The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 140

When they were just grouped, the A conference hall was called the "death hall" by the freshmen.It's not because of anything else, it's because there are Liu Xingyao, Ye Shanliang, Xingping Chuangzhen and others in Group A, and there are several main players from Jixingliao!

At the same time, the A venue

"Really...this is amazing!! That Alice Nakiri's attendant is also too good, he actually got a high score of 91 points."

At this moment, the whole A conference hall was filled with awe, both the audience and other contestants were shocked by the outrageous score.

Ryo Kurokiba directly got a high score of 91 points, and is now directly ranked first!

"I originally thought that in Division A, our general and Ye Shanliang would dominate. I didn't expect a dark horse to be killed halfway through."

"Hey, it's so easy! Wherever I have been since I was young, the game here is so easy!" Kurokiba murmured to himself.

At the moment, on the score panel of the A conference venue, Ryo Kurokiba ranked first with a super high score of 91 points, a direct difference of more than 60 points from the second place!

Here at the judging platform

"Haha! This is really... unexpected!"

It is a middle-aged man who is speaking. He is also one of the judges this time. It is also a popular TV show [Is this a kitchen?]’S main producer, his name is Kosaka Juan!

The name of the middle-aged man sitting next to Kosakamaki is also a famous Japanese gourmet named Shigeru Koda, and he can only hear him say: "Isn't it... the students in previous years can only get seven." Eighty minutes! I didn’t expect today..."

And even though Qianbiao Xiaya didn't speak, she was surprised, and secretly said: Just...I was careless just now, I didn't expect these students to come up with such delicious dishes!It seems that I underestimated these students... But where did the guy who knead the dough with seven-color spices go?

[I wrote this piece of Nao Sadazuka in detail, and then other people will take it in one stroke.Lest anyone say that I have the number of words~~~ the protagonist’s seven-color dishes will appear soon!

Chapter 195: Ji Xingliao's Strength

The dishes that surprised the five judges including Senbiao Natsume did not stop, and then Mito Yumei brought out [Dongpo Meat Curry Rice Bowl]. The judges were amazed and sighed after eating this delicious curry rice bowl. He also called Mito Yumei the "flesh general", and finally Mito Yumei scored 86 points to occupy the second place in the A conference hall!

After Mito Yumei, the works of several people from Ji Xing Liao appeared.

Sakura Ryoko was the first to appear at the venue A, Ji Xing Liao, and she scored 90 points with natto curry!The appearance of another high score shocked everyone on the scene.Because of this, Sakura Ryoko's fame was completely spread to Yuan Yue.

Then, the second Marui Zenji from Ji Xing Liao, his work is [White Thick Soup Curry Udon].Some viewers looked at something so popular and laughed at Marui for sure to get a low score!In addition, Marui showed up to death when he was staying together, which made other people have no expectations of his cooking.But to everyone's surprise, after the judges ate his udon noodles, their faces were full of enjoyment!

Marui has a wealth of knowledge, which is recognized by everyone in Ji Xing Liao, and he became a trump card as a first-year student in the "Miyazai Symposium" where he studied and analyzed classical literature related to food. With the title of "Educated Doctor of Taste", how can his cooking be comparable to ordinary cooking!?

In the end, Marui won the cheers and respect of everyone on the scene with 89 points!This man with glasses who almost died in Hesu proved his strength with high scores!

After Marui, the third general of Pole Star Liao appeared, and Jun Itake, who was good at smoky dishes, produced his Special Smoked Curry.Combining various smoky ingredients with the same smoky spice, it has won unanimous praise from everyone including Senbiao Natsumi!Iwuzaki, who won the respect of the judges, was called the "Smoky Prince" by the judges, and finally scored 89 points and tied with Marui!

At the moment, the score ranking of the A stadium is as follows, Kurokiba Ryo 91 points temporarily ranked first, second is Ryoko Sakura with 90 points, third is Marui and Itake Itake, and fourth is Mito Ikumi with 86 points.

Among the five people in the A conference hall, three belong to Pole Star~Liao!

In the auditorium

"Too...great! There are three of us in the top five in's really amazing!" Sazaojun said with excitement.

Next to Toshi Sasaya are two good friends, Daigo Aoki and Shoji Sato.

"It's not just that, Xing Yaojun and Chuang Zhenjun have not yet appeared... the good show is yet to come!" Aoki Dawu said loudly.

"Yes...Yes, Xingyao-senpai is so good... I really want to see immediately what he cooks with seven-color spices!" Toshi Sasaya was very expectant.

B Conference Hall

At this moment, the score ranking of venue B has a new change. The first and second places are still Alice Nageri and Hisashiko Nito, but Sadazuka, who was the third place just now, was given by the Aldini brothers who were suddenly killed. replace!

Takumi won the third high score of the b-conference venue with 91 points with Italian curry and temporarily ranked third, while his younger brother Isami tied for fourth with 89 points and Miyoko Hojo, who also scored 89 points, while Yoshino won Out of full strength, but in the end only got 88 points, regretfully afraid of fifth.

In the end, it was finally Tian Suohui's turn to cook, and under everyone's attention, she brought her own dishes to the five judges.

Qianbiao looked at Tian Suohui in front of him, and couldn't help but look at her more.

"This is the girl who used the hanging cut just now... What kind of food does she cook?"

Qianbiao looked down and saw that it was a bowl of exquisite casserole curry.

"This is my [Angker Fish Curry Pot], please taste it."

Angker Hot Pot: The hot pot dish with anglerfish as the protagonist is popular among fishermen in Ibaraki and Fukushima prefectures.

"She actually paired anglerfish with curry...what does she mean?"

Suspiciously, Qianbiao used a spoon to scoop a little soup and put it into his mouth with the anglerfish, as did the other four judges.The moment the judges were eating, their pupils couldn't help but dilate, and while the delicacy hit the taste buds, they felt a peaceful feeling from the bottom of their hearts.

Warm...comfortable. Five judges experienced this feeling when they had a mouthful of dishes made by Tiansuo Hui!

"That's it... the reason for using anglerfish turns out to be this..."

After the middle-aged fat judge took another bite, she finally understood why Tian Suohui used anglerfish with curry to make anglerfish pot.

The biggest feature of the anglerfish hotpot is to stir-fry the anglerfish liver in the pot and grind it into a puree form. Then add the miso and wine to mix the fish liver and become the base of the hotpot!But on this basis, Tian Suohui mixed a variety of spices to create [Fish Liver Curry Miso]!

The cod liver that has been treated like this by Tian Suohui is smooth and smooth... it is a surprising combination with spices!So the judges will be so shocked after taking a bite!

"In addition to the meat, skin, and fins of the anglerfish in hot pot dishes... there is?" A judge failed to eat all of this dish.

Tian Suohui said: "There are also small pumpkins, Li Chuan burdock, and carrots! These are all the ingredients in my hometown... I want to make use of the advantages of these ingredients, so I have tried a lot... But the characteristics of curry are very strong. Other vegetable sweetness or astringency combinations make me very confused..."

"Later I discovered that if an angler fish liver is used to make an angler pot, it can not only bring out the flavor of the spice, but also combine the original flavors of other vegetables. I... just want to make one to make myself even The curry that makes you feel the atmosphere of the earth!" Tian Suohui said with firmness in his eyes.

Several judges nodded thoughtfully, and finally gave a score for Tian Suohui's dish.

"19 points!"

"18 points!"


All five judges gave high scores. In the end, Tian Suohui's score was...

"Appeared, Tiansuo's score is...9...91 points!!" Kawashima Rei was surprised and announced, "I passed the budget competition and Takumi had the same 91 points!"

When this score appeared, most of the audience was surprised!

"You... actually advanced!?"

"In this case... Miyoko Hojo and Isami were both defeated!"

Chapter 196 The Strongest Dark Horse

Rei Kawashima thought that all the entries of the contestants had already been reviewed. Just as the review was about to be announced, one step came slowly towards the judging stand.

"Hey? Still...Is there anyone who hasn't been reviewed?" Kawashima Rei looked at the woman with a cold expression on her face with a drop of sweat on her forehead.

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