The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 156

Misakuang confidently sent the prepared dishes to the five judges, including Nakiri Senzaemon. It was an exquisite beef stew with a simmering oxtail meat in the middle. There is bacon as a side dish all around, and there is rich and juicy broth at the bottom of the plate!

The appearance of this beef stew by Mei Zuo Ang looks very good. The juicy and juicy appearance of the bacon and the luster of the beef are attracting everyone's attention and appetite from the bottom of my heart!

"Please taste it!" Mei Zuoang stretched out his right hand and said to the judge.

As for the action of Mei Zuo Ang reaching out to review and taste, it was originally a real inertia. I did not expect Mei Zuo Ang to copy the small details of his opponent's cooking at the same time!

Worthy of being a copy man... including a series of actions are perfectly copied!

Looking at the beef stew in front of him, the judge A suddenly exclaimed with joy: "The side dish uses the bacon just mentioned and fresh mushrooms with butter and onions!"

[Butter onion] The source language comes from the French meaning of "frozen". The sparkling luster fills the entire plate, and it is filled with a feeling of tension. Even the legendary chef Escoffier also said Over the importance of side dishes, it is obvious that this dish is done perfectly with side dishes!

[Escofier] is a famous French chef, restaurant owner and gourmet writer who promoted traditional French cooking methods during his lifetime.

Nagiri Senzaemon nodded slightly, then took the spoon and said, "Then let's review..."

The other judges all nodded, picked up a spoon and scooped a large spoonful of sauce and side dishes into their mouths. The pupils of the judges dilated instantly when they were eating. .

"Tongue... is about to melt, it tastes soft." Judge A's face is full of joy with the cooking.

Judge B's expression is also extremely surprised and said: "Not only that, he also used the scent of mesquite so strong, I almost cried for the strong taste, this is unparalleled deliciousness."

Although Nakiri Senzaemon did not speak, he was satisfied with his smile on his face!

Hearing the praises of the judges, Mizuoang said loudly with incomparable confidence: "Yes, I estimated all the thinking of the judges, because of this...I used this special piece of bacon! Only by doing well the preparation work of [detailed] can we have the last laugh!"

Mei Zuoang turned to look at Chuang Zhen after speaking to the judges, and said: "No matter how many small moves you do now, it is all in vain! It is all in vain! Hahaha, let me take the first game of the final. It's down!"

"Indeed, because he handled it carefully and cautiously, he could not only not compromise the impact of the beef's deliciousness, but also make this deliciousness to the next level!" admitted Nageritsu Zenzaemon.

Everyone in Jixingliao is here.

A few drops of sweat hung on Yoshino's forehead, and said: "Also...that is to say, did Mizuo Ang even predict that Zhenjun Chuang will perform improvised cooking!"

"Is that really a copy?" Liu Xingyao's eyes were full of disdain.

Among the four magical skills, there are also skills that "instantly" replicate opponents' movements and cooking-that is-[Super Vision]!Compared with super vision, Mei Zuoang's special ability "perfect tracking technique" is really weak!

Super vision doesn’t need to know all the opponent’s information and dishes in advance like Mizuo Ang does. It can replicate the opponent’s movements anytime and instant, and reproduce the opponent’s stunts without any difference. All movements are copied in the past to reproduce the opponent’s Cooking is also extremely easy.

Chapter 217 The Paradise of Creation

"It's warm and soft... the aroma of spices and the sweetness of oily meat match perfectly! It's just like... like a wrestling stage, sparkling two melee warriors fighting hard." B praised in his heart.

Mizuoang uses bacon meat and beef to produce the interlaced delicacy that shines in each other's mouth, like a powerful cross shock wave impacting the taste buds of each judge.

Nagiri Senzaemon finally put down his chopsticks and nodded, "Yes, it is indeed an innovative and delicious dish!"

The auditorium

"Great praise, Mi Zuoang is so amazing... he actually made a dish that the commander of the academy is full of praise!!" Cheers from the students came from the audience!

Although Mei Zuoang is a "copy" creative cuisine, he has made an advanced version on the basis of copying, which is recognized by others!The students in the audience gave a big compliment because Mi Zuoang cooks well and likes his cooking, not because he is welcomed by others...

" the first game of this final Mizuoang about to be won?" Many people think that Mizuoang won the competition.

Here at the counter

"You are really pathetic..."

At this moment, Chuang Zhen turned his back to Mei Zuo Ang, and Mei Zuo Ang also turned his back to him.

"What!?" Hearing Chuangzhen's words, Mizuoang couldn't help but look back at him.

Chuang Zhen smiled at the corner of his mouth and finally turned to look at him: "Actually, when I walked into the cooking room yesterday afternoon, I found you hiding in the corner and peeping at me..."

Hearing Chuang Zhen's words, Mei Zuoang was startled, his eyes staring at the boss!

"I didn't expose you face to face... I just want to see what level of cooking you can cook, but... You really disappoint me! The so-called [Perfect Tracking Technique] is just a superficial copy of others. Just cooking! Come on, let me lead you into my...amusement park!"

After Chuang Zhen finished speaking, he immediately brought out his cooking, and when the pot was opened, a large amount of smoke came out of it.

Looking at Chuangzhen, who seemed to be in a mysterious cloud, Mei Zuoang's cheeks were already covered with sweat. When he couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his forehead with his right hand, he found that his hands were also covered with sweat!

"Khan?!" Mei Zuoang looked at her hands incredulously.

I know everything that guy does, but...what am I afraid of?Seeing Chuang Zhen slowly walking out of the smoke, Mi Zuoang was actually scared.

In the smoke, Chuang Zhen slowly walked towards the judging table with a stack of steaming beef stew dishes in his left and right hands.

"Okay...please taste it! [Fortunately Stewed Beef Stew] Specially cooked for autumn trials."

Chuang Zhen put his cooking in front of the five judges, and saw a very delicate "beef platter" presented to everyone.That's right, it's a beef platter. In addition to meat, meat is on the plate.

After watching Chuangzhen’s cooking, many students yelled at them.

"What's the matter? Isn't it just that the meat of various parts is put together!?"

"Use charcoal-smoked diaphragm meat and lotus leaves to serve on the plate. Doesn't it make it look like barbecue!?"

Judge B looked at the dishes that looked like a beef platter, and couldn't help but wonder: "Are you kidding me! How can such a beef stew be made? You are fooling us with impromptu dishes." !?"

"Don't rush to the final conclusion, this is a real beef stew! Except for the oxtail, everything else is just a side dish!" Chuang Zhen said mysteriously.

"What?" Judge B and several other judges were stunned!

Judge A used a spoon to scoop a spoonful of beef and looked at it in front of his eyes: "Is this... beef tongue and sirloin? The boiled heat seems to be no problem...but, so many beef offal, really ...Is it really edible!?"

"Huh! I think he just put these things together pretentiously!!" Judge B looked at Chuangzhen's cooking with disgust.

Nageri Senzaemon looked at the food in front of him, and finally slowly said, "Hehe~ there is a scent of charcoal hot pot! It looks good... He is correct at all, and he has to wait until he has a comment. Talk about it later!"

Nageri Senzaemon said so, and the other judges immediately shut up and silently picked up the spoon in their hands...

Under the gaze of everyone, the five judges including Naginari Senzaemon took up spoons and slowly put a spoonful of beef into their mouths!

After this process, it's like slow motion, because the judges can see how they taste when they eat!

Although it only takes a few seconds for a few judges to put the dishes in their mouths with a spoon, this time is as long as 10 minutes for those who care about creativity!

Finally, the judge here ate a spoonful of beef completely, and that expression instantly changed.

"Woo!!" Judge B couldn't help groaning: "Wow!"

Judge B's expression changed dramatically. The beef was put in his mouth and swayed from side to side, like a roller coaster. At the beginning, I couldn't feel anything, but when I bite it down, it came so violently.

"Wow, the moment you bite it down seems to be an unexpected turn! Ok... it's delicious!!" The judge B roared out the simplest two words "delicious".

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