The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 161

Liu Xingyao's expression flashed sharply, and he secretly said: Sure enough...The cooking that guy made really wants to manipulate the judges!

The audience around the audience exclaimed when they saw that the four judges had disagreements with Nageri Senzaemon.

"Hey? The other four judges actually had a dispute with the school commander!!"

"This...what's going on! Is the moon cake really so delicious?"

When the host Rei Kawashima saw this scene, he was also swaying from side to side and not paying attention.

"This...this, who is the winner of the judges?" Kawashima Rei looked at the four judges who were arguing with Nakiri Senzaemon.

Xi Yangxi's lips moved again: "The score is four to one, who do you think is the winner?"

Of course, Xi Yangxi said this sentence not to Rei Kawashima, but to the four judges.

Xi Yangxi used something similar to "Secret Voice Transmission" to convey what she wanted to say to the four judges controlled by him, and then said it through the mouth of the judge.

Sure enough, after Xi Yangxi finished speaking, one of the judges turned around and looked at Kawashima Rei: "The result of the voting was four to one! Who do you think is the winner?"

Rei Kawashima was slightly startled, she also couldn't believe that these four judges would actually disagree with Nageri Senzaemon, but after a brief loss, she picked up the microphone and announced loudly: "The second round of the autumn trial finals won. The player is Xi Yangxi!"

With a beep, the name of Xi Yangxi appeared on the display of Moon Sky, and most people were surprised when they saw this result!

"Wh...what! Ordinary moon cakes actually beat the gorgeous and novel snow cakes?"

"This...what the hell is going on! That moon cake is so magical? The four judges are so fascinated!"

Here in Jixingliao

"!" Issami was shocked, and he never expected the result to be like this.

Chuangzhen’s face showed the color of Nakaji and said: "Oh! Catfish, beef liver, lamb tripe and other strange ingredients made dishes that actually won the tacomi... Then next time, would you consider bringing my honey squid beard? Come during the game?"

Hearing Chuangzhen's words, Marui and Daigo Aoki, who had eaten the "dark cuisine" of Koping and his sons and left a deep shadow in their hearts, had a few drops of sweat on their cheeks and stayed 3 meters away from him.

"Chuang...Chuang Zhenjun, this is not the time to make a joke! It's 390 weird. Why does it seem that ordinary mooncakes won the favor of the four judges?" Ryoko Sakura was extremely puzzled.

Chuang Zhen touched his chin, thought for a while, and said: "Maybe it is because the combination of ingredients is really delicious... Another reason is that the four judges like to eat moon cakes. That's why they chose Western Yang Xi's cuisine..."

"Really...Is it true? Xing Yaojun, what do you think?"

But when everyone turned around, they still saw Liu Xingyao's figure.

Cooking venue

The result of the second round has come out, and Xi Yangxi also turned and left the field with equipment.

"Please... please wait a moment!" Takumi stopped Xi Yangxi.

Takumi was very unwilling. He couldn't figure out why the snow cake he made couldn't be worth an ordinary moon cake!It's not that he can't afford to lose, he wants to taste the magic of that moon cake for himself.

Xi Yangxi listened to the footsteps and looked at Takmi with indifferent eyes.

"I... can I taste the mooncakes you made?" Tacomi asked with a drop of sweat on his cheek.

Xi Yangxi didn't speak, and pointed to the cooking table.I saw a few months of cakes on the counter.

Chapter 224 Suspicious Clouds

After Xi Yangxi left, Takumi trot to her cooking table, picked up one of the mooncakes, looked at it for a while, and then took a bite.

As soon as Takumi bit it down, as the mooncake and the filling itself tasted, an indescribable "qi" was circulating in his body, and at the same time he felt like a whirlpool appeared in his mind... This whirlpool kept spinning, All the thoughts in his mind were sucked in.

Just when Tacomi was almost unable to find himself, he was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

"Student Aldini, are you all right!"

It turned out that Rei Kawashima saw Aldini's weird look after eating moon cakes, and she was a little worried and patted him on the shoulder and called him.

Takmi woke up in an instant, and when he recovered, he shook his head hard.

"This...this moon cake!" Takumi looked at the moon cake in front of him, his face extremely pale.

"Aldini, are you okay?" Kawashima Rei asked again.

Takumi returned to his senses and shook his head to signal that he was okay.Finally, he took two more moon cakes made by Xi Yangxi, and Takumi left the scene.

The two games in the morning are over, and the three games in the afternoon will start on time at 13.30.

It was not until the end of the competition that everyone left the field. At the same time, the four judges who had a dispute with Nageri Senzaemon just recovered.

"The knot... is over? Is the morning contest over?"

"Just... what happened just now? I remember a few of us were tasting moon cakes, and then suddenly we didn't know anything, strange!?"

After the four reviewers woke up, they all expressed that they didn't know what happened just now, and they didn't know what happened.

"Your Excellency Commander... what happened just now?" Judge A asked Nagiri Senzaemon.

Nagiri Senzaemon waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay for the four of you to be okay! Go back and have a good rest. There are three games to review in the afternoon!"


The four judges nodded their heads, but still felt the back of their heads on the spot. So, the moon cake suddenly "fragmented" after eating it?The four judges are all elderly people who have lived for decades, and this is the first time that they have eaten countless dishes.

Nagiri Senzaemon also turned and left the field slowly, but he remembered everything that happened just now.

"That woman named Xi Yang Xi, can make this kind of special ability to change other people's thinking and cooking... absolutely can't be wrong, that is his heir! In the end, have you returned to Yuanyue?" The door sighed in his heart.

Contestant stand channel

Liu Xingyao stood at the door of the passage, looking directly at Xi Yangxi who was walking towards him.

After a while, Xi Yangxi stopped at a place only 2 meters away from Liu Xingyao. At this time, a ray of sunlight shot into the channel from outside and hit Xi Yangxi’s face. Although the sunlight was extremely warm, it could not warm her indifference. Eyes.

There was silence for half a minute, and neither Xi Yangxi nor Liu Xingyao spoke.

"To win with this way of forcibly changing the minds of others is your neo's usual style?" Liu Xingyao asked, breaking his silence.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." Xi Yangxi replied lightly.

Liu Xingyao's expression flashed coldly, and said: "If I'm right, you should be Chinese!"

"Yes!" Xi Yangxi spit out a word.

"Use [qi] to change the inner attributes of the food, and make the poisonous dishes that are difficult to eat become delicious, but the eater will become more like a zombie once they eat it, let you control it! This ancient dark cooking technique , Only appeared in ancient China. I'm right!" Liu Xingyao's eyes were fixed on Xi Yangxi.

"Since you all know, why bother to ask me again! I invited you to join neo before one reason is your ability, and the other is because you and I are both Chinese cooks... If you were someone else, I would never say So many! Neo is not an organization that can join casually..." After Xi Yangxi said this to Liu Xingyao, he walked outside without looking back.

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