"Destiny," "Mortal Song" and "The Hills" soon followed. The Watermelon Peel Band sang these three songs at their next show.

The singer who sang these three songs is Wen Zhangping.

Everyone else in the Watermelon Pi band is relatively young, and only this old guy can sing "Mortal Song" and "Hills" with flavor. He just needs to change his style, put aside the feeling he had when singing "Xian'er" and "Destiny", stand on the stage, calm down his heart, and sing as if he is completely immersed, and the feeling will come out.

When performing these three songs, Wen Zhangping specially invited Lu Anzhi to watch.

——For these three songs, the Xiguapi Band specially added a performance in Haidu, just to let Lu Anzhi come and see it live.

So Lu Anzhi came with Zhang Suxin and Xianxian. Song Xiaoqin also followed.

Song Xiaoqin knew that Lu Anzhi had written three more songs for Wen Zhangping, and was quite interested. And Zhang Suxin also rarely came out to show off. First, Song Xiaoqin called her, and secondly, Xianxian kept telling her that it was fun, that old man was really interesting. So when the Xiguapi Band performed, she breastfed Qianqian and came out with Lu Anzhi, Xianxian and Song Xiaoqin.

After arriving at the scene, the Watermelon Pi Band specially asked the people at the scene to give Lu Anzhi and the others good seats in the front row. The person who made the arrangements naturally knew the identities of Lu Anzhi, Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin. He treated the three of them with great respect and even gave Xianxian a glass of milk.

After the live performance started, Wen Zhangping sang "Destiny" first.

This newly released new song surprised the audience. It still has a familiar taste and familiar attire.

Wen Zhangping started the performance by saying "Oh, I'm talking about fate" on the stage. The duo-style rock music jokingly tells the story of the humility and hardship of people's lives. The audience in the audience also responded with the biggest cheers.

“What a new song!”

"Hahahaha, it still smells familiar, good!"

"Wonderful, she is indeed Mrs. Wen!"

Lu Anzhi, Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin were watching the performance on the stage from the front, and the voices in the background that had to be shouted to be heard drifted into their ears. Lu An was a little shocked. This was the first time he heard Wen Zhangping's nickname.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Good guy, in the previous life, the lead singer was just called Aunt Long, but now that Wen Zhangping is here, he calls her Mrs. Wen directly! Do these audiences want to send Wen Zhangping away early? !

But looking at Wen Zhangping's age, he is indeed older than the lead singer in his previous life. Wen Tai Nai is just Wen Tai Nai, which sounds quite strange.

"Why do people make others suffer, why do they shed tears for others, why do people go against each other, why do people follow each other, oh, I said fate, survival..."

Wen Zhangping on the stage sang and performed with exaggerated expressions and body movements. Xianxian was happy in the audience and clapped her little palms. The people nearby saw it and couldn't help but laugh and said: "The little girl has good taste. Will you be able to appreciate Mrs. Wen's songs at such a young age?"

Xianxian retorted: "It's Grandpa Wen, not Mrs. Wen!"

The person next to him said, "You are wrong." He pointed to the stage and said, "Children, look, does Grandpa Wen look like an old lady on stage? He is Grandma Wen on stage, and when he is not on stage, he is Grandma Wen. Grandpa Wen."


Xianxian understood this time and continued to clap her hands.

The person next to her said: "She can appreciate rock music at such a young age. This little girl really has artistic talent."

Lu Anzhi said: "She just listened blindly. She probably regarded the performance on stage as a sketch."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The people next to me just laughed and didn't mind. No one here cares how to evaluate the performance on stage. Anyway, everyone enjoys it and has a good time. Some people even feel that they have become crazy as soon as they come to this scene.

Nowadays, at the Xiguapi venue, the self-recognition of neurosis is the mutual recognition among the audience.

After finishing the performance of "Destiny", Wen Zhangping quit singing. Next, the real lead singer of Watermelon Peel came up to sing.

If it had been the original, Wen Zhangping would have come on stage again at this time, picked up the trumpet from behind and played "Qinhuangdao" with the lead singer. The ear-catching trumpet solo in "Qinhuangdao" is also Wen Zhangping's important performance moment.

But this time the song didn't make it to the stage.

This made Xianxian doubtful in the audience, and she asked several times: "Where is Mrs. Wen? Where is Mrs. Wen?" The little guy had already directly accepted the idea that it was Mrs. Wen on the stage.

The person next to him laughed again: "Hahaha, this little guy is interesting, he is actually a fan of Mrs. Wen."

After the lead singer of the Watermelon Pi Band finished singing a few songs, Wen Zhangping came on the stage again, surprising the audience.

Wen Zhangping on the stage actually took off his overly glamorous attire and put on casual and ordinary clothes. This made him look like an ordinary little old man, no longer the same exaggerated and eye-catching appearance as before.

Some listeners couldn't even recognize it: "Is this Wen Tai Nai?!"

Someone else said in disbelief: "Where is his makeup? What does he want to do?!"

Wen Zhangping was on the stage and naturally saw everyone's reactions. He held up the microphone and explained a few words briefly: "The next two songs are not suitable for that kind of makeup. I used my original, simplest appearance, stood on the stage, and sang two new songs for everyone. These two new songs were also written by Lu An.

"Brother An Zhi is a capable person. He wrote these two songs very well and has reached the state of returning to his original nature. I like it very much. I feel that these two songs have touched my heart and sung out my heart. I am now in Singing here, I hope these two songs can make everyone recall their own lives."

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but talk a lot, guessing what kind of song Wen Zhangping was going to sing.

But everyone is looking forward to it. When Wen Zhangping mentioned that the new songs were written by Lu An, no one would doubt the quality of these two songs. Lu Anzhi's products must be high-quality products, this sentence has now become recognized.

There is no such level of creation in this world. As the music scene has developed to this day, there are always one or two good players who are proficient in various styles and types of music, and their works are widely sung, but their fame is always behind the scenes and rarely known to the audience, just like Gao Jin in the previous life. , Xiao Ke.

But like Lu Anzhi, no one else has received so much attention as a creator.

Lu Anzhi has now become a phenomenon, and with the rise of the Internet era, it is eye-catching.

"You and I are both mortals, born in this world. We work hard all day long and never have a moment of leisure. How many men turn into beauty when they are angry. How many birds in the same forest have become flying swallows. Life is so short, why love so hard. When your lover is gone, Who should I complain to?"

As the audience listened, someone suddenly said: "The theme of this song feels similar to "Xian'er"."

So someone echoed: "Yes, it is indeed similar. But the style is completely different."

Someone said: "I still like "Xian'er", it's more playful."

Someone else said: "If you calm down and listen to it, this song is even better. It's so touching. It feels like it's being narrated, and it's also teasing, and the teasing is grand and neat. It's great."

“Both are great.”

This last sentence became the consensus. Some people in the audience liked this song, some liked that song, but no one thought that either one of the two songs was wrong.

"Ask you when you have seen that the world has changed for people, and if you have the appearance you dream of, is it considered to have spring?"

At the end of Wen Zhangping's singing, everyone could hear the positivity and calmness behind the helplessness and complaints in this song. The feeling of the song changes instantly and makes people feel deeply.

Someone praised: "It's awesome! Only people of Wen Tai Nai's age can sing this song with feeling, right? Young people definitely can't sing it with taste."

Someone else said: "Yeah. I really don't know how Lu Anzhi wrote such a song."

Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin, who heard the discussion in the front row, glanced at Lu Anzhi at the same time. Lu Anzhi kept silent. It was hard for him to stand up and announce that he actually copied it.

But it’s really nice to live a new life and hear such a relevant performance.

Lu Anzhi wondered how it would feel to sing "The Hills" by Wen Zhangping. Anyway, he sang the demo himself, imitating Li Zongsheng's voice. He did a good job of singing the feeling of the song, but the too young voice made it a little less interesting.

Now let’s listen to Wen Zhangping’s version.

If Wen Zhangping doesn't sing well, he doesn't mind finding someone else to sing.

Then Wen Zhangping sang the second song——

"The Hills".

"There are a lot of things that I want to say but haven't said yet. I save them because I want to write them into songs and let people sing them gently. Remember them lightly. Even if I finally forget, it's worth it..."

The song feels like a narrative. It was as if old friends were sitting in front of me, lightly reminiscing about the past.

But in that faint aftertaste, the overwhelming emotion flowed out unconsciously, making people couldn't help but feel slightly startled. How much helplessness, how much regret, how much success and how much failure in life, looking back, can only make people sigh with regret?

"Perhaps we have never matured and are about to grow old before we know it. Although the young man alive in our hearts is still that young man who looks back frequently because of uneasiness, ignorantly asks for help and is ashamed to ask for help, and tirelessly climbs every hill... "

Wen Zhangping's singing seemed to be a little unwilling. But this point of unwillingness is so helpless. Looking back on the past, many past events can only be turned into a sigh of regret.

The audience in the audience looked at the person on the stage and suddenly remembered that this person was an old man and a famous composer, not just Mrs. Wen who could only sing with an orchid on her arm and sing two-person rock music. Milk.

Lu Anzhi heard someone say behind him: "It's strange. I feel like I shouldn't like the sound of this song. But now I seem to be deeply moved by it, and it sounds strange to me."

Someone answered his question: "Because you are there. Moving songs can always infect people's hearts." The man sighed and said, "You are too young. When you are older, you will like it." This song.”

"Yes, this song is really interesting."

Another person echoed nearby.

"After crossing the hill, although my head has turned white and I am chattering endlessly, I am sad that time has passed. Before I can see immortality as I wish, I have lost myself first. After crossing the hill, I found that no one is waiting. I am chattering endlessly and can never be called again. Hui Wenwen, why can’t I remember who gave me a hug last time and when..."

Wen Zhangping's singing voice sounded higher, as if there was an extra layer of shouting in the calmness.


Many people in the audience had goosebumps when they heard it, but there were also people who were indifferent.

At least Xiao Xianxian, who was sitting next to Lu Anzhi, said, "Dad, this song is not good."

Lu Anzhi smiled and said nothing.

The audience member next to him who had been paying attention to Xianxian before said: "The little guy is still too young. He can't understand this kind of song. It's normal."


Another person was listening to the song and sighed, but it did not prevent him from analyzing it at the same time, "This song is very different from other songs. In terms of the structure of lyrics and music, there is nothing outstanding, and the arrangement is not very complicated. . You can’t seem to find any trace of technique in this song, but it sounds very touching. It really touches my heart. My heart and voice are synchronized, and I sing only my emotions. I don’t have enough age and experience to be able to empathize. I can’t appreciate how good this song is.”

Someone was moved after listening to these few sentences and said, "Mrs. Wen said that this song is about returning to nature. Is this the truth?"

The person who analyzed it nodded and said, "I think so. This is too high a level. If the level of lyrics and music is not high, it is impossible to return to nature like this."

Some people couldn't help but say: "Lu Anzhi is so awesome!"


Xianxian couldn't help but smile happily when she heard someone praising her father.

Lu Anzhi pressed Xianxian's little head to prevent Xianxian from revealing her identity in a moment of excitement.

Xianxian obediently closed her mouth.

Song Xiaoqin and Zhang Suxin both glanced at Lu Anzhi secretly.

Song Xiaoqin wanted to see Lu Anzhi's reaction, but Zhang Suxin was full of pride.

Although Lu Anzhi's current prowess and achievements are obvious to everyone, she still feels very happy and proud every time she hears someone praise her husband.

When Wen Zhangping finished singing the song "Hills", there was continuous applause from the audience. Lu Anzhi said hello to Wen Zhangping in the audience, and left silently with Zhang Suxin, Xianxian and Song Xiaoqin.

Wen Zhangping did not chase him out, but later sent a message to Lu Anzhi to say hello.

After returning home, Lu Anzhi saw the text message. The text message only contained two simple words: thank you.

Lu Anzhi didn't know how much meaning these two words contained, and he didn't bother to think about it.

Anyway, I feel pretty good today. These two songs by Wen Zhangping are indeed very tasteful. Speaking of which, this old guy seems to have a lot of women, and he is also a popular talent in the industry. Although he is not as good as that scumbag in terms of ability, he still has a good feeling when he sings.

Could this be the empathy of a scumbag?

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