The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 165

Although Kurokichang Ryo is also a seafood soup, he has a rich soup; and Tian Suohui chose a clear, light soup.

"Soup using scallops as a base?"

"Kurokiba's cold and rich soup left a sense of shock. It's impossible for him to beat him!"

It is not uncommon for Tian Suohui to bring out such soup, and they are all talking about it.

Tian Suohui naturally heard the discussion around her, and she couldn't help but feel nervous again.

"It's okay... I need to calm down. Xing Yaojun is also looking at me, I won't let everyone down! If this... if it is this face, it will be successful! Xing Yaojun, I only found out that you are today I support the biggest motivation that I have been holding until now!" Tian Suohui shouted in his heart.

Polar Star

"By the way, if I remember correctly, Xiaohui's hometown is Hong Kong! If she had to take turns to learn about seafood, she would never lose to anyone!"

Just as Yoshino was preparing to help Tian Suohui say "advantage", a voice rang behind everyone.

"Hehe, it's really interesting! Although it's a [due between Hong Kong people]!"

"Yes, yes, born in a fishing port..."

Yoshino then realized that someone had spoken, turned around, and couldn't help but yelled: "Ahhhh, Alice Nakiri, why are you here?"

Everyone, including Liu Xingyao, stared at Alice Nakiri in front of her with a two-sided look.

Looking at Alice Nakiri in front of him, Liu Xingyao had a smile on her face and couldn't help teasing her, and said, "Second lady of the Nakiri family, what kind of wind blows you to our side of Pole Xingyao? Oh? Oh, did you come to see me specially!"

Sure enough, when Alice Nagai heard Liu Xingyao's words, her white cheek suddenly murmured again.

"You are still so narcissistic! I didn't come to see you!" Alice Nagiri's eyes fell on the fan fan in the hands of the people in Pole Xingliao and said: "I was attracted by this funny fan fan~"

Yoshino was naturally very happy to hear that Alice Nagiri praised her design of the fan, but temporarily forgot that she was not a member of Pole Stars, and said with a smirk: "Hey hey~~ I made a great fan!"

Naturally, Alice Nagiri is not really interested in Yoshino's fan, her real purpose in coming to Pakuxingliao is to detect the enemy!

Chuang Zhen has already reached the finals, and Alice believes that Liu Xingyao's entry into the finals is also a definite thing, so in the finals, she has a high chance to face one of the members of Ji Xing Liao.Therefore, Alice came here to detect the enemy's situation...Secondly, it was really to find Liu Xingyao!

Nageri Alice has repeatedly suffered losses in Liu Xingyao's hands since the beginning of her stay together. She was shocked by the dishes he made one after another. She was very curious how the strength of this man had reached the realm!A woman’s sixth sense tells Alice Liu Xingyao that there are many secrets in her body, and she is also very curious about the man who even her cousin Erina admires, what magical powers are there?

"By the way, the second lady of the Nagiri family, you just said about the confrontation between the people in Hong Kong? What's the matter?" Shuang Zhen asked when looking at Alice Nagiri.

"I hate, you are not allowed to call me the second lady of the Nageri family, just call me Miss Nageri or Alice!" Alice Nageri gagged and said unwillingly.

Liu Xingyao is funny again when he sees this, this Alice is always so cute!

"Ah, so respectable Alice-sama, what you don't want to say is that Kurokiba Ryo is also from Hong Kong, right?" Liu Xingyao looked at Alice with a smile.

"That's right, it's a pity that there is no reward!" Only then did Alice Naginki regain her normal color, walked to Liu Xingyao's side and looked at the cooking table in the distance: "That girl, maybe lose to Ryo~~ Ryo has already taken out For his best seafood dishes, he grew up with the ocean!"

Alice was about to continue to say something, but Mito Yumei, who was on the other side of Liu Xingyao, looked at the cooking counter and exclaimed.

"Oh!? That guy from Kurokiba brought out something again."

I saw crayfish and sweet shrimp on the plate on the cool counter in Kurokiba!Not only these two kinds of shrimps, but also the shells of other shrimps.

[Sweet shrimp] It is also called soft shrimp because it is soft and sweet. It is mainly produced near the Sea of ​​Japan and is regarded as a specialty in Hokuriku.Northeastern Japan, Hokkaido, and northern red shrimp have been used as sushi ingredients since ancient times.Freshness can be distinguished by the color of the tail and the elasticity of the meat.

"Should all of these... be used to cook the stock?"

Under everyone's doubts, Kurokiba raised the kitchen knife high, and then slammed all the lobster shells into pieces!

Seeing this scene, the audience on both sides of the auditorium were shocked.

"What, what's going on, shattered the lobster shells, what is he planning to do!?"

"Ryo...he, but he is called a [rabid dog] man!" Alice Nagiri said with a smile on her mouth.

Everyone in Jixingliao couldn't help but put their eyes on Alice.

"Rabid Dog!?" Yoshino said this word in surprise.

"When he was 10 years old, he was already the chef of a very famous seaside restaurant! He came to Yuanyue, in fact, the purpose is the same as mine, to set foot on the apex of this Yuanyue." said Alice Nagiri There were words that surprised everyone.

When Dago Aoki heard this, he was shocked, "What!? I was already a chef when I was 10 years old!? It's a lie!?"

Sakura Ryoko also said with a drop of sweat on her face, "He has started to sit on an equal footing with an adult at such a young age... No, not only on an equal footing! He has even stood at the location of this kitchen!"

"What, what. What are you doing to surprise him, we are going to cheer for Xiaohui!"

Yoshino listened to everyone complimenting the coolness of Kurokiba. He took a few steps forward with a big banner to cheer for Tian Suohui, and shouted at the walkway fence: "Xiaohui, I have the same experience of not losing to Kurokiba. She also helped out in the kitchen of her hometown."

Chapter 230 The Battle of Hong Kong Capital 2/2

Yoshino's specially made flag for Tian Suohui waved in the air, and said loudly to the cooking table: "Xiao Hui-you can't lose to the other side in momentum, we are all here with you!"

Here at the counter

Hearing Yoshino's loud voice of cheering, Tian Suohui couldn't help but stop her movements, and turned to look at the people in Jixingliao.

And Kurokichang Ryo also turned his head and glanced at the people in Jixingliao, and said, "What are those people doing!"

Tian Suohui's face was a little blush. She thought that Ryo Kurokiba asked her and couldn't help answering: "This...this, they are my friends in the same dormitory."

Kurokiba Ryo looked at the crowd of Ji Xing Liao who were constantly refueling in the audience with stunned eyes. He quickly gritted his teeth and said with hatred: "It's really an eye-catching guy...every time I see this intimate It’s going to make me sick."

Although Kurokiba didn't speak very loudly, but Tian Suohui who was opposite her could hear clearly.

Tian Suohui stared at Kurokiba Ryo, wondering why he said this.

"There are only two kinds of relationship between chefs! Kill or be killed, there is no other possibility!" Kurokiba Ryo said his understanding of the 397 ways of chefs.

"Yes...Is that so?" Tian Suohui whispered, "I don't think so..."

Upon hearing Tian Suohui's words, Kurokiba Ryo, who had turned his back to her, immediately turned around and stared at her suddenly.

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

After Kurokichang Ryo wears the flame headband, most people will feel scared when they see it, let alone Tian Suohui, who is already nervous...

Tian Suohui kept waving his hands in the air and explained: "Wow! No...then..."

"In fact, cooking itself depends on everyone's concerted efforts. This is very important!" Tian Suohui also expressed her views on chefs and cooking.

Kurokichang Ryo was still disdainful and contemptuous after listening to Tian Suohui's words, and said: "Huh, the kitchen is [battlefield], cooking is force, but the guys who grew up in the greenhouse will not understand! Cooking needs The... is the courage to make the opponent yield. People who don't understand this will only do something that is not on the table!"

Speaking of the end, Kurokichang’s eyes became extremely hideous, and he stared at Tian Suohui and the Jixingliao group behind her and said: “Listen to me clearly... the dishes you guys bring out are just like garbage. !"

After hearing Kurokiba Ryo's words, Tian Suohui, who was a little scared of him, turned aside for a moment, and a light blue aura suddenly rose from her.

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