The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 104

"Yeah... it goes out!"

Erina exclaimed, her loud scream immediately affected Liu Xingyao's side, and then the sly in front of Liu Xingyao also extinguished at any time.

"Hug... sorry!"

Liu Xingyao's mouth twitched slightly: "It's really a big show!"


Let this feeling of gratitude immerse in the depths of your heart...

It was already 2 hours after Liu Xingyao and Erina finished sitting meditation in Gye Xin's pen for the first time!It is necessary to sit in meditation for half an hour with great gratitude. Although it seems very simple, people who have done it will discover how difficult it is.

"I went, I finally got through it! It actually took 2 hours..." Liu Xingyao wiped the sweat from his forehead and said

And Erina was not much better than him, with heavy sweat hanging on her forehead, which wetted the golden strands of her brow.

"I...what the hell are you doing! Sitting meditation...Is this really the righteousness of food?" Erina secretly doubted.

"It seems that the two of you have completed the work of sitting meditation at the heart of the heart! So, let's have breakfast next!" Yixunuo walked towards the two of them with the plate in both hands, and saw the tableware and chopsticks on the plate. .

Liu Xingyao's naive breakfast should be ready-made, but after walking over, he found that the bowl was empty!

"Hey? What does this... mean?" Liu Xingyao asked, looking at the empty bowl in Yixunuo's hand.

The same Erina also had some doubts in her eyes.

Yixunuo pointed to the rice jar on the side and explained: "The rice jar over there is already filled with refined rice. Please use this bowl to serve the amount you want! I will serve it for you. Part of it is cooked!"

"Uh... it's just rice? Isn't it cooked?"

However, Liu Xingyao had a bad premonition in his heart. Just thinking about it, Yi Xiunuo added: " can only use chopsticks for the props of rice!"


The corners of Liu Xingyao's mouth twitched slightly, and the eldest lady was holding her forehead so speechless, he knew that this breakfast was not so easy to eat.

It's not just today's breakfast, it's even the same at dinner last night. The mung beans used for the meal were picked up one by one with chopsticks.It's fine now, I want to pick up the rice one by one...

"You two don't have to be surprised, this is also part of Shiyi's practice! Because the rice is picked up one by one, it will be more easily accepted by the ingredients!" Yixiu promised.

In desperation, Liu Xingyao and Erina started to use chopsticks to clamp the rice from the rice jar into the bowl one by one!The chopsticks are extremely slippery, and it takes several times to get a piece of rice in the bowl.

It’s already another 2 hours after the most of the bowl of rice is clamped and eaten...

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Liu Xingyao suddenly felt that such a piece of rice was especially fragrant!Still, this rice is also one of the rare ingredients in Shilin Temple, and the taste is different from the outside!?

After breakfast, Liu Xingyao and Erinai followed Yixunuo to a large courtyard.

"In Shiyi, the most basic posture is to put your hands together and present a gift! You have learned this last night, and I will say more soon! But please remember the correct gestures in your heart!" Yixunuo said .

Hearing this, Erina couldn't help but cast his gaze on Liu Xingyao again, saying: "Have you...have you ever been here to practice Shiyi before?"

"En? You asked like that suddenly?" Liu Xingyao looked at Erina suspiciously...

"The last time I took a halberd...I also saw your hands clasped together, isn't this a gesture of Shiyi?" Erina said.

"Oh, you said that! This is a habit I have developed since I was a child, because I also believe that the ingredients are alive, and it is only natural to thank them before cooking them!" Liu Xingyao said.

Although Liu Xingyao spoke very lightly, as if he was talking about a very inconspicuous thing, there was another drop of sweat on the forehead of Yi Xiunuo on the side...

"It turns out...has he been communicating with ingredients when he was young? At that time, he had already explored the gate of Shiyi!! A natural ingredient communicator, who is even more against the sky than Zhen Shifan!!" Yixunuo There was a huge wave in my heart.

One is a natural food righteous, and the other is a natural god tongue. After these two people wait for the food righteousness to come to fruition, the whole cooking world should set off a huge wave again, Yi Xiunuo sighed.

After a while, Yixunuo looked at Liu Xingyao and Erina in front of him and continued: "Okay, let’s continue! With thanks for all the ingredients in the world, let’s start eating righteously! Remember to show In unity, the pious movements of your hands must be consistent with your heart. If you can’t do it, you will never get a response from the ingredients..."


Pious 3.6...Extremely grateful for the ingredients...In this way, Liu Xingyao and Erina started the arduous practice of food righteousness, practicing food righteousness almost from morning to late night.

Three days passed quickly.But the progress of Liu Xingyao and Erina is also very obvious.In the morning, I spent half an hour sitting in meditation in [Guixin Pentucao]. The two of them took 2 hours on the first day, but today they both spent only 1 hour to complete. The pendulum was extinguished in the middle.

There was also the following training of "clamping rice and eating breakfast", which only took 1 hour to complete, and the time was shortened by half; the afternoon "food justice etiquette" and evening diet training, the two were only in three days In this way, the time of practice has been cut in half.

Chapter 146 The Essence of Food Righteousness

"It will take at least one month for ordinary people to make Shiyi's training like they are now... But these two..." Yixunuo felt that even he didn't have such talent at the beginning.

This evening

After taking a shower, Erina, who changed into a bathrobe, sat on the floor, looking at the stars in the night sky, not knowing what he was thinking.After a day of Shiyi cultivation, not only did she not feel tired, but at this moment she was extremely energetic.

"What an ordinary practice... Just doing this, can you really successfully practice [Shiyi] completely? Grandpa... What is your intention for letting me come to Shilin Temple?" Erina looked slowly at the stars in the night sky Said.

At this time, Liu Xingyao's voice sounded behind Erina, and said: "Are you worried? Erina..."

Erina did not look back, nor answered Liu Xingyao's words, but continued to stare at the night sky.

Liu Xingyao also sat down next to Erina's 29, but Erina was not as repulsive as before. Liu Xingyao was still sitting next to him within half a meter.

"Are you worried about the practice of Shiyi...too ordinary?" Liu Xingyao asked.

Erina turned her head to look at Liu Xingyao, and said, "What do you think? This practice..."

"My words..."

Liu Xingyao smiled at the corner of his mouth, "I just feel very happy! At first I also felt that what I had done before was very ordinary, and it was very hard! Food righteousness, it turned out to be so simple! But, I am really happy! In this way, learn the righteousness of food with Erina and make progress together..."

When it came to this, Erina's face instantly turned red, and angrily said: "You...what are you talking about! I'm not happy! If it weren't for you yesterday, my gaze would not go out once! "

"Uh... Didn't you also affect me on the first day... It's even the same!" Liu Xingyao said.

"Huh!" Erina snorted coldly, stood up and pointed at Liu Xingyao: "You can't put gold on your face, it's really annoying to practice with you! If it wasn't for grandpa to let me come here, I don't want to come here to practice boring food righteousness! I'm lost!"

Erina arrogantly said this to Liu Xingyao, then turned and left.

Liu Xingyao's mouth turned into a faint smile, sitting on the floor looking at the night sky and muttering: " haven't noticed your own changes...Erina!"

The fourth morning of Shiyi training

The sky was still bright, and at this time, Liu Xingyao and Erina started a new day of "Shi Yi" practice.

Before breakfast at 5 o'clock in the morning, it is still sitting in meditation.But this time, whether it's Liu Xingyao or Erina, they have already added more than 5 [Peeping Pens] in front of them.

Yixunuo said that the practice of [Food Righteousness] is a gradual process. You can't be anxious or impatient. Originally, I was going to add 2 [Geep Mind Brushes] to 2 people, but it was added under the strong request of the two. 5 lamps.To be precise, Erina requested strongly to add 5!

Compared with yesterday's one, the difficulty of this practice has increased by more than 5 times!Half an hour later, both Liu Xingyao and Erina were soaked in sweat.

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