The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 408 Internet addicted young woman

Song Xiaoqin sat at the table, opened Lu Anzhi's laptop and became trance-like, paying no attention to anything else. She looks like an internet addicted girl.

However, at her age, where she is being urged to get married, it is not appropriate for her to be a girl. She is also an Internet addicted young woman.

Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin couldn't help but sigh when they saw Song Xiaoqin playing so immersed in the game: "Oh, no wonder high school students always go to Internet cafes. Adults are so addicted to playing games, let alone students."

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin were silent beside them. In his past life, he has read and heard many reviews of video games, some good, some bad, some positive, some negative. Many people are either right or wrong, and their opinions on video games are too extreme.

This concept is so deeply ingrained that even if he argued with it, it would be difficult to achieve any results. So just shut up and stop arguing.

However, he is relatively neutral. He does not regard games as a scourge, but he also believes that people need a certain degree of restraint in dealing with games at certain stages and times.

Of course, this is not only true for games, but also for activities such as reading novels, watching TV dramas, playing mahjong, fishing, etc.

Any entertainment activity will always make people secrete dopamine. Happiness comes relatively easily, which makes it easy to become addicted. Only by being able to restrain and learn to control the secretion of dopamine can you not get lost in life.

But similarly, people cannot completely control or block this pathway for dopamine secretion.

Life is often so hard, and occasionally it’s time to relax and be simply happy.

"What is sister playing?"

Xianxian read for a while and noticed Song Xiaoqin playing on the computer, so she went over to ask.

Song Xiaoqin said: "Sister is working."

"Let Xianxian take a look."

The little guy dragged a chair over and climbed up, sat down next to Song Xiaoqin, pointed at the computer screen with his little finger, and asked, "Sister, are you letting this little guy work?"

Lu Anzhi, Zhang Suxin, and Song Xiaoqin all knew that this little guy was taking the opportunity to look at the computer.

Girls at a young age are always interested in this kind of display screen, such as TVs, computers, and mobile phones. This is also a major way for her to secrete dopamine and absorb happiness.

The couple both walked behind Song Xiaoqin to see what the Internet-addicted young woman was playing.

Song Xiaoqin was indeed controlling a little person. It was a female character walking in a classical and desolate environment. As she walked, she entered a battle scene. The villain controlled by Song Xiaoqin had her back to the screen, and then several strange characters appeared on the opposite side, facing the screen.

The two sides started fighting, you hit me and I hit you, you put a skill and I put a skill.

Song Xiaoqin used her skills and slashes to eliminate all the enemies on the opposite side in several rounds. She continued to click the mouse to control the little man to move, and then entered the battle screen while walking.

It's a turn-based game,

"Are you upgrading?"

Lu Anzhi asked.

Song Xiaoqin said without looking back: "Yes, I still have two levels to go before I can do the mission, and I also want to practice my skills. When I level up two more levels, I can form a team with others to fight monsters. I recognized several people today. As for my friends, it will be fun to do the mission together."

Lu Anzhi sighed and said, "Your happiness is really simple."

He has played a lot of games in his previous life, including real-time turn-based strategy, fighting, chess, MOBA, shooting and leisure, all kinds of games. He has played all turn-based games, from the stand-alone "Legend of Sword and Fairy" to "Fantasy Westward Journey", "Westward Journey II", and even the later mobile game "Onmyoji", etc. The emphasis in those games is different.

The Song Xiaoqin in front of him was obviously playing an online game. Lu Anzhi felt it after just watching it for a while. The game Song Xiaoqin was playing was much more boring than "Dahua" and "Fantasy".

The main reason is that the game mode is too monotonous and boring, and the combat development system is also very rough, which makes people have no interest in cultivating it.

——Of course, this is for him. Song Xiaoqin obviously likes it very much and is addicted to playing it.

Hearing Lu Anzhi's words, she was still dissatisfied and said: "Yes, yes, my happiness is not as advanced and complicated as yours. After all, you can write songs and books, so you are not on the same level as me."

Lu Anzhi said hurriedly: "That's what you said, I didn't say that."

Song Xiaoqin said: "That's what you think anyway." She just complained casually, but had no intention of getting angry with Lu Anzhi. Lu Anzhi could still hear her tone.

Lu Anzhi smiled and said: "To be honest, I really don't think so. I just don't think your game is fun."

Song Xiaoqin said: "This is the most popular online game on the market now. Isn't it fun?!" She thought for a while, with a look of realization, and said: "Oh, I know, I see you have " "Dragon Clan" is coming. You are a single-player party, so it is normal for you to despise us for playing online games."

Lu Anzhi: "..."

There is no blue speed incident in this world, and the development of stand-alone games has not been hindered in China. However, since the Internet era began to develop, the country's huge population base and the strong ability to attract money from online games have attracted more game-related companies into the big pit of online games.

Therefore, there are more domestic developers developing online games than stand-alone games. This has also caused stand-alone games to lag behind the development of the world, just like in previous generations. Liang Zhe took his Jiji company and rushed to the stand-alone game without hesitation, which was also for the sake of sentiment.

After both stand-alone and online games were established, the domestic game contempt chain slowly developed as in the previous life. Just like in the previous life, the chain of contempt for online games is below that of stand-alone games.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you. You do what you want."

Lu Anzhi said, pulling Xianxian away.

Song Xiaoqin muttered: "I didn't argue with you in the first place..."

Xianxian wanted to join in the fun again and watch Song Xiaoqin play, but Zhang Suxin suddenly said "It's snowing", which suddenly diverted Xianxian's attention.

"let me see!"

As the little guy said this, he left Song Xiaoqin and ran to the window.

As expected, snow was falling outside the window. It was hard to see the snow that had just fallen from the sky clearly at night. It had to fall out of the window and be seen through the lights in the house.

The snow was falling heavily, turning into dense white dots in the light that spread out from the house. A thin layer was quickly spread on the ground.


Xianxian lay on the window and was pleasantly surprised. She grew up in Haidu and rarely saw snow. When I came to Xijing during the Chinese New Year last year, it basically didn’t snow here. When I saw the snow, I was very happy and wanted to go out and have a close contact with the snow.

Zhang Suxin persuaded Xianxian and said: "The snow is too light now and it's not fun. Let's go to bed early and go out to play in the snow tomorrow? Let's build a snowman then."

"Make a snowman?"

Xianxian's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly, "Okay!"

Then Xianxian was dragged to bed by Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin. Zhang Suxin walked up to Song Xiaoqin with a big belly. When she saw Song Xiaoqin coming out of a turn-based battle again, her body flashed, obviously she had upgraded.

"Look, I've leveled up! Now I'm just one level behind!"

Song Xiaoqin was very happy, noticed Zhang Suxin coming over, and said showily.

However, Zhang Suxin doesn't play games and can't empathize with Song Xiaoqin. She just asked: "Don't you really like snow? Why don't you react at all when it snows now?"

Song Xiaoqin said: "I don't care about leveling up."


Zhang Suxin muttered and complained, "Internet addicted girl!"

Song Xiaoqin had no reaction.

Lu Anzhi said: "She is a young woman addicted to the Internet."

Song Xiaoqin then turned around and glared at Lu An.

"I will send you away, thousands of miles away, you will be silent and black and white..."

Lu Anzhi's cell phone rang. He just changed his cell phone ringtone to "Thousands of Miles Away". When the album "Still Fantasy" was released in his previous life, he went to a bookstore to read "Legendary Martial Arts Edition". He always heard this song sung by Jay Chou and Fei Yuqing playing in the bookstore in front of the school.

He didn't know much about the song at first and always thought it was a song by someone he didn't know. But as he listened, he discovered that there was another familiar voice in the song, and he learned the details of the song.

Fei Yuqing's smooth and clear voice remained deep in his memory, making him miss it very much.

When he came to this world, he didn't find, nor was he too lazy to find, a voice like Fei Yuqing's, but that didn't stop him from missing the song that had accompanied him in reading several "Legendary Martial Arts Editions of Modern and Ancient Times". Set it as ringtone.

He took out his cell phone and saw that the call was from Liang Zhe.

I wonder why Liang Zhe is calling at this time?

Is there any progress in the development of the new "Dragon" game?

Thinking in his mind, he answered the phone and asked, "What's the matter?"

Liang Zhe said: "That's it, Director Lu..."

Director Lu...

This title is still strange to people.

Lu Anzhi said nothing and listened to Liang Zhe continue: "My dad gave me a sum of money to make an online game. I couldn't refuse."

Lu Anzhi was a little surprised: "Your dad is also in the gaming industry?"

Liang Zhe said: "No, he is engaged in industry. Currently, his main business is air conditioners. Getty air conditioners belong to our home."


Lu Anzhi couldn't help but exclaimed. Getty Air Conditioning is one of the top air conditioning companies in the country, comparable to Gree and Midea in its previous life. Doesn't that mean that Liang Zhe's father is the Miss Dong of this world?

Lu Anzhi couldn't help but shudder when he thought about Miss Dong's mobile phone masterpieces and rose air conditioners in the past.

Liang Zhe's father invested money in, so he wouldn't make random ideas, right?

"Boss, you don't have to be so surprised. Your development in the music and novel circles is no worse than my dad's."

Liang Zhe said.

Lu Anzhi sighed speechlessly: "Stop talking, how can this compare?" He couldn't help but ask again, "Your dad is so awesome, why don't you let your dad invest in you when you make games?"

Liang Zhe said: "My dad doesn't approve of me playing games - although he has invested money in me. But boss, don't worry, just like this time, it was all money given to me by my dad in his personal capacity. It won't Shares in the company.”

Lu Anzhi asked: "The question is, how could your father invest money in you again? You should not be short of money for the time being, right?"

Liang Zhe said: "That's it. My dad spoke on WeChat about the design of the Quagherty air conditioner, saying that it was in line with the Internet age and that it was the choice of young people. He was ridiculed by the crowd and wanted to regain his place. He He doesn’t want to do it in his old field, but he just wants me to make an online game here. If it can be completed by then, and he is behind it, it will slap the faces of those people on the Internet... Mr. Lu, please understand , my dad is old and has the temperament of an old kid."

Lu Anzhi unceremoniously revealed the key: "Your dad still doesn't believe you can succeed, so he sponsored it privately. He just wants to give it a try and see if he can get lucky, right?"

Liang Zhe smiled sheepishly and said, "Director Lu, if you see through it, don't tell me."

Lu Anzhi asked: "Then what do you think?"

Liang Zhe said: "That's what I think, boss. Our research and development progress on "Dragon" must not be stopped. This is my hard work and your project. I have been keeping a close eye on it. My dad gave it to me. There is a lot of money, so we can recruit some people and use our existing engine to make a 3D modeling and 2D rendering game. It will be enough. I want to open another project team and make an online game."

Lu Anzhi asked: "Why does it have to be an online game?"

Liang Zhe said: "I'm confused too. My dad was arguing with people online, and the topic somehow got to online games. Then he had to make online games."

Lu Anzhi became a little curious, thinking that he would go and see how Liang Zhe's father quarreled with people online.

He thought for a while, looked back at Song Xiaoqin who was fascinated by leveling, and said: "Well, don't say you don't want shares or anything. You can set up another game studio and hang it under your Jiji company... ...Well, it’s best to be listed under Xinwei Company. Then the money your dad invests will be counted as your shares. In addition, Xinwei Company and I will also participate in the shares. Do you think you can do it?”

Liang Zhe immediately said: "I have no problem!" He had already fallen in love with Lu Anzhi. Not only do we have financial support, but there are also so many suggestions and ideas. The game hasn't come out yet, but he can already feel that the new version of "Dragon" will have no problems and will be successful.

Now Lu Anzhi has no problem no matter what he says.

Lu Anzhi asked: "Then what are your thoughts on the new game?"

Liang Zhe replied: "That's what I think, Director Lu. Let's pull out "Dragon", turn it into a turn-based game, and make an online game. The specific gameplay can overlap to a certain extent with "Dragon" stand-alone. In this way The gameplay and IP appeal are guaranteed."

Are you planning to live with your IP until you grow old?

Lu Anzhi couldn't help but think of "Zhu Xian" in the perfect world.

"Stop watching "Dragon". Let's stop focusing on "Dragon". I also have "The Legend of Wukong" here, which is a Journey to the West theme and is more suitable for adapting online games. You first contact Xinwei and let the studio Get it started, and I will give you some ideas later on how to use the new studio to develop online games."

He made up his mind and said.

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