After breakfast, Lu Anzhi told Xianxian the story of Shuke and Beta.

However, the story of Shuke and Beta is still a little complicated for Xianxian. After Xianxian listened for a while, she didn't want to listen anymore. She was only interested in Shuke flying a plane and Beta flying a cannon. She was not interested in other things for the time being.

If I want her to be interested in the specific content of the story, I'm afraid I have to wait until she is a little older.

So Lu Anzhi stopped telling Xianxian stories. While Qianqian was still sleeping, Lu Anzhi took Xianxian out to play in a nearby playground.

It was a children's playground in a shopping mall. The toys were slides, trampolines, children's sand, and rocking horses. They were very popular with children. As for the large playground in the park, Lu Anzhi thinks that we should wait until Xianxian grows up.

Lu Anzhi still remembers how Xianxian was afraid of bumper cars when he took her to the park and playground. Moreover, Xianxian seemed less interested in the projects in the park than in the indoor playground.

There was a round cannon in the children's playground, which could stuff balls all over the floor and shoot them against a wall.

There was a big target painted on the wall, which seemed to be used to record scores. However, most of the target shooting children are not very interested in keeping score. They are only interested in firing the cannon.

There were many children in front of the cannon. Xianxian waited around for a long time before getting into line. Then she picked up the small ball on the floor and stuffed it into the small hole on the cannon toy. She turned around and said to Lu Anzhi: "Dad, I It’s Beta, I’m going to fire the cannon!”

The little guy remembers this very clearly. She pressed the red button with her little hand, "touch", and the ball hit the wall. Xianxian laughed happily, and then continued to fuck.

Playing until almost noon, Zhang Suxin called Lu Anzhi to tell her that lunch was ready, and Lu Anzhi took Xianxian home. Xianxian was still unfinished and didn't want to leave. Lu Anzhi told her that her brother was awake, so she changed her interest and said, "Let's go! Go home and play with my brother!"

The posture was like a young general commanding his troops to attack, which made Lu Anzhi just want to laugh.

After returning home and having lunch, Xianxian continued to play with her brother. She and her brother were still playing the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, but the explanation was changed: "I am Beta, I shoot cannons, brother, you are Shuke, you fly a plane and I hit you."

Her younger brother Lu Qianqian looked at her with innocent and misty eyes. Then she faced Qian Qian in a turtle style qigong stance and said, "Beta, fire!"


Qianqian leaned back and fell down.

Both siblings are happy.

The game project has changed, but the tacit understanding between Xianxian and Qianqian is obviously still there, and the gameplay has not changed. Qianqian can completely follow Xianxian's ideas.

Lu Anzhi didn't take Xianxian out again all afternoon. Xianxian has no interest in going out for the time being, so she stays at home and plays with her brother. When her brother was sleeping, she would watch TV or play with her toys.

Song Xiaoqin and Zhang Suxin spent one day reading "The Realm of the Sky". Song Xiaoqin couldn't help but said: "How handsome! Two Ceremonies are so handsome. Lu Anzhi, you should have written this novel long ago, Two Ceremonies and Kurogiri Mikiya, it's so good!"

She was obviously also a little moved by the affection and tacit understanding between Kurogiri Mikiya and Ryouri. Zhang Suxin, on the other hand, has a different opinion: "I prefer knitting."

Song Xiaoqin said: "It's not bad. Anyway, for me, Shiki and Aozaki Orange are more to my liking. These two female characters are so cool. Shiki and the puppet master Aozaki Orange are so damn evil!"

Of course, this is just their relatively different perceptions. It doesn't matter if they each express their opinions.

Then Lu Anzhi sent the manuscript to Kuku. After Kuku read it, he expressed another opinion to Lu Anzhi on WeChat: "Boss B, why didn't you ask Emiya Shirou when you wrote "Fate Stay Night"? How about one more death? If you die one more time and are rescued by Emiya Kiritsugu, will you be able to contact the source and get the Demonic Eye of Direct Death?"

Lu Anzhi: I give you the pen to write.

Kuku: Hehe! But seriously, Boss B, how did you come up with the ability to stare directly into the Death Eye? Isn't it too buggy?

Lu Anzhi: Just think about it.

It seems that Kuku also thinks that there is no problem with the manuscript of "The Realm of the Sky".

So next, Maple Tree began to arrange the serialization of "Sky Realm".

This novel, like "Fate Stay Night", is not too long and can be serialized in two months. However, after the novel was serialized, the various ideas and settings put forward in it once again attracted readers.

Especially after readers know that these settings are from the same worldview as "Fate", readers will be more enthusiastic about discussing them. Who is stronger, the Death Eye or those heroic spirits? Who is the puppet master Aozaki Yuko more powerful than the magicians who participated in the Holy Grail War? These are all points of discussion among readers.

However, Lu Anzhi did not respond to readers’ discussions. In addition to "Sora no Kyoukai", there is also "Matsutsuki Tanzukihime". In "Manzuki Tanzukihime", Tohno Shiki, who also has the demonic eye of direct death, was once taught by Aozaki Yuko's sister Aozaki Aoko. One of the few remaining magicians, Aozaki Aoko, is a more powerful figure.

But for now, "The Realm of the Sky" is enough to be serialized under the maple tree for the time being, and Lu Anzhi is too lazy to write "Zhen Yue Tan Yue Ji" again.

The game "Fate Stay Night" is still selling well, and the various lines and background settings are being dug out by readers one after another. Coupled with the serialization of "Kingdom of the Sky", the discussion in the world of Xingyue is not low.

But at this time, no matter how loud the discussion about Xingyue World is, it cannot be higher than another work.

Also written by Lu Anzhi, the serialization of "Three-Body Three: Eternal Death" in the science fiction world has also come to an end. The imagination of this novel is equally wild, and compared with Xingyue, it is not in the same dimension. Among them, there are many imaginative ideas about the spatial dimension, the description of the dark forest, the development and changes of human society, etc.

These fantasies caused great controversy. Especially on the development and changes of the dark forest and human society.

Some people think that Lu Anzhi's views are too pessimistic and groundless. They feel that in Lu Anzhi's writings, the development of the dark forest and human society are taken too much for granted. People in the "Three Body" universe seem to believe in a certain theory and then Choose to follow blindly without any doubt, just like those loyal readers of "The Three-Body Problem". So the dark forest exists, so the entire human society has become stupid and blindly obedient.

The world of Trisolaris has been known to people, and the man holding the sword is there. How could people lead to destruction together like that?

But there are also people who feel that the world is actually like this. Aren't there so many bloody examples in human history reminding people that what is said in "The Three-Body Problem" is correct?

Hegel said that the only lesson mankind has learned from history is that mankind cannot learn any lessons from history.

Historical stories happen over and over again on the planet beneath our feet, leaving nothing new on the earth. So although everything in the novel seems absurd, it is reasonable.

As the novel "The Three-Body Problem" comes to an end, various classic words in the novel have also been translated. Some people regard these words as the signatures of Qiuqiu and WeChat, and some people summarize these words and post them on WeChat. This kind of popularity once exceeded the popularity of the classic quotations from "The Legend of Wukong" back then.

What "your fearlessness comes from ignorance", what "we are all bugs in the gutter, but someone still has to look up at the stars", what "weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is", what "destroy you and me" What's the matter?" and the two most famous sentences, "Don't answer! Don't answer! Don't answer!" and "Losing humanity, losing a lot, losing animality, losing everything."

Even Song Xiaoqin changed her WeChat and Qiuqiu signatures to "Lose humanity, lose a lot, lose animality, lose everything." Then her mother called and scolded her: "What is your WeChat signature?" Something? Change it soon!"

Song Xiaoqin's resistance was fruitless, so she had no choice but to keep Qiuqiu's signature and delete her WeChat signature. She was lucky that her mother didn't play with Qiuqiu, otherwise Qiuqiu's signature would not be guaranteed.

In short, the quotes from "The Three-Body Problem" are quite popular among young people. This novel and "The Legend of Wukong" cannot be compared at all in terms of genre, style, and depth of content, but the quotes are equally popular and became a spectacle on the Internet.

Lu Anzhi can probably sum up the reason for this - although "The Legend of Wukong" and "The Three-Body Problem" are different, the overall tone is relatively tragic and cold, and in this coldness, the protagonist of "The Legend of Wukong" We, as well as the humans in "Three-Body", are all struggling and resisting with all their strength, trying to find a place to survive in this cold and dark world.

Those quotations are a summary of the cold reality, as well as the struggle and resistance against the cold reality.

In an era when the Internet has just emerged, most of the Internet users of this generation are young people. They are born with rebellious attributes. The impact of the world view brought by the huge information window has caused them to form ideological differences with the older generation. A very obvious gap. And they are not authorities, so they can only place their opinions on the Internet and hide them deep in their hearts.

In this case, those classic lines from the context of "The Legend of Wukong" and "The Three-Body Problem" are more likely to resonate with them.

——So in summary, Song Xiaoqin is also a rebellious young woman.

In addition to those classic quotations, the ending of "The Three-Body Problem" caused the most heated discussions about the heroine in the third part of "The Three-Body Problem" - Cheng Xin.

This character who almost caused public outrage actually survived to the end of the plot. In the eyes of many readers, they found it really disgusting. Some people even think that Lu Anzhi wrote the character Cheng Xin and named the character "Cheng Xin" because he was sincerely disgusting.

As a result, many posts appeared on the Internet to denounce Cheng Xin. They denounced Cheng Xin and then denounced Lu Anzhi.

The editors of Kuku and Science Fiction World both sent Lu Anzhi some online denunciation posts, but Lu Anzhi turned a blind eye to them all. The novel has been distributed, why does he care about it? The author of the novel that netizens are criticizing is not him, let alone him reading it.

In short, the third novel of "The Three-Body Problem" is also on the way.

This science fiction novel not only conquered domestic readers, but also gained many loyal fans abroad as Lu Anzhi's fame grew abroad.

The third part is only serialized in the domestic "Science Fiction World" magazine. Domestic readers can take a look at it first, which will make foreign readers envious. Many foreign readers deliberately come to China to buy e-magazines, and then read them in foreign languages. After reading them, they summarize the general contents and post them on foreign forums and the Internet, so that other foreign readers can enjoy them.

It's just that the dry words after the summary can only temporarily quench the thirst of foreign readers. The seemingly huge and vast summary of the story that does not involve the details of the story makes foreign readers even more itchy.

So under this circumstance, "The Three-Body Problem: Death Eternal" received the same treatment as "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", and the single book is ready to be released simultaneously around the world.

This didn't take long. The first two parts of this work have been released all over the world. Like Lu Anzhi's "The Little Prince" and "Harry Potter", they are available in various languages ​​and have good sales.

Therefore, after the serialization of the third part started, the translation work was carried out simultaneously. By the time the serialization of the novel is completed, the translation is basically completed, and all that is needed is to do the follow-up work step by step.

So not long after the serialization of the novel was completed, "The Three-Body Problem: Death Eternal" was officially put on the shelves.

This novel eventually became a hit all over the world. Although the overall sales volume was not as good as that of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", it was still very strong. What Rang Lu Anzhi and Maple Tree did not expect was that the novel sold surprisingly well in both the Cherry Blossom Country and the British Country, far exceeding other places.

Maple Tree quickly investigated the situation, and then realized that the novel's popularity in these two places was related to Lu Anzhi's other two works. "Harry Potter" made Britain regard Lu Anzhi as an international friend, while "Fate" made Sakura Kingdom regard Lu Anzhi as an international friend. The descriptions of those two countries in these two novels are so detailed that one can tell at a glance that the author knows those two places very well.

Although the single volume of "Fate" has not yet been released, and the game has not been sold to Sakura Country, it does not prevent Sakura Country from knowing about Lu Anzhi's work. After all, the story involves Sakura Country, and Lu Anzhi is so famous internationally.

Internationally renowned writers favored the Sakura Country and created an excellent work specifically with the Sakura Country as the background.

This is enough to make many readers of Sakura Country climax.

Seeing this situation under the maple tree, how could we miss the opportunity? I immediately decided to translate the novel and the game "Fate" into Sakura language and sell them to Sakura Country as soon as possible.

How could we ignore such good leeks? !

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