The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 133

"Thanks...Thank you, Senior Xingyao...Thank you everyone, please give me your advice in the future!" Sazao Toshi said excitedly.

In this way, a new member of Jixingliao has joined!


In a blink of an eye, September finally ushered in. This is the first day of Yuanyue's school, and it is also the day when the autumn trials begin!

The golden autumn sunshine is warm and tranquil, and the golden sunshine is spreading everywhere in Yuanyue Academy. The autumn breeze in Dong Township is gentle and gentle, and the blue sky and white clouds are elegant and melodious.On the first day of school in autumn, autumn came with the sound of falling leaves, and the morning was as fresh as dew.The sky emits a soft ~ brilliance, clear and ethereal!

Under the blue sky reflected by the sun and the blue sky, a group of boys and girls are holding their kitchen boxes and walking towards the largest stage of Tomotsu Academy!

The autumn trial has finally opened!!

Between the moon and the day, a super conference hall specially prepared for eating halberd is fully equipped with the latest equipment!Moreover, there is only a venue that can only be used when eating halberds among the "ten elites", and portraits of the past ten elites are hung in the venue.

Outside the gate of the venue between moon and sky at this moment

Liu Xingyao did not hold a cooking box like other people, but still carried the light blue backpack used for winter vacation experience and Shilin Temple practice. He came to the gate of Moon Heaven. When he looked up, he saw a huge hanging at the main gate. The banner, I saw a few big words "Forty-third Fall Trials" on it!

When he walked to the gate between the moon and the sky, Liu Xingyao realized that the venue was not so big. The gate alone was almost 10 meters high. After going inside and looking inside, he found that the sky of the moon is more than a halberd battlefield. It is several times larger.

Liu Xingyao slowly walked towards the conference hall between the moon and the sky, and along the way, you could see the students participating in the selection, as well as some students who came to watch the competition.

In the conference hall between moon and sky

Students who have already participated in the competition began to enter the venue one after another, and the entire venue seemed a bit noisy.

However, standing in the center of the conference hall in the moon sky, calm down and feel attentively, you will find that the moon sky itself is full of invisible pressure!It may be due to the fact that the ten outstanding figures of the past have eaten halberds here.

Liu Xingyao was looking around the moon sky, suddenly a familiar voice came from behind.

"Xing Yaojun..."

Liu Xingyao turned around to see, this is not Tian Suohui who else!?

"Oh, Tiansuo! You've already come back! How about it, how is your summer vacation?" Liu Xingyao asked with a smile.

Not seeing him for nearly a month, Tian Suohui's appearance seems to have changed a lot, and his temperament has also changed a bit.

"Hmm... I think I have this good preparation... I am looking forward to cooking with Xing Yaojun on the stage of the autumn trials." Tian Suohui said with a blush.

Liu Xingyao nodded and said with a smile: "Come on, let us advance to the top eight together! Maybe we will have a chance to meet at that time!"

"Ah...I...I should not be able to enter the top eight based on my strength... Actually, I am very satisfied to be able to appear in the autumn trials!" Tiansuo Hui said softly.

After hearing this, Liu Xingyao shook his head and smiled in his heart. Should he say that Tian Suohui is humble, or that she has committed her old problems again?

But at this time, Yoshino, Itakesaki, Marui Zenji, Sakura Ryoko, and Chuangzhen also came from behind Liu Xingyao.

"Hello! Xiaohui, and Xing Yaojun hasn't seen you for a long time!" Yoshino is still the same, always high in fighting spirit.

"Everyone... the summer vacation is okay!" Seeing everyone in Jixingliao gather together again, Liu Xingyao felt a warm feeling in his heart.

"Hey, it's a normal life!" Yoshino suddenly thought of something and looked at Liu Xingyao and asked: "But I heard Mrs. Wenxu say that Xingyao-jun is going to Shilin Temple again during summer vacation... Shilin Temple is so hard to practice, you have time to prepare Is the cooking for this competition?"

"Haha, don't worry about me, although the time is a bit rushed, I am ready!" Liu Xingyao said lightly.

After hearing Liu Xingyao say this, everyone stopped asking because they all knew Liu Xingyao's strength very well.Even if the freaks who can eat the halberd with the world without making any preparations and can win perfectly, it is not their turn to worry about him.

However, at this moment, a voice came from a figure walking behind Liu Xingyao's ear.

"Your fingers... are stained with a little spice, and you have touched at least 10 kinds of spices these days."

Liu Xingyao couldn't help turning his head when he heard the voice, and saw a man with white hair and a little dark skin staring at him.

Seeing this person, Liu Xingyao immediately recognized him.Isn't this person Ye Shanliang?The guy who pretends to be the number one spice among freshmen in the first grade.

Chuangzhen also knew Ye Shanliang because he had been to Xijianjun before.

"Oh, isn't this Ye Shan? You are here too!" Chuang Zhen said hello.

Ye Shanliang glanced at Chuangzhen Dao with Long Aotian's expression: "And you too... your fingers also smell of spices. It seems that you have also made some preparations!"

"Of course, I take this game very seriously. I also want you to taste top curry dishes. In this game, I will not only defeat you, but also Xing Yaojun!" Chuang Zhen did not shy away from it. Said.

Ye Shanliang bypassed Chuangzhen and went straight to Liu Xingyao, placing a spiced leaf in front of his nose and sniffing, and then said, "The director of the Food Research Association... Liu Xingyao? This time, I will let you know who is the first grade. The strongest among them!"

"Oh. Then I am waiting for you to defeat me! But before that, you should wash your hands well!" Liu Xingyao said lightly.

"Wash your hands, why?"

Liu Xingyao's mouth finally evoked an intriguing smile, saying: "Because the mixed spices left in your hands told me something... Yes, it is possible to perfectly blend 28 kinds of spices together. I am looking forward to this time. Your work!"

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Six

When Ye Shanliang heard this, his body trembled visibly, and there was a huge wave in his heart.What Liu Xingyao said is correct. He only prepared the "mixed spices" that he will take out in the autumn trials a few days ago!That is the secret weapon of spice that is a perfect blend of 28 kinds of spice, and it is also an important weapon for him to be the number one!

Ye Shanliang's mixed spices were prepared a few days ago, and he has not touched it during this time!In the past few days, his hands have also been stained with other spices, but even so, Liu Xingyao actually smelled it, and accurately stated the general category of the spices used in his "mixed spices".

How much does it need to smell?No... this is not something ordinary people can do at all!Ye Shanliang exclaimed inwardly.

Unknowingly, there was a drop of sweat hanging on Ye Shanliang’s forehead, even his "scent of God" could not distinguish the general types of mixed spices that had been left in the hands of others after a few days... No, he should have been just now. Guessing?Hmm, Chuangzhen went to the research institute between me and Run last time... It should be Xingping told him... It must be so!Ye Shanliang comforted himself like this in his heart.

But is it just a coincidence?The answer is definitely no!

[Super olfactory] Since it can be called one of the four magical skills by the God Cookery system together with the "super hearing", it naturally has its truth!Not to mention the spice that Ye Shanliang touched a few days ago, even Liu Xingyao, the spice he touched a month ago, can fully tell!It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Liu Xingyao is willing to use his heart, he can smell the spices that everyone in this venue has touched in the past few days!

In the face of "super olfactory", Ye Shanliang's self-proclaimed "scent of god" seemed so weak!

"Huh, then see a real trick on the field!" Ye Shanliang turned and left with a surprise in his heart.

Looking at Ye Shanliang's departed back, Liu Xingyao's mouth was slightly raised and muttered: "Haha...If you are overconfident, that would be arrogant, Ye Shan!"

After Ye Shanliang left, the group of Ji Xingliao gathered around and started chatting about what happened during the summer vacation. Liu Xingyao listened to the side, did you insert a few words?

At this time, Liu Xingyao suddenly felt someone watching him in the corner of the conference hall.Liu Xingyao's keen ability has been greatly improved since he learned Shiyi and super-olfactory awakening.Although the person who was spying on him was hiding well, Liu Xingyao was still aware of it.

Liu Xingyao turned around, and found someone peeping at him along the bustling crowd.

It was a woman with a strange pattern engraved on her face, with long black hair draped over her shoulders, her indifferent eyes with a bit of sadness.The two of them stared at each other in the air for a second, and the woman with the pattern on her face turned her head and walked aside.

"...This person is a little weird." Liu Xingyao thought to himself.

Later in the conference hall, you can also see other contestants, such as the Aldini brothers, Mito Yumei, as well as Miss Alice and his attendant Kurokiba Ryo, etc...Of course, there are also some who are secretly sending autumn waves to Liu Xingyao. "The Scarlet Sand!

In addition, it is worth mentioning that among the 60 students selected in the autumn trial, 30 are members of the Gastronomy Research Association, which indirectly reflects that the Gastronomy Research Association is almost all over the freshmen Everyone.

Just when everyone was waiting impatiently in the sky of the moon, suddenly the whole hall went dark and all the lights were turned off.

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