The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 454 Xianxian shoots off

A month later, "CS" also passed the review in China and was officially launched.

Regarding this game, Xinwei Company finally agreed with Lu Anzhi’s opinion and did not adopt the now popular point card charging model or even a one-time buyout model. It directly launched it for free and promoted in-skin purchases.

Xinwei Company had internal discussions on how to price "CS". They originally wanted to buy out the game, and the price was set very low. A game only costs 50 yuan.

For many players, this is only equivalent to one or two months of point card money. And free games have not become popular on the market today. Therefore, players who are interested in "CS" are still willing to pay the money.

For Xinwei Company, this price is low enough, which can be said to be equivalent to making friends with players.

But after Li Huiming told Lu An about the results of the discussion, he heard Lu Anzhi give him free advice. What Lu Anzhi means is that what Xinwei wants is the popularity of game boxes, so what else can increase the popularity more than free games?

This game is good enough and has a large enough audience. As long as it maintains its advantages and expands its player base, there will always be players willing to pay for skins.

——The skin cannot be attached with attributes and can only change the clothing image and weapon image of the game character.

When Li Huiming brought Lu Anzhi's suggestion back, the whole company discussed it for a long time, but no one could make up their mind.

In fact, no game has ever done this. Free game, in-app purchase of skins, and skins without attributes. How can you make money from this?

But their purpose of acquiring "CS" was to promote X-BOX, and Lu Anzhi's free advice was indeed the best way to promote it.

In the end, after several discussions, Xinwei Company decided to follow Lu Anzhi's suggestion.

After all, the company's development direction has been successful so far, which always proves that Lu Anzhi is right. If they can't make up their mind, they might as well give it a try.

It’s not like they’ve never done anything like throwing money away before. Didn’t WeChat’s current success come from losing money and making money?

After a month of development, Xinwei Company suddenly discovered that they released "CS" for free and attracted players to consume through in-app purchases of skins, and they actually made a profit, and the profit was not low.

In this game, they gave the police and criminals two sets of clothes each, as well as two sets of weapons and props. The design is relatively conservative and not too flashy. But even so, there are still people willing to pay.

In addition, the level of player activity and the popularity of X-BOX brought by free games are also unimaginable.

There has never been a game that has exploded into a phenomenon like "CS". Xinwei has made special statistics on this. If this continues, as long as the player base can be maintained, there is no need to expand. As the skin slowly develops, With the launch and the cultivation of players' consumption habits, the income that skins can bring will only increase, even exceeding the simple purchase of games.

When Li Huiming came to tell Lu Anzhi the good news, Lu Anzhi made another suggestion: "You might as well set a purchase period for the current skins, or make another series of skins and make them limited edition, which will have more collection value. Try to design the skins as much as possible It can be more beautiful and have some themes, such as Western cowboys, etc.”

Li Huiming's eyes lit up and he immediately took Lu Anzhi's suggestion back.

So Xinwei Company is recruiting artists again.

Xinwei Company continues to develop rapidly. This winter, which is approaching the New Year, with the launch of the two games "Westward Journey" and "CS", Xinwei Company's development momentum is becoming more and more unstoppable.

Someone has estimated the market value of Xinwei Company and believes that once this company goes public, it will definitely explode.

This Internet company with long-term development should also be listed in people's opinion.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, this company, which is also a chat tool, music software, and game business, has many interests, but it seems that it has never been short of funds, and it has no intention of going public yet.

No one has disclosed Lu Anzhi's assets. No one can imagine that Lu Anzhi's income from music, novels, and TV series, coupled with operators' financing and shares, is enough to make Xinwei Company bigger and stronger.

After all, Xinwei has never made any mistakes in decision-making throughout its development. Apart from manpower and bandwidth, the only place where money is spent is game development. The current games are not as high as the 3A development in the previous life, which easily reached hundreds of millions, or even reached billions like "Red Dead Redemption 2". Xinwei Company itself is also profitable and can withstand the situation.

While Xinwei Company continued to develop rapidly, Lu Anzhi's family left Haidu and returned to Xijing.

The family also discussed the matter of returning to Xijing for a long time. Miao Suqin firmly opposed it, believing that Qianqian was not yet a year old and was only a little older. Taking a train or a long-distance bus would be too tiring, and flying by plane would cause radiation, so it was inappropriate.

Others tried to persuade Miao Suqin that it would be okay again and again. They did not know how many times they tried to convince her, but they finally convinced Miao Suqin that it would be okay to take a plane once or twice, and she agreed.

This year Xijing did not welcome Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin with a heavy snowfall. When Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin arrived holding Xianxian and Qianqian in their arms, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin were waiting there to welcome them.

Zhang Yuzhi drove Lu Anzhi's car and drove the whole family to Zhang Suxin and Lu Anzhi's home. On the road, Xianxian was lying in front of the car window in the back seat, looking out eagerly, regretful: "Why is there no snow?"

Miao Suqin said: "It won't snow during the Chinese New Year this year."

Xianxian said: "Oh, I still want my brother to see the snow. What a pity."

Miao Suqin said with a smile: "It's okay, there is no snow this time, it will snow next time."

Xianxian asked: "When is the next time?"

Miao Suqin: "..."

She couldn't think of an answer for a moment, but Xianxian continued to ask: "Grandma, when is the next time?"

Miao Suqin: "The next time will be the next time."

Xianxian suddenly raised her little eyebrows: "Oh, grandma, you can't do this! If you don't know, you just don't know. How can you lie?"


The whole family couldn't help laughing.

Although Xiao Qianqian, who was held in Miao Suqin's arms, didn't know why, when he saw the adults laughing, he started laughing along with them.

Xianxian also laughed. It's just that she smiled a little sheepishly. Now she has learned to be embarrassed.

"You actually learned to talk about grandma, what a little bad guy!"

Miao Suqin shaved Guan Xianxian's nose and said.

Xianxian immediately shook her head: "No! No!"

Miao Suqin asked: "What is it not?"

Xianxian said: "Xianxian is not a little bad guy!"

Miao Suqin asked: "Then who is it?"


Xianxian was tangled. She doesn't know who to say, but she won't say that she is nobody.

Miao Suqin asked: "Is this daddy?"

Xianxian shook her head repeatedly: "No, Dad!"

Miao Suqin asked again: "Is that mom?"

Xianxian shook her head again: "Not mom, either?"

Miao Suqin continued to ask: "Is that grandma or grandpa?"

Xianxian was finally annoyed: "No! No! None! Oh! Why are you endless, grandma?!"

Miao Suqin said in surprise: "Oh, Xianxian actually learned to speak idioms! It's amazing!"

Xianxian suddenly showed off: "Endless! Shoot left and right! Shake your head and shake your head!" These are all idioms she has learned now.

She didn't know when she learned how to use her left and right bows from an adult. She used to use both hands when she was eating. Miao Suqin said that she used both hands. After mentioning this, she remembered it in her heart and shook her head. She shook her head while playing one time, and what Zhang Suxin said was also remembered by her.

And she not only remembered it, but also mastered the usage of these three idioms.

Now when Miao Suqin said it, she suddenly became proud.

After saying three idioms in a row, Miao Suqin praised her again. As soon as she was happy, she went to Qianqian and said, "Brother, I will teach you idioms. There will be no end to it."

Qianqian: "Ah~"

Xianxian: "Open the bow left and right."

Qianqian: "Ah~ah~ah~"

Xianxian: "Shaking his head."

Qianqian: "Ah~ah~ah~"

Laughing and laughing all the way, we soon reached our destination.

After arriving home, Zhang Suxin fed Qianqian milk first. Miao Suqin made some simple dinner, and the family ate together and went to bed early.

After arriving in Xijing, they no longer need to install bed surrounds. There are usually four adults and two children. When sleeping at night, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin can sleep on either side of Qianqian, while Xianxian can be watched by Miao Suqin and Zhang Yuzhi. There is no need to install a bed surround.

However, there is no need to sleep in separate bedrooms, which makes it easier for Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin to move around.

A night of silence.

The next day, the family went out together and went to the streets to buy new year's goods. Even Qianqian also went out.

Miao Suqin bought Qian Qian a high-seat stroller in Xijing and stuffed Qian Qian into it when she went out.

But as soon as she walked out the door, the stroller was occupied by Xianxian, who pushed the stroller behind. Couplets, firecrackers, fireworks, incense candles, vegetables, meat... a lot of things, all bought today.

Zhang Yuzhi also bought a lot of cannons for Xianxian, as well as small hand-held fireworks, similar to "fairy sticks" and the like.

This was met by Miao Suqin's protest: "What are you buying for your child? How old is Xianxian? Just let her throw the cannon! Does she dare to do it?"


Xianxian immediately dropped one and asked Miao Suqin, "Grandma, is this how you put it?"

Miao Suqin: "..."

Xianxian added: "Brother, watch your sister play with cannonballs!"



Qianqian: "Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!"

Miao Suqin: "..."

This time it was Zhang Yuzhi's turn: "Look, look, what can't you play? Xianxian is four years old and can play. And the cannon throwing is just a small firecracker, and it has no power, so it's okay."

Miao Suqin rolled her eyes at Zhang Yu, closed her mouth and said no more.

After returning home that day, Xianxian played with the fairy wand at the door again in the evening. Compared with throwing cannons, the fairy stick is obviously more beautiful and more fun for her. The slender stick lit in her hand bloomed with sparks like flowers, circle and circle, making Xianxian watch intently. Qianqian sat on the high-sit stroller at the door and also watched with joy.

Xianxian mastered the play time of fairy wands and throwing cannons, and explained to Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin: "This one is played at night, and this one is played during the day."

So for the next two days, the little guy was clamoring to go out both day and night. During the day, I went out to throw cannons, and at night, I went out to play with fairy sticks.

Miao Suqin couldn't help complaining about Zhang Yuzhi again: "Look at you, you just buy it. You can't buy less! After buying so much at one time, she can't stop playing. She goes out during the day and also goes out at night."

Zhang Yuzhi retorted unhurriedly: "Let's just play. Why can't children be playful anymore? Those who are celebrating the New Year must let Xianxian have fun."

Hearing what Zhang Yuzhi said, Miao Suqin was speechless. She couldn't refute what Zhang Yuzhi said and had to admit that Zhang Yuzhi was right.

Two days later, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin took Xianxian to watch the Spring Festival Gala on Xijing TV Station. Qianqian was still young and had no way to go, so he had to stay at home to watch him.

Originally, Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin wanted Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin to accompany Xianxian, but Zhang Suxin said that the Spring Festival Gala was too long and Qianqian had to go to bed at that time and needed to breastfeed before going to bed, so they still let Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin go. went.

In fact, the Chinese New Year is not yet here, New Year’s Eve is tomorrow. But this year’s new requirement is that on New Year’s Eve, local TV stations must also broadcast CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala, so the Spring Festival Gala of local TV stations can only be broadcast in advance.

However, in this case, most local TV stations chose recorded broadcasts, while Xijing TV station, with Han Guangyuan on board, chose live broadcasts.

Zhang Yuzhi and Miao Suqin took Xianxian to the scene and enjoyed watching it, while Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin watched TV at home for a while, then turned off the TV and put Qianqian to sleep. After Qianqian fell asleep, he was also very happy.

However, this year's Xijing TV Spring Festival Gala still maintained the same high level as last year. Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the songs and dances. In terms of dance, there is a live dance like A River During the Qingming Festival, and the song is also backed by Lu Anzhi's lineup.

The language programs are also excellent. Local cross talk in Xijing and sketches from all over the world gathered here, making the audience laugh in various ways without any burden.

Even a child as young as Xianxian understood a little bit. She laughed non-stop at the scene. After returning, she told Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin when they woke up the next day. It's just that what she said was unclear, and Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin couldn't understand it, but she herself kept laughing.

As soon as she giggled, Qianqian followed suit and laughed, not knowing how hard she was laughing.

The ratings for Xijing TV's Spring Festival Gala this night were no better than last year. After all, it was not New Year's Eve. But the evaluation remains the same as last year.

Then, as the CCTV Spring Festival Gala aired on New Year’s Eve, Xijing TV’s Spring Festival Gala received more and more favorable reviews and became more prominent. In this Spring Festival of another year, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala has once again become the target of people’s complaints, and this target of complaints is also compared to the top students, which is the Xijing TV Spring Festival Gala.

"If this continues, will CCTV ban Xijing Station from hosting the Spring Festival Gala next year?"

When Song Xiaoqin called Zhang Suxin to say New Year greetings during the Chinese New Year, she talked about the Spring Festival Gala on the phone and couldn't help but say so.

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