The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 400 The second round of ringtone music

"What is Dad preparing?"

The slender little guy heard Lu Anzhi's words and came to gossip again. The little guy has really become a little gossip now. She wants to find out no matter what others say.

Lu Anzhi smiled and touched her slender little head and said, "I'm preparing a new song."

Xianxian suddenly became interested: "Is dad preparing a new song again? Is there any one that Xianxian can sing?"

Lu Anzhi said: "Yes, but Xianxian is too young to sing now. Let's wait until she grows up to sing."

Naturally, he has songs such as "Three Auspicious Treasures" in his mind, which will indeed make Xianxian happy in the future. It's just that Xianxian is still a little tone-deaf when she sings now. It may take some time before she can completely control the tone.

Xianxian was a little unhappy when she heard Lu Anzhi's words, but she still sighed and said, "Okay. Let's wait until Xianxian grows up before singing."

Lu Anzhi said: "You can sing when Xianxian grows up a little bit."

Xianxian became happy, nodded contentedly, and said, "You can sing when Xianxian grows up a little bit." After saying that, she suddenly asked, "What does growing up a little bit mean, dad?"

Lu Anzhi said: "I just need to grow a little taller. My slender body grows very fast, and I will be taller soon."

Xianxian nodded vigorously and said, "Yeah, Xianxian is growing up really fast! Xianxian is growing taller very quickly."

The whole family laughed. Xianxian also laughed "hehe".

After Xianxian finished her endless questions, Zhang Suxin asked: "What song are you going to prepare?"

Song Xiaoqin also asked: "Yes, don't Yuan Yi and Zhou Bo already have songs? I don't remember that you have the habit of singing for other people."

Lu Anzhi shook his head and replied: "It's not sung for them, it's sung by ourselves. Jiuzhou Telecom called to say that the popularity of CRBT has declined, and they wanted me to sing another wave of songs that hit the charts. In addition, they also released I received a service package called 'My Land' and asked me to help write an advertising song for promotion."

As for the "My Site" service package, he just heard from the person in charge of Jiuzhou Telecom that it was intended to be a discounted subscription service package for various information, novels, and music. It sounded similar to the "M-Zone" in the previous life. "almost. It's a pity that Lu Anzhi forgot the name "M-Zone" when he named the people from Jiuzhou Telecom.

But it doesn’t matter, “My Territory” is not bad either. Instead, it is directly linked to the song title, which can make the promotional effect of the advertising song more direct.

Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin's focus was not on the "My Land" advertising song. They were attracted by the topic of ringtone songs that were on the charts.

"You're still here?! You can still write?!"

Song Xiaoqin's eyes widened in surprise.

She had been the queen of ring tones for more than half a year, and her career as a singer also started here. What surprised her the most was that she actually made more than a small target through ring tones music.

She and Zhang Suxin were both amazed at Lu Anzhi's control over the direction of the ringtone. But at that time, Lu Anzhi pulled out more than ten songs at once, and now he can play again, which still makes Song Xiaoqin a little surprised.

Lu Anzhi smiled and said: "This time it is easier than last time. We have already achieved a feat on the CRBT website, and Jiuzhou Telecom also plans to promote this, so as long as the song is not a big problem, It’s bound to be on the charts. And if you think about my later songs, how many of them didn’t even make it onto the charts?”

Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin both nodded and said, "That's right."

Lu An has also released many singles since then, such as "Blue and White Porcelain", "Peach Blossoms Blooming", "The King Asked Me to Patrol the Mountain", etc., all of which have been on the ringback music charts, and even ranked first. The positions were occupied for a while.

The King of Colorful Tone has become a veritable King of Colorful Tone, and has also become a big trend on the Internet of Colorful Tone. It is difficult for his songs not to be on the Internet of Colorful Tone.

Coupled with Jiuzhou Telecom's publicity campaign, there must be no problem with another wave of momentum that dominated the ring tones music rankings back then.

Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin looked at each other, but neither participated in this topic.

Zhang Suxin asked: "Then when do you plan to write?"

Lu Anzhi said: "We have to prepare the song in the next two days. Jiuzhou Dianshi said it depends on when I can finish the song. The best time is during the Chinese New Year. If I can write the song before If it goes well, during the Chinese New Year, my site will be launched together with the ringtone music, which will achieve the best effect."

Song Xiaoqin nodded and said, "Then there must be nothing wrong with your words. You ruthless songwriting machine!"


Zhang Suxin couldn't help laughing.

Next, Lu Anzhi went to prepare a new song, and the remaining four adults played with Xianxian for a while. By the time he went to bed at night, Lu Anzhi had prepared all the songs.

That night, Xianxian slept with Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin as usual.

In Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin's bedroom, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin started chatting after the slender little guy fell asleep. Miao Suqin said: "I remember An Zhi made a lot of money from ring tones, right?"

Zhang Yuzhi said: "Yes. Didn't you say that before? At that time, you accidentally saw Anzhi's bank card transfer information, and you were shocked. You said there were so many zeros, it was hundreds of millions."

Miao Suqin said: "I don't know how much it will cost this time. How can your son-in-law make so much money?"

Zhang Yuzhi said: "That's not your son-in-law!"

The old couple sounded somewhat proud in their words, but also a little bit worried. Their son-in-law seemed to be too good, which made them worry that their daughter would not be able to handle it.

But fortunately, they still see the quality of the relationship between the son-in-law and daughter, and the so-called worries are just random thoughts.

"Don't expose your wealth to others. Don't talk about it outside. It's fine as long as we know."

Miao Suqin reminded Zhang Yuzhi.

Zhang Yuzhi glanced at Miao Suqin and said, "I have a strict tone. But you, please don't talk nonsense to others, especially to your relatives."

Miao Suqin: "..."

The next day, Lu Anzhi, Zhang Suxin and Xianxian went to the basement recording studio to record songs. Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin did not follow. The old couple knew that they couldn't help much if they went down, and they didn't know anything about the recording studio, so they didn't go down to join in the fun.

When they arrived at the recording studio, Song Xiaoqin skillfully tinkered with the equipment here, and then asked Lu Anzhi, "What songs have you prepared this time?"

Lu Anzhi called up the playlist on the computer and said, "This time I prepared a little more. I prepared fifteen songs, plus the advertising songs, it will be sixteen. This way, it is safer, in case one or two songs are left behind. It’s okay. Let’s see which songs you sing?”

But Song Xiaoqin waved her hands repeatedly and said: "I won't sing! This time I won't sing no matter what! I've taken advantage of you so much, so I definitely won't sing this time! Suxin is here, just let Suxin sing. ." She made so much money from her song "Learning to Meow", and she still has a steady stream of income. And although the few songs she sang later were not as popular as "Learning to Meow", they still brought her a lot of share income.

This time, she knew that Lu Anzhi was going to the front row of CRBT. How could she have the nerve to sing again?

In her opinion, this is just taking advantage.

However, Lu Anzhi shook his head and said, "That won't work. This time you have to sing even if you don't sing. Even if it's two songs, you have to sing two songs. In this wave of ringtone music, what if there is no queen of ringtones? Isn’t it missing a big gimmick? If you don’t sing, I’m afraid the people from Jiuzhou Telecom will call to protest.”

"It's not as serious as you said!"

Song Xiaoqin muttered.

Zhang Suxin smiled and said: "I think it's possible. Xiaoqin, Jiuzhou Telecom took the initiative to call and organize this event. They must want to maximize the effect of the event. You, the queen of ringtones, are a big gimmick. They I definitely won’t let it go.”

Lu Anzhidao: "And this gimmick of yours will also help Jiuzhou Dianshi and me become more popular, which will allow us to earn more. So it's not like you're taking money from my pocket. It's not enough if you don't sing." "

When Song Xiaoqin heard what Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin said, she had to compromise: "Okay then. But as agreed, I will only sing two songs." She spent a long time choosing from the song list written by Lu Anzhi and pointed to two of them. Song, said, "Then let me sing these two songs. Last time, the vulgar song was the most popular, so I will change it this time and sing these two songs. Is that okay? Suxin, please take a look first. If you want to sing If so, I’ll look at other ones.”

The two songs she selected were "Later" and "Invisible Wings". She didn't want to do "Learning to Meow" again. She was really embarrassed to make so much money from Lu Anzhi.

Zhang Suxin said: "I have no problem."

Xianxian watched the show for a long time and finally found the opportunity to ask a question: "What are these two songs?"

Song Xiaoqin replied: "It's "Later" and "Invisible Wings"."

Xianxian asked: "What are the invisible wings later?"


Song Xiaoqin didn't know how to explain the word "later" for a while, so she skipped "later" and talked about "invisible wings", "It's invisible wings."

Xianxian asked: "Why can't you see the wings?"

Song Xiaoqin said: "I just can't see it."

Xianxian asked: "Why can't you see it?"

Song Xiaoqin: "..."

Xianxian asked again: "What happened next?"

Song Xiaoqin couldn't stand it anymore and said: "Okay Xianxian, don't ask, don't ask, we are going to record a song. How about we record the song together?"


Xianxian agreed, and Song Xiaoqin breathed a sigh of relief.

So we officially started recording songs. In one morning, Song Xiaoqin recorded "Later" and "Invisible Wings" first. The three of them were already proficient in working together, and Lu An was still responsible for all the instruments, so the recording went very smoothly.

It's just that Song Xiaoqin didn't find the feeling when she sang. After recording in the morning, she felt that it was not perfect and not satisfactory enough. At noon, she asked Lu Anzhi for advice and found the feeling. In the afternoon, she sang every song again and finally finished the two songs. Recorded.

She felt that the CRBT music prepared by Lu Anzhi this time was different from the one from the previous year. It had more flavor and feeling, but she didn’t know if it would be suitable for

But thinking about what Lu Anzhi said, with his current reputation and popularity, it should be no problem.

At least the two songs she sang are really great, and they feel like they will be very popular.

During the rest of the afternoon, Lu Anzhi recorded the advertising song, which was called "My Territory". Listening to Lu Anzhi trying to include the sound of helicopter propellers, and singing "You have to listen to my son here in my territory" in Erhua rhyme, Song Xiaoqin and Zhang Suxin both thought this song was so cool. , after Lu Anzhi sang, Song Xiaoqin couldn't help but follow a few lines.

Xianxian listened to the song, but she only thought it was fun. She then learned, "You have to listen to me in my territory." After learning, she started to giggle, regardless of whether the tune was accurate or not.

There was still time, so Lu Anzhi recorded another song "The Old Man and the Sea".

In the next few days, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin recorded several songs one after another, as well as some choruses, and finished recording all the fifteen ringtone music prepared for Kyushu Electronics to hit the charts. Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin, as the first two listeners, listened to these songs first.

Except for "My Territory", which they were not used to hearing, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin nodded frequently when listening to the other songs and even said they were good.

Lu Anzhi, Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin all felt that this wave was stable.

When Xianxian heard Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin's comments, she said, "Yeah, Xianxian thinks it's good too."

——To put it in detail, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin are not the first two listeners of these fifteen ringtones and the "My Land" advertising song. The first listener is this little guy Xianxian.

After Zhang Yuzhi, Miao Suqin and Xianxian passed the "preliminary review", Lu Anzhi uploaded all sixteen songs to Xianxian Listening, but temporarily set them to unreleased status.

Sixteen songs were packaged and sent to the person in charge of Jiuzhou Electric Shift. The person in charge of Jiuzhou Electric Shift read the play list and was very satisfied with the song of the same name of "My Land", which he felt was very suitable for the audience of this service package. .

Older people usually don't pay attention to this kind of service, but only young people will pay attention.

As for the fifteen ringtones, they are indeed suitable for all ages and have different audiences.

The fifteen songs are: "Later", "Invisible Wings", "The Old Man and the Sea", "I Got Cold in That Corner", "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond", "Wolf Loves Sheep", "We Are All Good Boys", "Wrong, wrong, wrong", "Not afraid, not afraid", "He must love you very much", "Lonely sandbank is cold", "Thousands of miles away", "Lonely in the Northern Hemisphere", "Who do you think of when you are lonely", "Don't say you love me when I am lonely".

Sure enough, there is still a bit of the flavor of the songs that dominated the ringback music rankings in the past. They are both vulgar and elegant, with a variety of styles and catchy melodies, making people remember them deeply after the first listen.

Just when listening to "He Must Love You Very Much", the person in charge of Jiuzhou Electric Shift couldn't help but think to himself: "Why are the lyrics like this? The picture is so damn weird!"

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