The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 174

"Too...too delicious! The delicate and raging texture... the proper benefit of the chicken stew is the soft texture!"

Judge A put a piece of chicken in his mouth, closed his eyes and tasted it carefully.

Here comes this stamina!After swallowing it...this mellow and thick taste is pouring out!

"And this fried and delicious messy pork belly, which is so delicious after being marinated with mixed spices!"

Judge B put more than half of the pork belly on his mouth, closed his eyes and sniffed, and said: "This spice is added with char siu sauce, but it matches this pork belly so well that I can't bear to eat him. Go on because after eating it, I will never be able to enjoy it again...but I can’t refuse it!"

After some entanglement, the judge B still ate the remaining pork belly in one bite, so intoxicated.

Not only the other four judges, but even Nakiri Senzaemon was intoxicated by the deliciousness of this rice bowl.

"Not only the properly prepared local chicken and the marinated and deep-fried pork belly that makes people reluctant to eat...but these side dishes are also perfectly matched with this rice bowl. The aroma of fried chicken is overflowing Corn and lettuce with a little bit of sweetness... and the shredded ginger, no matter which side dish is so suitable with rice, chicken and steak! What makes people feel that the magic is the fried egg, although it is just ordinary It's just a fried egg, but when placed on this rice bowl, it has become the supreme delicacy!" Naginari Senzaemon exclaimed in his heart.

Before he knew it, Nakiri Senzaemon took off his clothes again, and saw that he lifted his head slightly and closed his eyes, carefully reminiscing about the deliciousness of the rice bowl.

"Huh..." The five judges lay down on the chairs and drank tea leisurely after eating the sad ecstasy meal made by Liu Xingyao!

Seeing this scene, it caused countless exclamations.

"Look at the expressions of the judges, you are actually intoxicated like that... incredible..." Sakura Ryoko exclaimed.

Yoshino also asked with surprise: "Those old men are all famous Japanese gourmets. After eating rice bowls made by Xing Yaojun, they became intoxicated like this?"

At the counter

Seeing this judge's intoxicated and laid-back expression, Scarlett's expression was also very surprised.

"How is it possible, what's going on! Why do you sprinkle the very aromatic spices at the end, while still maintaining the aroma of chicken and other side dishes?" Feisha was puzzled.

Perhaps Liu Xingyao noticed Feisha's expression and guessed the doubt in her heart, and then deliberately said to the five judges.

"Oh, look I'm confused... I almost forgot to give my rice bowl a name, let me think about it! Call it [Desolate Ecstasy Rice]..."

"Sadly... ecstasy rice?"

After hearing the name, everyone in the audience was stunned for a while.

"Essential ecstasy rice? The name of this rice bowl is indeed quite similar. Before eating it, the judges just smelled the fragrance of the rice bowl, but after eating it, the body and mind were greatly relaxed. [ Ecstasy] The two words are indeed very appropriate..." said a guest at the VIP table...

Nagiri Senzaemon also drank a few sips of tea and then put down the teacup, looked at Liu Xingyao in front of him, and said, "Desperately ecstasy rice, very suitable for the name of this rice bowl. Student Hoshiyao, I have a doubt, old man You sprinkled spices on the rice bowl at the end, right?"


"Why did you choose to sprinkle the spices on the finished rice bowl at the end? And after sprinkling the spices, the scent permeates the entire venue! I think... Ordinary spices do not have such an absolute strong scent anyway Isn’t it the power of this?" Nakiri Senzaemon said.

Nagiri Senzaemon's doubts were those of Hishasa, and it was also the doubts of most people present.

After hearing this, Liu Xingyao conjured his right hand and appeared in front of everyone with the spice bottle sprinkled on the rice bowl.

"The answer to all the questions can be attributed to one point...because my special blend of spices is only for this rice bowl, it can also be said to be the ingredients used in the rice bowl, and it is the most suitable spice for them!" Liu Xingyao Shen Said with his right hand.

"Only... the spices belonging to these ingredients?"

"Hey? What does this mean?"

Almost everyone said that they didn't understand what Liu Xingyao meant.

Liu Xingyao smiled and continued to explain 0.3: "The main ingredients used in this rice bowl are chicken, pork belly; side dishes, lettuce, corn, ginger, etc. For these ingredients, I have found the most suitable among thousands of spices The mixed spice of these ingredients is the spice that can maximize their taste and fragrance, and make it into a mixed spice."


When I heard this, Ye Shanliang and others who were familiar with spices had already realized something.

"In other words, these mixed spices in my hand are most suitable for mixing chicken, pork belly, lettuce, corn, shredded ginger, or a combination of ingredients. ." Liu Xingyao explained further.

Chapter 241, Be My Girlfriend

After listening to Liu Xingyao's words, Nagiri Senzaemon's eyes flashed astonishment again, and said, "What do you mean... You found the most suitable spice for these ingredients from thousands of spices? That's why. , The rice bowl just now emits such an alluring fragrance?"

"What you said is correct. This is the spice blend I specially developed-I call it [Ecstasy Spice]!" Liu Xingyao said and held the bottle of Ecstasy Spice in his hands high.

Find the most suitable spices for chicken, pork belly, lettuce, corn, and ginger among thousands of spices, and combine these spices in a proportion that must not be missed to complete the mixed spices!Think about it carefully, no matter which step it is, it is almost impossible to complete with human power.

However, Liu Xingyao did it... Although I don't know how much time it took, to make this kind of spice, this alone proves that he is a spice genius!

Both Hayama Ryo and Shiomi Jun, who are also spice experts, and the others in the room know how difficult it is to find the most suitable spice for only one ingredient among thousands of spices!At least in the spice world, there are only a few dozen types of 067 combinations between certain spices and certain ingredients, and it is the result of those spice experts who have spent countless efforts and time researching...

However, in front of everyone, Liu Xingyao is just a student, what a huge potential this is.

Nagiri Senzaemon couldn't help closing his eyes again, and muttered: "It seems that the best jade of this year has appeared and determined. Jinjin, you really have accepted a disciple with abnormal talent!"

Before Nakiri Senzaemon could speak, Judge A stood up and said loudly, "The outcome of this duel has been announced!"

The body of Scarlett who heard this was trembling and shaking slightly.

"I don't want to admit... But in fact, when I smell the fragrance of his cooking, the inner appetite has forced myself to be naked and naked... I know I lost too!" Scary sands burst into tears from his eyes. It seeps out bit by bit.

Nagiri Senzaemon also wrote Liu Xingyao's name shirtlessly on a piece of white paper.

"The winner of the fourth game is Liu Xingyao!"

The moment the victory was announced, thunderous applause and exclamation erupted from the audience.

"Sure enough, Xinhu Feisha has lost. It is not Liu Xingyao's opponent at all!"

"It's really amazing. He actually beat Erina's secretary to perfection. Liu Xingyao has successfully made it into the candidate for the finals."

Scarlett wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, like a wounded bird, clutching his wound, slowly leaving the cooking hall.


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Liu Xingyao hurriedly chased the Scarlet Sand ahead.

But when Feisha knew that Liu Xingyao was chasing her, the pace under her feet accelerated, and in the end she ran directly.

"This silly girl."

Liu Xingyao couldn't help but shook his head secretly in his heart, and then quickly ran to stand in front of Feisha.

Feisha raised his head and glanced at Liu Xingyao, who was in front of her, and said in a cold tone: "Please get out of the way!"

"I do not!"

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