, I have been singing this song "Xian'er" for more than half a year, and I have sung it all over the country. This time at the Haidu Music Festival, I I want to do some tricks.”

Lu Anzhi agreed and said, "Okay, then I'll think about it later, write it down and send it to you."

Wen Zhangping felt relieved and said, "Thank you so much, brother Lu!"

Gu Ruiyong said: "Brother Lu, don't just be busy writing songs for this old guy. There is also our "Legend of the Condor Heroes". This old guy is just busy going to music festivals and pretending to be a girl." Son, I don’t even write songs anymore. I only rely on you now."

Wen Zhangping glared at Gu Ruiyong again: "Why am I called a girl? I call it stage style, okay? My fans don't mind, what do you think?"

Gu Ruiyong snorted in disdain: "Ha! Just you? Are you still giving back to the fans? Are you still showing off your stage style? I think you're acting like a ghost. What stage should you be on? It's only appropriate to sing at a funeral. When the time comes If a filial son comes over and gives you ten dollars to play one song, you play a piece of that suona. Another filial son comes over and gives you fifteen dollars and you sing a line. Big brother, you play rock and roll. What's the use of playing with him? Yeah, right. , you are best at playing the trumpet, and then if a filial son comes over and offers twenty, how about you just play the trumpet?"

Wen Zhangping said angrily: "Get out of here, you mother!"


Xianxian seemed to find Wen Zhangping's words interesting and wanted to learn them. Zhang Suxin quickly covered her slender mouth. Xianxian had no choice but to hold back her words.

Gu Ruiyong said: "Look! Look! Let the children learn! There are children here, please be careful what you say."

Wen Zhangping smiled hurriedly and said to Xianxian: "Little girl, what grandpa just said is not good. It is a curse word. Don't learn from grandpa, okay?"

Xianxian asked: "Why does grandpa say dirty words?"

Gu Ruiyong said: "Your grandfather is dirty, don't imitate him. We are all clean."

Wen Zhangping: "..."

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