The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 112

"Let's go, don't let Senior Ruishan wait for a long time! I haven't thought of seeing him for a long time... I miss him very much!" Liu Xingyao's mouth evoked a thick smile.

In the villa of Eizan Eedatsuya

"Come on, my dear brother!"

A man with sunglasses in a luxurious office in Yuanyue said to Liu Xingyao at the gate.

Liu Xingyao also had a smile on his face, and came to Ruishan Zhijinya and said, "Senior Ruishan, long time no see! If I remember correctly, the last time we met is the beginning of school!"

"Yes, at that time, I also approved your research society for the younger brother! Now, your food research society has become a famous food research society in Yuan Yue! It really makes the seniors envy..." Ruishan Zhizuya Said with a smile on his face.

"Where...this has delayed your blessing, Senior Ruishan!" Liu Xingyao said politely.

Eizan Zhijin also said a few words with Liu Xingyao, and he stopped talking nonsense and went directly to the topic: "But then again, you are really amazing, brother [Tansheng fried chicken nuggets], [Phoenix fried chicken wings], [Crystal Chicken Fillet]...It really surprised me! It directly occupied the profit of all the fried chicken nuggets in the food street... and also helped Kawamurata, the silver medalist of fried chicken nuggets last year, to win the gold medal in this year's fried chicken nugget contest! Amazing, you really deserve to be the younger brother!"

Liu Xingyao didn't feel strange after hearing this. He had guessed that Ruishan Zhijin might already know this before coming here.

"Oh~ That's how Senior Ruishan knows this? It seems that few people know this..." Liu Xingyao pretended to be surprised.

Eizan Zhizu smiled and said, "I'm really sorry, I forgot to explain it to you! The shop that won the gold medal in the chicken nugget contest last year is my industry, which is [Mozu House]... But because of your younger brother Not only did Kawamura take away the gold medal in this year's chicken nugget contest, but the profit of our chicken nugget also dropped by dozens of percentage points!"

"Oh! Mozuya's golden fried chicken nuggets are actually owned by Eizan-senpai. It... really surprised me! If I knew this was the case, I would come to Eizan-senpai for cooperation! What a pity, What a pity!" Liu Xingyao said pretending to be sorry.

Ruishan Zhijin also raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and continued: "You don't need to be a pity, because I came to you today because I want to...invite you to be my subordinate. I can let you enjoy the glory and wealth forever!"

Liu Xingyao was amused in his heart when he heard these words!As expected, Eizan Zhizu can speak such arrogant words.

"Senior Ruishan, you must be joking with me~~ I have no interest in doing things under other people's hands!" Liu Xingyao's tone was somewhat cold.

After Eiyama Zhijin also listened to Liu Xingyao's words, he was not surprised, and the smile that evoked at the corner of his mouth did not disappear.

"Really? But I knew you wouldn't agree to it for a long time, but... why even you say this! My silly schoolboy!" Ruishan Zhijin also said, stood up and looked at Liu Xingyao: " You came to Japan all the way from China and entered Yuanyue. What are you doing? To learn cooking? No, no... For you who can’t even afford plane tickets for the Spring Festival, it’s not just for learning. Did you make a lot of money after your cooking? Although you are now working with Kawamurata to earn the first pot of gold in your life...but don’t forget, the competition in business is not for a while!"

"Oh? Really?" Liu Xingyao's eyes began to become cold.

Ruishan Zhijin also had white light in his lens, and continued: "I met you on the first day of are destined, and your abilities are really good, so I told you so much. Think about it, my brother!"

Liu Xingyao finally opened his mouth and said: "Look at what you said so arrogant... Be careful that the wind hits your tongue, Senior Ruishan! And you are not a chef yourself? What you said just now... is blaspheming the chef profession, right!"

"No!" Eizan Zhizu also said immediately, "I am the one who controls all the cooks... I think things are not on the same level as you from the perspective of things..."

Eizan Zhizu has also been responsible for various food issues since junior high school, such as overhauling the kitchens of time-honored hotels that are often difficult to get back on track, or helping high-end restaurants develop new menus, or It helped a certain fried chicken nuggets in Kyoto win a competition medal!He has accepted more than 500 cases...Even his people are planning to carry out important food halberds!

Eizan Zhijin can also become the ninth seat of the top ten not just because of his cooking skills, but by his very human "methods"!In his eyes, there are no problems that cannot be solved by "rights" and "money". If there are, then spend more money!Using a lot of sugar-coated cannonballs to buy through the review is something Eizan Zhizu often does!Of course, he would hardly take the shot himself, but let his subordinates take the a big boss behind him, who can control everyone's BOSS, holding everyone firmly in his hand!

It is precisely because of the above reasons that Ruishan feels that there is nothing in this world that he can't do!In order to make money, money is what dominates everyone!

Chapter 157 Food Halberd-Pastry Research Association

"It's really hard for you to take a trip...because I have decided!" Ruishan Zhijin also got up from the chair, and walked to Liu Xingyao's side, standing side by side with him!

"Senior Xingyao...I think your one-step ascent to the sky will come to an end. Because I can't forgive the guys who have been stained on the career path..."

After speaking, Ruishan Zhijin also took off the eyes from the bridge of his nose, and looked at Liu Xingyao with a cold and chilling look: "I will defeat you completely on the stage of Yuanyue...Connect your research group together... Destroy slowly!!"

Liu Xingyao couldn't help but laugh after hearing this.

"Hahaha! Senior Ruishan, you really make me laugh!" Liu Xingyao laughed.

Liu Xingyao laughed because he laughed at Rui Shan Zhijin's ignorance!Although he dare not say that he can definitely defeat the first seat of the top ten today, he still knows the Eizan Zhijin in front of him...The guy who can defeat even Chuangzhen in the original is fearless at all!

Very good, the first one of the top ten will take you on the knife!Liu Xingyao secretly decided in his heart.

"En?" Ruishan Zhijin also heard Liu Xingyao's laugh, frowning slightly, "Is it funny? Waiting for the moment you are defeated and dropped out in front of countless people...see if you can still laugh! !"

"Senior Ruishan, I'll wait for the moment you beat me down!" Liu Xingyao turned around after speaking, but stopped when he reached the door and turned around and said: "Ah, that's right... If the information is correct, the pastry research group seems to be controlled by Senior Eizan, right? Ready, jiji will start!"

After talking about Liu Xingyao strode away from Ruishan Zhijinya's office, only a gloomy Ruishan Zhijinya remained in place!

The next day, No. 4 Research Society Building

"Xing Yaojun, according to your intentions, the halberd war book has been drawn up... Is the object of the halberd this time the pastry research group?" Ryoko Sakura put the "halberd war book" in front of Liu Xingyao's table.

Liu Xingyao's mouth evoked a thick smile, and said: "Yes, the flowers of eating halberd are about to bloom again! Pastry Research Association..."

Soon a copy of "The Book of Shiji War" provoked by the Food Research Association was sent to the front of the Food Research Association.

Pastry Cooking Research Association

"Lord...Lord, it's not good!"

A member of the Pastry Research Association came to a man in front of a man holding the "Book of Halberd Fighting" in both hands, and said: "The main thing is not good, look at this!"

Kazuki Okamoto, the 83rd leader of the Pastry Cooking Research Association, a student of the second year of high school, is also a famous pastry expert at Tomotsu!

Kazuki Okamoto took the "Herberbane Fighting Book" over and took a look, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"The Book of the Halberd War...Gourmet Research Association!?" Okamoto was surprised when he browsed the "Book of Halberd War" next to him.

The sudden eating halberd made them a little ignorant!

"The lord... the lord, the gourmet research society is gaining popularity recently. The lord of the gourmet research society has defeated Takada Hayashi of the Chanko Hot Pot Research Society and Nagiri Erina of the Tokie! The strength is visible... so I propose , The general is better not to accept this halberd!" a member of the Pastry Research Association persuaded.

Okamoto thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "What you said makes sense...There is no need to accept this halberd for the heroic hero!"

At this moment, a voice came from the gate of the Pastry Research Association.

"Maybe I can do something for you..."

Kazuki Okamoto turned around and saw that it was Eizan Ezuzu!

"Eizan..." Okamoto was startled and asked, "Why are you here suddenly?"

Ruishan Zhijin also took the "Book of the Halberd War" on the table and said, "Hehe, don't talk about this! Let's talk about this halberd thing..."

"Oh, you are well informed! This is the halberd war book I just received from the Food Research Association, and I am about to refuse it!" Okamoto Kazuo.

Ruishan Zhijin also smiled and said, "Reject? Why refuse! Once you are clear, feel free to accept this halberd!"

"Wh...what? Eizan, this time the opponent is not the halberd opponent in the past. Although he is only in the first grade, his strength is really nothing to say. In order not to swallow up like the Sumo Hot Pot Research Association, it is better not to accept it!" Okamoto said.

"I said that if you can win, you can definitely win... There is no money in this world that can't be solved..." Ruishan Zhijin also said with a low smile.

Kazuki Okamoto was startled, suddenly realized something!

Polar Star

In the morning, Liu Xingyao sent the "Herber Food War Book" to the Pastry Research Association. In the afternoon, he received a reply from the Pastry Research Association-Agree to Eat Ji!

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