The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 129

Miss Erina had already thought about this question last night!

Erina said without hesitation: "What is there to think about? Didn’t Zhen Shifan say it yesterday. The Qi-Colored Flower is an ingredient with [life], and we will take the initiative to choose the cook, and we have also learned the basic course of food justice. As long as we are grateful for it all the time and search this back mountain slowly, we will surely find Seven-Colored Flower!"

After hearing this, Liu Xingyao couldn't help but nodded, and said: "Ms. Erina is really smart, and you can see the key points of this food righteous practice at a glance! But even so, we'd better go together. The beast to deal with..."

"Didn't I just talk about it. This time I must find Qishihua before you! Humph, I'll go there and look for it now!" After Erina said, he ran out to the right of the jungle.

"Don't... don't go there!"

Before Liu Xingyao had time to finish, Erina had already walked into the dense forest, and the next moment a high-decibel scream resounded across the back mountain of Shilin Temple.

"Snake... what a big snake!"

Erina was so scared that he hid directly behind Liu Xingyao.

Liu Xingyao shook his head helplessly, and said, "Miss, can you listen to my advice not to go around? It's really dangerous for you to go around like this!"

"Good... good!"

After being taken aback by the big snake, Erina also learned to behave, and honestly followed Liu Xingyao.

Finally, the two began to explore the back mountain step by step!

"But then again, since this seven-color flower is a flower plant, then it should grow in a sunny place! I think there should be no seven-color flower in this dense forest..." Liu Xingyao speculated.

Erina also pondered slightly, "Indeed, since Seven-Colored Flower has its colors, it needs several times the amount of sunlight than other plants, so let's go out of this dense forest and take a look!"

Chapter 180—Final Practice

Later, Liu Xingyao and Erina looked all the way towards the sunny place, and met a few snakes in the middle. This made Miss Erina very scared. Several times, they grabbed Liu Xingyao by the arm, which made Liu Xingyao. Wry smile!When he encountered an edible non-venomous snake, Liu Xingyao directly killed it with a seven-star knife for the next dinner. Of course, he did not forget to be grateful before capturing the snake.

However, Erina and Liu Xingyao searched for a long time, and they did not see the Seven-Colored Flower, and even the "super-aural" could not perceive the existence of the Seven-Colored Flower.

"Strange... I can't sense the existence of Seven Color Flowers... what's going on! It shouldn't be..." Liu Xingyao was secretly puzzled in his heart.

Even if I felt extremely grateful in my heart, and at the same time maximized the range that the super-auditory could perceive, there was no sense of the existence of "special ingredients".In the back mountain of Shilin Temple, there seemed to be nothing other than the dense forest and some wild animals.

Then I continued to search, and in a blink of an eye it was approaching the evening, and the sky had gradually darkened.

At this moment, the location of Liu Xingyao and Erina was still 107 in a dense forest.It is almost impossible to return to Shilin Temple now, and there may be some dangers in going back in such an environment.

"It seems... I have only spent the night here today." Liu Xingyao said while looking around.

Erina looked at the dark environment of the dense forest, and from time to time there was the cry of wild beasts, and could not help but move closer to Liu Xingyao.

"Both... I blame you. I said I would return to Shilin Temple in the afternoon, but you wouldn't listen! It's good now... I want to spend the night in this kind of ghost place..." Erina scolded.

Liu Xingyao smiled slightly, he had already expected that he would spend the night here.

"Miss, it's commonplace to sleep in the wild as a chef, isn't it... you are afraid to sleep in the wild!?" Liu Xingyao said deliberately.

When Erina heard this, she turned around and said loudly: "Who...who is afraid! Isn't it just sleeping in the wild? What's so great!"

"Oh, it's good not to be afraid!"

Although they had decided to sleep in the back mountain of Shilin Temple, the two dared not camp directly in the dense forest. They spent more than an hour to find a small cave.

Although the cave is not big, there is still sweet spring water in the cave, which also saves the two of them looking for water.This cave is completely enough for the two to rest temporarily tonight.Liu Xingyao found some firewood and set it alight at the entrance of the cave. One reason for the fire was to prevent the beast from approaching, and the other was to wait for it to be used for cooking.

Liu Xingyao and Erina walked in the deep mountains and forests for a day today. They ate a bit of bread and drank some water. They never ate anything.At this moment, Miss Erinai was sitting in the cave rubbing her little feet. It turned out that her feet had blistered after a day of walking.The eldest lady who had never been like this before felt aggrieved. Although she thought so in her heart, Erina did not show it at all on the surface. Her arrogant and unyielding character made her persist until now.

Liu Xingyao saw all of this in his eyes. As the eldest lady of the Nagiri family, she was indeed wronged for her, who had never suffered since childhood.

"Erina, wait for me here. I'll find some dinner tonight. Don't go around and just stay in the cave and wait for me to come back." Liu Xingyao looked at Erina and said softly.

When Erina saw Liu Xingyao's eyes, her heart trembled slightly!

The look in this man's eyes...why suddenly become so tender...why, I suddenly feel nervous...what is this feeling?Erina thought to herself, even she didn't know why this happened!

Erina lost her mind for a moment, nodded gently and said, "En."

Erina wanted to say "Be careful and come back early", but if she said that, she felt a little wrong... Is it still herself?Erina resisted...

However, Liu Xingyao didn't seem to care about this. He placed the chief knife of the Qixing Sword on his back, and placed the other six small knives on his body diagonally.After doing all this, Liu Xingyao quickly disappeared into the dark night.

After Liu Xingyao went out, Erina looked outside the cave and couldn't help curling her feet up.

The cave was dark and terrifying.The moon was covered by the rushing black clouds, and only a dark halo of ambiguity appeared from behind the thick clouds.The wind swayed on the top of the tall tree, making a huge slow rustling sound, and the spark at the entrance of the cave was also shaking in the wind.

"Wow" a wolf howled across the night sky, Miss Erina was so scared that she was holding her curled feet in both hands.

"...Liu Xingyao, come back soon...I...I'm so scared!"

I don't know how long it took, and there was a sound of footsteps in the distance, and Erina knew that Liu Xingyao had returned.

Erina stood up in surprise, and she temporarily forgot the pain of the blisters on her feet.

"Liu...Xing Yaojun, are you back?" Erina looked out with joy.

"Ah, I'm back!"

Liu Xingyao finally returned to the entrance of the cave, and saw a pheasant that had been peeled and cleaned in his left hand, and a huge piece of wood was sandwiched in his right armpit.

Erina could understand the pheasant, but the huge wood made her a little confused.

Perhaps seeing Erina’s doubts, Liu Xingyao smiled and said, “Oh, this is sandalwood! Didn’t your feet get blistering? Wait a minute, I will hollow out the sandalwood as a container, and then boil some hot water. You soak your feet, those blisters on your feet will definitely get better!"

When Erina heard this, her delicate body trembled slightly.

"" The only remaining iceberg deep in Erina's heart is slowly melting.

"Well, you can sit down and rest first, and leave the rest to me!" Liu Xingyao said as he took out the iron pot he had brought from his backpack.

Later, Liu Xingyao found a few large rocks as a temporary stove, and used an iron pan to scoop a pot full of spring water from the cave and sandwiched it on the temporary stove.

After doing all this, Liu Xingyao slowly hollowed out the sandalwood he found with a seven-star knife. Although sandalwood is extremely hard, it would be very sleepy if you want to hollow out the inside if you change to other ordinary kitchenware!But the Seven Star Knife is infinitely close to the existence of God's Kitchen, cutting sandalwood is like cutting tofu!

Chapter 181 The Transformation of Erina

After Liu Xingyao completely hollowed out the inside of the sandalwood, a sandalwood container was completed in this way, and the water in the pot was already heated.Liu Xingyao poured the hot water into the sandalwood container, and brought it to Erina in person.

"Come on, take advantage of the hot bubble feet and sleep well tonight, I believe those blisters will disappear after tomorrow." Liu Xingyao looked at Erina and smiled.

Even those who are in the cold, are already moved by this scene.And all the Erinai done by Liu Xingyao just now is in sight.

"Thanks...thank you."

Although there are only a few words, but it contains the innermost feelings of Rina at this moment.

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