The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 127

Upon hearing this, Erina couldn't help clenching her fists, and her head was full of white smoke.

"But... Damn it!" Erina cursed secretly in her heart.

Because Erina was in a fit of anger, he walked in a hurry without looking at her didn't take long for the tragedy to happen again!Erina accidentally stepped into a small pit and sprained her foot again.

"Ah!" After a cry of exclamation, Erina fell to the ground again, his hands on the ankles and his forehead was sweating heavily.

Liu Xingyao's facial muscles twitched slightly, this hapless eldest lady... fell down in the same place again...

"I said, Miss, you want to sprain your foot several times here!" Liu Xingyao came to Erina's face and made a helpless look with his hands.

Erina's face turned red, and said angrily: "But... Damn it, isn't all you angry at all!!"

" were my junior sister, I was right!" Liu Xingyao said silently.

"You are not allowed to call me like that!!" Erina said loudly.

who am I?I am Master Erina. If someone else knows that I have been with this man in Shilin Temple for a week, where will my face be lost?And I am Erina, don't let this man be my brother!Erina thought this way in her heart.

At any rate, Liu Xingyao is also a 20-year-old man with a mentality. He saw the little Jiujiu in Erina's heart, and said "compromise": "Okay, okay, then I will call you Junior Sister when there are only two of us! There are other people present. I will call you Erina then~"

"I should be called classmate Nagiri!" Erina corrected.

"Well, Nagiri-san, let me see your feet now." Liu Xingyao said, coming to Erina and squatting down.

Erina's cheeks were red again, and she knowingly asked, "You...what do you want to do!"

"What else can I do to help you look at your feet, or else you can go up the mountain like this?" Liu Xingyao said in a bad mood.

"You..." Erina's face became even more ruddy, and she whispered: "This... can you not take off your shoes this time?"

Liu Xingyao was instantly happy when he saw Erina like this.This eldest lady has such a side in front of herself!

"Ahem... I said, Miss, can you have some common sense? How can I show it to you without taking off my shoes? I am not Hua Tuo." Liu Xingyao said with a blank eye.

"Hua Tuo? Who is Hua Tuo?" Erina's head was full of question marks.

"It's a famous genius doctor in Chinese history. If it were him, he could treat your feet without slippers!"

"Then... Does that mean you still want to take it off?" Erina blushed.

Liu Xingyao nodded.

"Then...then you turn around first, I take off my shoes!" Erina blushed.

Liu Xingyao is also enough, why this young lady suddenly became shy today.

"Last time I took it off in front of my face~ What's so shy this time~" Although Liu Xingyao said in a low voice, the sensitivity of a woman's ears is comparable to super hearing.

When Miss Erina heard this, she almost smashed the shoes in her hand with Liu Xingyao, but she resisted it because of everyone.

"I...I'm fine!" Erina said with some twist.

Liu Xingyao turned around and saw Erina hiding his hands behind him, looking a little weird.

"Huh?" After Liu Xingyao glanced suspiciously at Erina, he set his eyes on her feet.

After seeing Erina’s sprained foot, Liu Xingyao found that there was nothing about it. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Huh, fortunately, the left foot was injured this time. If you just twisted the right foot, maybe it will happen again. It will get to the place where you sprained last time, and that would be really troublesome!"

"Oh...then you do it quickly!" Erina twisted her head aside, her hands still hidden behind her back.


After Liu Xingyao was suspicious.Hold the top of Erina's ankle with your right hand, pinch the center of Erina's foot with your left hand, and then use your left and right hands!

"Ah ah!"

Rao was Urina’s best preparation, but he was surprised by the suddenness. The hands hidden behind his back were also placed in front due to the inertia. At this time, Liu Xingyao could clearly see Urina’s hands. Holding that pair of cartoon pretty girl's socks.

Now Liu Xingyao finally understood why Erina was so twitchy and made a series of strange actions. It turned out to be to prevent Liu Xingyao from seeing the cartoon socks she was wearing.

"Hey, I didn't expect my junior sister to have a girlish heart! She wears such cute cartoon socks~~" Liu Xingyao said with a smile on his face.

Erina's face was flushed to the base of her neck at the moment. She only wears these cartoon socks at home... I forgot about it when I went out today, not to mention that 2.6 would sprain her ankle again!And it was all seen by Liu Xingyao!!

"But... Damn what's so funny!" Erina said with shame.

As a traveler, Liu Xingyao naturally knows that Erina loves girly cartoons, and it is logical that he likes to wear these cartoon socks.

"I didn't laugh at you. Instead, I think it might be a good thing to have a childlike heart!" Liu Xingyao took out a bottle of bruises and sprains from his backpack and sprayed it on Erinai's injured ankle.

"Well, if you try now, your feet should be fine!" Liu Xingyao stood up and said.

Now that Liu Xingyao saw the cartoon socks, she no longer hid in front of him, put the socks on and got up.

Chapter 178 Seven-Colored Flower (Reward and More)

(Thanks to the book friend [asyou] for your reward, I will add a chapter today, and a chapter tomorrow~~~)

Erina put on her socks and stood up slowly, and found that the twisted place didn't hurt at all.

"You actually took medicine for sprains?" Erina looked at Liu Xingyao's sprains and sprains with a slight surprise.

Liu Xingyao smiled and said, "It's not just a sprain agent for bruises~ I also brought kitchen knives, iron pots and some things for camping this time!"

"...Why are you bringing these things!" Erina was puzzled, thinking that Liu Xingyao was superfluous.

"You don't understand this! The Shiyi cultivation this time is probably longer than the last time. The last time it was in Shilin Temple, so I was thinking that this time it should be cultivation outside the temple. So, I brought these things that can be used in outdoor rows!" Liu Xingyao said.

After hearing this, Erina felt somewhat reasonable, and secretly marveled at how far Liu Xingyao could think.Compared with 29 times, Erina brought nothing... which is a bit embarrassing!

Liu Xingyao also saw that Erina was a little embarrassed, and couldn't help but smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't bring anything. It doesn't matter if you bring more of these things. Then we will use them together! Because you are my junior sister~~"

"Huh~" Erina snorted coldly, not knowing whether it was the default or how to drop it, and then raised her proud head and walked toward the mountain.

After walking for more than 2 hours, Erina and Liu Xingyao came to the gate of Shilin Temple again.As soon as I walked to the gate, I saw Yixunuo standing straight at the gate.

"Senior Yixiu!" Liu Xingyao, who was far away, greeted Yixiuuo.

I didn't dare to neglect Yixiu Erinai, and greeted respectfully: "Senior Yixiu, hello!"

"You two are welcome, Teacher Zhen is already waiting for the two in the monastery, please come with me to see him!" Yixunuo said.

Both Liu Xingyao and Erina nodded, and followed him indifferently.I'm about to see a chef who is known as a national treasure. Liu Xingyao has a little expectation...The true face of Mount Lu in Zhenzhen will be known immediately!

Under the leadership of Yixunuo, Liu Xingyao and Erina quickly came to the main hall of Shilin Temple.

"Master Zhen, they are here!" Yi Xiunuo shouted from outside the main hall.

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