The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 149

Dago Aoki replied subconsciously: "Beat you? Why did I beat didn't buy Jixingliao..."

But Ryoko and Tian Suohui, who had a quicker brain reaction, heard this and realized that they couldn't help but glance at each other.

[3 more today--.It’s too hot, let me rest~~]

Chapter 207 The Blueprint of Jixingliao

Ryoko Sakura clearly remembers that when Chuangzhen’s father Seiichiro came to Pakusungliao last time, Liu Xingyao said that he wanted to buy Pakussungliao, but now hearing him say this, Ryoko Sakura immediately developed an idea... That was Liu Xingyao who bought Jixingliao!

"Difficult... Could it be Xing Yaojun, you..."

Before Ryoko Sakura finished speaking, Liu Xingyao smiled slightly, and put the real estate certificate of Ji Xingliao on the table from the internal test of the clothes.

"Look at what this is!" Liu Xingyao smiled.

Sakura Ryoko hurriedly took it over and watched it before her eyes, and the others moved their heads over.When everyone saw that this was Jixingliao's real estate certificate, they couldn't help but startled at the same time.

"The real estate certificate of Jixingliao!!!"

"Origin... It turns out that the person who bought Jixingliao is Xing Yaojun!!" Tian Suohui exclaimed.

After a brief surprise, Yoshino became ecstatic, and said: "If it's Xing Yaojun, we don't have to move out of Pole Star Liao! You can live as long as you want, hahaha!"

Aoki Daigo, who was clamoring for 29 to buy Ji Xing Liao just now, was bewildered.

"...Xing Yaojun, you didn't notify us in advance when you bought Ji Xing Liao? It really made us worry for nothing!" Aoki Dawu said unhappy.

"Haha..." Liu Xingyao smiled slightly and apologized: "Sorry everyone, I couldn't tell you in advance. However, it is not me who really bought Pole Xingliao, but Qianbiao Xiaya, the general manager of the hub company!"

Chuangzhen's eyes also turned into the second color, and he raised his fingers and said, "Oh, is that the female judge in our A division? She is really rich..."

"But... since she bought Ji Xing Liao, why is this real estate certificate in Xing Yaojun's hands?" Ryoko looked at Liu Xingyao suspiciously.

Liu Xingyao shrugged and said, "It's very simple, she gave me the entire Jixingliao!"

"Send... the entire Jixingliao has been given to you!"

Everyone’s eyes were wide this time, and this Ji Xing Liao Shao said it was worth hundreds of millions of yen, and it was directly given to him. How could this not surprise everyone!

Sasaya Toshi also remembered something, and looked at Liu Xingyao and said, "Difficult...Could it be that the Ferrari of Senior Xingyao... was also given by the boss of the hub company?"

"En." Liu Xingyao nodded, and said, "It's not just Jixingliao. About 2,000 acres of land including the forest around Jixingliao has been bought by the hub company and given to me. From now on, our Jixingliao will really be a completely independent kingdom!"

Hearing this, everyone in Jixingliao was completely confused!I just bought Jixingliao just now, and now the forest surrounding Jixingliao has been bought...this Nima is going to be daily!

Everyone was shocked and frightened at the beginning when Qianbiao Xiaya bought the entire Pole Star Liao and gave it to Liu Xingyao, and it didn't feel strange after some things had been communicated.Because Liu Xingyao's seven or forty-nine spice mixtures bring more value to the hub company than just a pole star...

Yoshino's head jumped up excitedly after recovering from the short-circuit.

"Oh, in this case, don't we can do whatever we want in the future, and no longer be bound by the far moon! Hahaha!" Yoshino laughed excitedly.

"You can't say that...Although we are completely independent in the accommodation, we are still students in Yuan Yue, and some things must be observed!" Sakura Ryoko reminded.

Liu Xingyao nodded and agreed: "Ryoko is right. Although Jixingliao was sold by us, we can't afford to lose school! All of us in Jixingliao must graduate together!"

"That's natural!"


Although other people in Jixingliao didn't know that the person who bought Jixingliao was Liu Xingyao and worried for a long time, but in general it was just "surprising but not dangerous", and then everyone told the good news to Huihe Wen Mrs. O, the two were also surprised for a long time when they heard the news, and they were also extremely happy afterwards!

The independence of Ji Xingliao is completely separated from Yuanyue, which is only the tip of the iceberg for Yuanyue, which has a lot of land.Moreover, it has been dozens of years since the establishment of Ji Xing Liao, and the ability to sell this piece of land at the market price is to some extent earned by Yuan Yue... But for the independence of Ji Xing Liao, to Liu Xingyao But it is the most critical step!

No matter how earth-shaking changes will happen to Yuanyue in the future, owning an independent piece of land is profitable and harmless.Now Liu Xingyao still has nearly 100 million yen in the card, and he plans to use this money to start the expansion of the Pole Star Liao.

That night, Liu Xingyao briefly conceived a plan for the expansion of the Jixingliao dormitory and the sketches after the expansion. On the second day, everyone in Jixingliao was called to discuss the expansion of Jixingliao.

At this moment, in the hall on the first floor of Jixingliao

Liu Xingyao put a sketch of the expansion in front of everyone and said, "This is the expansion plan and sketch I conceived last night. Let's take a look at it!"

From the sketch, it can be clearly seen that Liu Xingyao expanded the swimming pool, cooking building, gymnasium, Jixingliao greenhouse, livestock domestication greenhouse and the second 980 accommodation building of Jixingliao on the basis of the original land.

The swimming pool and gymnasium are expanded entertainment facilities.A convenient place for everyone in Jixingliao to play and play in the future!It is specially prepared for sports enthusiasts like Liu Xingyao and Isshiki Huitian Sohui.

Cooking Building: Needless to say, this is a place that everyone will use as a chef!

Jixingliao Greenhouse: It is convenient to grow various vegetables in the future.In the past, Jixingliao did not have a greenhouse, so Isshihui could only grow seasonal vegetables. With a greenhouse, vegetables of that season can be planted.

Livestock domestication greenhouse: Considering that Yoshino likes to raise domestic animals, it is also necessary to build a domestic animal domestication greenhouse. This is not only convenient for Yoshino, but in the future, everyone in Ji Xingliao can eat meat dishes here.

As long as these things planned by Liu Xingyao are completed, Ji Xing Liao will become an independent kingdom that is self-sufficient in entertainment, food, housing, and transportation!

After seeing Liu Xingyao's plan to expand, everyone in Jixingliao, including Mrs. Wen Xu, were all surprised.

"To... so many building extensions... how much money should it cost?" Sakura Ryoko exclaimed slightly.

[The picture in this chapter is a sketch after the expansion of Ji Xing Liao, you can get a brief look!

Chapter 208 Expansion Plan

Mrs. Wen Xu is experienced and experienced. After reading Liu Xingyao's sketches, she said: "If all these buildings are to be completed, it will cost at least 300 million yen..."

"300 million yuan..."

After hearing this astronomical amount of money for them, everyone in Jixingliao was once again confused!

"Well, although I haven't calculated it carefully, the money I have now is definitely sufficient for building swimming pools and gymnasiums, livestock domestication greenhouses, and vegetable greenhouses." Liu Xingyao said.

Among the several planned construction facilities, compared with other buildings, the most costly and manpower is the Pole Star Liao 2 Building and the Cooking Building.Therefore, Liu Xingyao's plan is to first build the facilities except for the Cooking Building and Jixingliao Building 2, and then wait until enough money is available to build the two buildings.

"Considering the money in hand and the current practical issues, I am going to build the settings except for the cooking building and the 2nd place around Jixingliao. Especially the swimming pool, I think everyone can't wait. Maybe you can catch up with the summer tail after it's built, everyone will have a chance to swim together!" Liu Xingyao laughed.

Hearing what Liu Xingyao said, everyone was extremely excited. Swimming in summer is nothing happier than this.

"Xingyao, are you ready to start construction for a long time? Has the construction party been found?" Mrs. Wen Xu asked.

Liu Xingyao shook and said, "I only got the real estate certificate of Ji Xingliao from Sister Xia Ya yesterday. I drew this sketch last night, so I haven't found the construction party yet."

"Oh, I know a few real estate developers, I'll contact you later." Mrs. Wen Xu said.

Liu Xingyao nodded. It would be great if Mrs. Wen Xu could find the construction party. If not, then I would have to trouble Qianbiao Xiaya... I owe too much to others, Liu Xingyao always feels weird.

As a result, the expansion plan of Ji Xing Liao was agreed upon, and the swimming pool and gymnasium were lined up to be built.


A few days later, with the help of Mrs. Wen Xu, the construction party was quickly found.After discussing with the owner of the construction party and paying the money, the construction of a piece of land in the northeast of Jixingliao has started on the third morning, where a "sports hall" and a "swimming pool" will be built.

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