The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 167

[Cheese] To put it plainly, it is cheese. The English is "cheese".The French call it "fromage", the Germans call it "kaese"$, and the Italians call it "formaggio".

Judge A picked up a piece of fried golden bread with curiosity, looked at it carefully in front of his eyes, and said, "That's it, it is coated with cream and baked slowly. I want the judge to Is the sense of taste liberated from the strong taste just now!?"

Judge A said to bite down a fried bread slice, and the moment he ate it, his mind couldn’t help but lifted.

"What! What's the situation at this time? The distinctive baking aroma, and the deliciousness that slowly oozes out, what is going on." Judge A secretly exclaimed in his heart, and then used chopsticks to hold the remaining half. The piece of cheese looked closely again.

"The cheese is actually... a faint pink color. Ah! I get it!!" The judge A couldn't help but yelled, "That's it... what this kid just crushed just now is after drying. Shrimp shell with double fragrance."

"Hearing the sighs of the judges, Kurokiba Ryo's face also evoked his very magical smile, and said: "Have you finally found it?"In this bowl of ramen, from the soup base to the just butter, there is a lot of shrimp shell powder."

The delicious essence of shrimp shells is actually composed of glycine, arginine, and proline. Among the fish and shellfish, the ingredients are crustaceans. If the crustacean powder rich in this ingredient is not sealed If you add it to the base soup, it will definitely produce an extremely strong flavor!

"Mmm, it's so delicious!"

The judges all made very cheerful voices, with expressions of excitement and happiness on their faces.

"Fried bread slices, even if they are completely immersed in the soup, it tastes too delicious!" This is the thought in the hearts of several judges. At this moment, every judge is greedily enjoying the feeling of eating.

And after Nageri Senzaemon ate this bowl of ramen, he was slightly surprised: That's it, has it become such a delicacy as violence!?For this man, letting people eat his food is just a fight against each other!That's it, let everyone succumb... Is this how you have survived so far!?

Here in Jixingliao

"Hate...Megumi slowed her a step, and the judges were behind him! Moreover, the atmosphere of the venue I am inexplicably nervous? Xiaohui, is she really okay!?" Yoshino looked worried. With Tian Suohui.

Liu Xingyao looked at the black wood field in the distance and was surprised a little bit in his heart. He secretly said: Yes, just now the guy's [water control] action, this person is not only noodles and hot water. , As well as everyone's happiness in Tiansuo at the venue, as well as all their interests, were completely cut off by Ryo Kurokiba, a violent fellow.

Chapter 232 Aizu Braised Dragon Bear Noodle 1/2

"Hei Muchang is a very scheming guy. If Chuang Zhen meets you, it may not be your opponent, but today your opponent is Tian Suohui..." Liu Xingyao's mouth evoked a smile.

Since ancient times, China has said that softness overcomes rigidity.Now Kurokiba Ryo is like a [Gang] who is constantly attacking, and Tian Suohui is a huge sponge that is so soft that [Gang] can't help but.Even if you are tyrannical, you can only surrender in the face of this feminine force.

At this moment, Tian Suohui finally picked up the ramen she made from the bottom of the soup. It was thin noodles that couldn't be thinner, like a dragon's beard, gorgeous and elegant noodles!

Polar Star

"Xiaohui, she... she is finally finished." Yoshino exclaimed.

At this moment, everyone can finally see the roughness of Tian Suohui's ramen. When she saw that the ramen she used was dragon-beard noodles, the arc of Liu Xingyao's mouth rose even more.

"Although Kurokiba’s cuisine is reviewed first, it’s the rich seafood broth ramen that has a deep impact on the taste. This is a big disadvantage for the later review of Tian. But if it’s the soup with dragon beard With the addition of Tian's unique cooking method, the difference between the two ramen noodles will be greater...The final voting stage is also a good thing!" Liu Xingyao secretly thought.

Here at the judging platform

Finally it was Tian Suohui's ramen's turn to be reviewed, and she sent the five bowls of ramen she made to the judges.

"Everyone, please take your time."

When several judges looked at the ramen in the bowl in front of them, their expressions immediately appeared incredible!

"This...this side...could it be." Judge A was surprised and couldn't even speak clearly.

Because Tian Suohui's noodles are like wrapped silk...No, even the wrapping silk does not have such a level of detail. This noodle is like an extremely delicate work of art!

"This...this face, shouldn't it be." Judge D seems to recognize what this face is.

Nagiri Senzaemon's eyes were also full of surprises. He looked down at the noodles in the bowl and said, "It can be done. This kind of thin silk-like noodles is the most famous and mysterious noodle in Chinese cuisine. -Dragon Beard Noodles!"

"Chinese cuisine, dragon...longxu noodles?"

"Hey, I have only heard of this kind of noodles, but I have never seen it! It seems to be a very powerful noodle!"

This is because there are only a handful of chefs who can make real dragon-beard noodles in mainland China. Although many students have only heard of this noodles, they have never seen or eaten it.

At this moment, even Kurokiba Ryo turned his curious eyes to the judging platform.

Listening to the doubts of most people present, Nakiri Senzaemon explained: "To make this kind of noodles that are as thin as a dragon's whiskers, you must first knead the noodles several times more than usual. , And then add extremely careful concentration, and extremely special high-level skills! The normal noodles are pulled to the limit after about ten times, and they can't be more detailed! But..."

"According to my superficial understanding of dragon beard noodles, general dragon beard noodles need to be pulled at least 20 times before they can be made. This is the only noodle that can only exist and legend!" Slow down.

"What...what. At least 20 times!? can this be done!"

Nagiri Senzaemon continued: "Because this noodle is too thin, if it is put in hot water, it will melt immediately, so it must be fried with low-temperature oil..."

Normally, the noodles are generally fine after 7 times, and 10 times for more detailed noodles!But the dragon's beard noodle... has to be pulled twenty times, which is simply impossible without special skill and care.

At this moment, everyone present paid respect to Tian Suohui, not why!They couldn't make it even with this dragon beard noodles.Not to mention pulling the dragon's beard noodles 20 times, even if it was pulled more than ten times, not many people in the room did it.

"Chinese cuisine...difficult, could it be that the master will command him!"

Many students of the Culinary Research Society have realized something.

Polar Star

"Dragon... Longxu noodles! And it's still Chinese cuisine..."

Everyone in Jixingliao immediately turned their eyes to Liu Xingyao.

"Hey? Is it Xing Yaojun you..."

Liu Xingyao continued to set his eyes on the cooking table and smiled: "Hehe, I just taught the techniques of pulling the dragon beard noodles. The dragon beard noodles are really valuable, but after a whole night of kneading, she uses them more carefully than ordinary people. The mentality of the times was pulled out..."

"Yes... Tansuo pulled it out by herself? This thin, thread-like surface?"

Everyone in Jixingliao also recovered after a long pause, exclaiming: "'s amazing, Xiaohui, come on!"

"It's not just the noodles, the surprise is still behind!" Liu Xingyao smiled.

In fact, when Tian Suohui pulled out the face of the dragon's beard, Liu Xingyao was not much surprised.Tian Suohui has the patience and carefulness that ordinary people can't compare, and it is only a matter of time to pull out the dragon's whiskers...

After several judges were surprised at Mian for a while, they began to look at the whole of Mian.

"Yeen... this kind of thin dragon beard noodles is the first time I have seen it. And the soup is so elegant, it's really good, and the combination is very beautiful. But..."

The judge A did not say it, but secretly sighed in his heart: After tasting the rich seafood ramen just now, such an elegant ramen is indeed a bit lacking in shock, so the impression is too weak...It is a pity that this dragon mustard The noodles are pulled so thin.

"Kurokiba's cold's amazing!"

"Although Tiansuo Hui made Ryusu noodles, the contrast between the two ramen is too much, and I still reviewed Kurokiba Ryo's ramen first..."

Many members of the Food Research Association began to worry about Tian Suohui.

"Try it!"

Nageri Senzaemon said that he took the lead in holding up the bowl of ramen and drank the soup.

The same was true for the other four judges one after another. At the moment they drank the soup, their pupils dilated again!Enduring the shock in his heart, the five judges put the dragon beard noodles into their mouths again.

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